View Full Version : Shipping a truck

09-28-2010, 07:53 PM
Well i cant find a f150 anywhere in the body style i want with all the options and 4x4 with low miles and my truck is messed up again so i gotta get a new truck fast. But i came across one in cali that looked pretty good. And i have 15,000 to spend and thats how much it is. What do yall think about me having it shipped its a dealer and they said they would do it but ill never get to see the truck

09-28-2010, 08:11 PM
I know someone that can look at it but its 1600 miles away from me. But i was told if i went to a big dealer they would buy the truck and ship it here for me and then i just buy it from them.

09-28-2010, 08:21 PM

Make the dang trip, there is no way to be sure its good unless you personally see it. I have had dealers tell me the stuffs fine, and I drive there and they utterly lied to try and make a deal.

Try and see if you can find someone who has a dealers license. They buy it for oyu and you then buy it from them.

09-28-2010, 09:47 PM
I bought my last truck off eBay. I bought a one way plane ticket flew there and drove it back. It was a dealer that had it on there lot. He picked me up at the airport and drove me 45 mins to his lot. He had a agreement before I bought it if I thought he miss led me on it he would by my ticket home. It was A good experience for me! But beware and do your homework on the truck. I save about 5000 by buying this truck from a different region.

09-28-2010, 10:09 PM
if you like making roadtrips then the best bet is go to a local air port and get a rental car and drive it there and get your truck and drop the rental car off at another rental place where the truck is

i done this when i bought my truck i went to budget rent a car and go a car drove it to michigan, got my truck, dropped the car off at a local budget rental in michigan and headed home. sometimes seeing things with your own 2 eyes is worth it imo

just recently i been looking for another truck and found one 5 hours south of me in north carolina. i called the guy and he was like oh the truck only has a few minor blemishes and pings. and he was like the truck still runs good. so i was thinking this is going to be a definate buy. i drove down there. and saw the truck the front bumper was bent look like he hit a tree, the rockers had rust holes in them large enough to fit a prostetic leg in. then he told me he had been using it as a work truck hauling gravel and fire wood. it was a 2000 model truck and it looked like somebody took a sledge hammer to it and beat it all to hell. it was a trip waisted because the truck i looked at wasnt the truck the guy described to me on the phone. the only thing that had any value on the truck was the passenger frontseat and the backseat. the drivers seat was ripped all to hell. the back glass had been broke out and had been caulked back in, the moron took and bent the drivers door arround one of them poles at a gas station. i wouldnt even make the guy an offer on the truck. i just shook my head in discust and drove back home. lesson learned. dont always take peoples word on stuff because if they want to get rid of it bad enough they will tell you anything you want to hear.

01 400EXer
09-29-2010, 01:01 PM
Make the trip.

A buddy of mine was looking for a Ford Excursion 7.3L Diesel with low miles, around $120,000. He found one in Michigan that dealer said was in excellent condition and no rust. He put a $2,000 Deposite on it and flew there and was going to drive it home. Guess what he got there and the thing was in maybe good condition, dings, rust (frame and inside of doors). He was very dissappointed and luckily the dealer did refund his money and the only thing he was out were plane tickes and a wasted day, but it was worth it for him to check it out. This all happened about 2 months ago.

09-29-2010, 04:52 PM
Well the only problem is that my mom said the plane ticket their would be about 600 bucks and i talked to the dealer today and they said they would buy it and have it shipped here and only raise the price like 500 bucks