View Full Version : rear brake queston

09-18-2010, 12:05 PM
so i am working on the rear pads today and the caliper seamed to be working great but when i go to put the caliper back on the rotor i can't get it on all the way it goes like 80% on but then has a lot of resistence. after a long time i realized that it was not the caliper but more of the inner brake pad older/caliper mount has 2 little nubs on each side of the brake pad and one of them is rubbing hard( the one on the side that wont go in is all shinny) on my rotor and casueing it not to want to go on.

now i tryed to put c clamp on this thing to see if it will move with no luck so idk what to do i think it can move b/c the brake change indicator is on that plate but it does not want to buge is there something special i need to do to move it?

also as a side note my friend has a extra parking brake block off plate and he says that it doesn't hold back brakefluid and i should be able to remove the parking brake and put on this plate without bleading after just want some confirmation about that

09-18-2010, 12:09 PM
as far as the brake block off, your friend is correct. there is no fluid behind there and you wont have to bleed the breaks.

09-18-2010, 12:20 PM
cool thanks i will deff remove it then

but right now i am thinking that maybe the other plate might be bent and trashed if it can't be agjusted

09-18-2010, 03:08 PM
we'll figure it out tomorrow. Ill bring the block off plate if I can find it.

09-18-2010, 03:45 PM
well u better find it but i still want to know if people have had this problem before and what they did about it

09-18-2010, 06:57 PM
try loosening the bolt on the parking brake thing on the caliper its the piece that the block off plate is replacing, when that is loosened you will be able to push the cylinder further back into the caliper with your c clamp

09-18-2010, 07:05 PM
if ur talking about that pin that sticks out after removeing the block off plate then no problem but my rotor fits in the pads but this other plat rubbes it hard

09-18-2010, 07:05 PM
if ur talking about that pin that sticks out after removeing the block off plate then no problem but my rotor fits in the pads but this other plat rubbes it hard

09-18-2010, 07:05 PM
if ur talking about that pin that sticks out after removeing the block off plate then no problem but my rotor fits in the pads but this other mounting plate it rubbes on it hard for some reason

but there seams to be 2 allen head bolts holding it on that seam to be called pin slides so it makes me feel that it can be adjusted some how

09-19-2010, 05:47 PM
not sure what you mean, sorry i couldnt help

09-19-2010, 05:58 PM
Where the rotor was mounting, the actual hub it mounts to I should say has a nub that was rubbing on it.

Im not sure exactly wtf was going on since we just got the thing up and running and let it go for now.

Dang valve cover again is causing an issue. he bought it used, all of the bolts were either stripped out or helicoiled and I tapped it from 6mm to 7mm but they just didnt hold, its leaking oil..

I can tap it more, 8mm imho is to big, 5/16 is close....freaking thing Im at a loss really other than to perhaps purchase steel inserts or tap it larger. But once you go to 8mm its making the holes really thin imho. A new cyl is out of the Q.

BIG Q here: Could you just use RTV instead of the metal gasket on the valve cover b/c this stupid thing is becoming such an issue? IE to insure that should it come loose after I fix it it wont leak at least?