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02-07-2003, 12:05 PM
what do you xc guys do to keep yourself going during a 2 hr race to keep yourself motivated? i myself sometimes yell to the people watching or (don't laugh)sing a little. especially if i'm by myself. one of my favorite parts is catching a guy from a faster class and yelling at him to MOVE. i run a stock pipe so i can sneak up on them:macho it really pumps me up !

02-07-2003, 05:58 PM
well at my last race i mostly thought about how i could solve world hunger lol but really i talk to myself about racing. its weird i ask myself what moves to make, how much time can i make up if i hold that throtle a little more open.

02-08-2003, 07:39 AM
I think to myself,,what the he11 am I doing...i need to be on a MX track..then the race will be over in 10 minutes instead of 2 hours...lmfao

02-08-2003, 07:52 AM
what i try to do is look for the next guy on the track. It works real well when u see someone pretty far up ahead, just keep thinkin to yourself that u gotta catch em!! It works for me cuase im the super competetive type that WILL NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT. Either that or i sing the Linkin Park song.

Forfit the game, before somebody else takes u out of the frame.
And puts your name to shame cover up youur face you cant run the race, the pace is to fast you just wont last!

Those words get me fired up b4 and during every race.

02-08-2003, 07:54 AM
I'm constantly yelling at spectators or other racers. Hootin and hollerin and even yelling at myself. I talk myself thru tough sections. "smooth is fast." It keeps me going. I also keep telling myself catch that person in front of you. I love yelling and giving a thumbs up to the young kids that are all over the course. When they see you coming thru the next time, they are yelling and giving you the thumbs up which helps motivate me. I also sing songs in my head.....maybe I need to see a shrink? I may have some underlying issues that need addressed...hmm.


02-08-2003, 08:58 AM
I talk to myself about what moves to make also. I also try to stay calm and completely relaxed so if I hit anything, it wont hurt as bad. Funny thing is, I haven't hit a tree all year:chinese:

I also try to figure out exactly where I am in the pack and how much harder I can go to pass the next guy w/o killing myself.:devious:

02-08-2003, 09:03 AM
Will I have time to do that on the mx track ;) :p .

Extremeracer............. Heuvos 3 :D .

When im just trail riding or alone on the trails ect, I start singing some heavy metal songs or just start cussing my head head. I try to think about how fast I can make it to through the next turn.....:o

02-08-2003, 09:06 AM
yup that one had the best music in my mind

02-08-2003, 12:51 PM
I do what Extremeracer does....focus on the next guy to pass. Or if I'm by myself I'm thinking gas hard and brake late!

02-08-2003, 09:23 PM
Well when I used to race my piece of crap suzuki I was doing one of 2 things either cusing it out on how much of a piece of @#%$ it was or wandering when it was going to break down. The odds where 1 out of 7 races it broke so I had go reason to feel this way. Now that I've moved to a better quad spend my time looking for the next guy to catch and then pass or just keep telling myself just one more lap, the race is all most over and over things to keep me calm and smooth on the track. Hollaring a spectators helps me to get an added burst of engery.

Hey Chavez I also thought you ran so fast around the track in fear of that green blaster:D

02-08-2003, 09:50 PM
I think talking out loud wastes energy and lord knows you need it.

I race with a camelback so i can drink while riding, I swear it helps keep me calm. otherwise all i think about is getting some hydration. I usually keep focused on the track in front of me, and yeah usually songs are playing in my head, but i dont sing to myself. I guess you could say I have a jukebox in my headLOL :D

I dunno what it is but I am very calm when I race I dont try to hard and I always try to fasten my pace without burning more energy.
In a xc race I would say there are definately areas where you can relax a bit till you build up some energy that you lost from charging hard and get back on it.

I dunno I havent raced to many xc races but my regular riding is just as strenuous as a xc race so I figure I sort of have alot of experience. Only difference is when I ride with my friends I have about 20 pounds of tools on my back(no one else will bring them). I'm usually the one fixin there bikes with my tools too,go figure.:rolleyes:

I think a very help ful trick would be to bring a couple extra plugs and a spark plug wrench with you when your racing. it could make the difference between finishing and dnf.


02-10-2003, 07:19 AM

Then when I finish the race I say....THAT WAS FUN!!!! TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR

02-10-2003, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by 12gofast

Then when I finish the race I say....THAT WAS FUN!!!! TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR

very similiar to me:p

at the penton....i kept saying to myself......wtf...i cant see...wtf...i cant see..oh chit i hit something....

at the rausch race....it was.....almost over..its almost over:devil

02-10-2003, 08:07 AM
i just try to keep it fun, i've also sung the lp song, too. but for me, as long as i can keep it fun, my pace quickens,and i don't get arm pump as bad. if i can see someone ahead of me, i focus on that rider. after i pass them, i give them a yell, like thanks or if they're in my class i try to encourage them to try and keep up. then its onto the next rider. anything to keep calm and have fun.

02-10-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by lt250r91

Hey Chavez I also thought you ran so fast around the track in fear of that green blaster:D [/B]

you keep bringing that green blaster up next time i lap you at a race im going to put you and that gasgas in a tree!!!!!!

02-12-2003, 04:23 PM
You guys do know that the spectators can hear you loud and clear when you can barely hear yourself talk or sing while riding right? LOL

I don't ever have any songs in my head or think about anything else but my race. I don't know if XC just lets you think a little more than MX or what, but I always stay focused on the race. When I'm coming up to a corner, I try to force myself to stay on the throttle long and brake late. Sometimes I catch myself counting down to which gear I'm in when in a corner and coming up to a "new" jump that I haven't done before or am just starting to do, so I help keep myself from accidently being in to high or low a gear so I don't over or under jump it. Otherwise I don't care what gear I'm in if I"m used to a jump cause I can feel what speed I need to be at. I never think about the guy ahead of me until I'm right behind him, and I always have to tell myself to ride smart.

I dunno... I guess I could have saved a lot of space by just simply saying, "My thoughts during a race depend on the situation I'm in, but mostly it's just 'Ride smart, ride smart, ride smart, ride smart'"