View Full Version : I need som suggestions, Special effects and Haunted houses

09-15-2010, 09:05 PM
Alright guys,
I need some help.

I need to get in touch with,...
and talk to,...

Anyone who has some experience with Special effects, Pyrotechnics, Props, Animation, Robotics, Animatronics, Pnuematics, etc.

I'm going to help a buddy do a Haunted House for his annual Halloween party.
Each year, the crowd expects the Spook house to "Out-do" last years Spook house.

This year, he wants to go Nuckin' Futs !, on it, and just take it completely "Over the Top" .

We have a few ideas, and need some suggestions.

We know what we want to accomplish, and need to talk to some pro's on HOW to accomplish it.

any experienced "Freak Show Hosts", or anyone with some professional/personal experience in going "All-Out" on the Haunted house trip.

we're talking automatic sensors, visual projections, lasers, flash/bangs, robotics, soundtracks, robotics, you name it.

So if anyone here,....
or if you know someone who,...

...has any REAL experience, then please let me know.

(we're not talking about Dry ice, and strobe lights, and bedsheet ghosts in the trees here)

I'd love to talk to you/them.

09-16-2010, 06:37 AM
Build a tunnel, small enough that the person has to crawl on their stomach. The floor will be made of thick plexiglass, and will be pitch black at first. Beneath the tunnel will be someone dressed up. When they are half way through, strobe lights, smoke, and some kind of noise comes on. And there they are laying face to face with someone going to scare the chit out of them.:devil:

We've never tried it, but have discussed it many times. We just never had the time to build it.

09-16-2010, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Scro
Build a tunnel, small enough that the person has to crawl on their stomach. The floor will be made of thick plexiglass, and will be pitch black at first. Beneath the tunnel will be someone dressed up. When they are half way through, strobe lights, smoke, and some kind of noise comes on. And there they are laying face to face with someone going to scare the chit out of them.:devil:

We've never tried it, but have discussed it many times. We just never had the time to build it.

:devil: :devil:that would def have some people crying by the end of it. :devil: :devil: subscribed, steve

09-16-2010, 11:23 AM
We also set up a "blacklight" room. It's not very high tech, but it has a great effect if you can pull it off. The room must be completely black except for the blacklights. The walls also need to be flat black. The person working the room needs to be dressed in solid black, with no kind of lint or fuzz sticking to the clothing. By doing this, his body won't be seen under the blacklight. He will, however, be wearing a mask that is easily picked up by the blacklight. All throughout the room, there will be mask just like the one he has on, hanging from the ceiling, on the walls, and on the roof of the room. We used cheap plastic white masks that we found on ebay, and painted them florescent colors. I worked this room last year. You don't even have to make any noises, just walk up to someone not expecting it, and put your face close enough to their's, so that they can see the whites of your eyes LOL. They went nuts. Experiment with the amount of blacklights. If you use too many, you will be able to see the form of the person working the room. We only used two smalls ones.

There's alot of things that you can do to play on the fear of claustrophobia. My favorite is to have two huge pieces of cloth material hanging on both sides of a hallway, and blow these up somehow with air, having the people walk through the two pieces of cloth. This will give them the feeling of being enclosed really tight. It's nothing to most people. But to the few that are claustrophobic, it's an awful feeling.

Sorry, long post.:p

09-16-2010, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex2003
:devil: :devil:that would def have some people crying by the end of it. :devil: :devil: subscribed, steve

you should do that

09-16-2010, 12:56 PM
I think if I did build a tunnel like that, I would put something soft on the roof. The first place they would want to go is up. LMAO

09-16-2010, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by 250ex_dan
you should do that

They could have you shaving your pits

09-16-2010, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by 3400ben
They could have you shaving your pits

i thought we were done with this SHAVING discustion and thread.?
thats why i deleted it!@
can't you just move on.?

09-16-2010, 02:23 PM
casket with a live person in it to pop out is always good after a cool horror story from another crazy teller of how they died. We did that along with some other stuff one year on a haunted woods walk through. We had our full mount black bear out there on a corner, chain saw guy, me in the casket, witch making a brew for afterward, and some other things. ours was for some of my sisters friends though when they were 10 lol doesnt take much to scare them when walking through the woods at 10pm. steve

09-16-2010, 02:40 PM
LOL At that age, all you have to do is tell them something in the woods is going to get them. Leave the rest up to their imagination.:p