View Full Version : pvl - pros and cons?????

09-04-2010, 01:07 PM
so let me know what you guys think about the pvl whats the good and bad???/thanks

09-05-2010, 05:20 PM
works great, needed for motors over 12k rpm really.

costs a lot.

if you have a motor turning less than 12k rpms, don't waste your money. get a mid grade ignition like the koso, or stick with stock.


09-07-2010, 08:14 AM
I have to disagree, when we put it on our bikes we got better throttle response, quicker revs, easier tuning. Stock ingnition is crap and was a constant issue, the max rpm adjustable deal is crap and the little rheostat always breaks.. All pros no cons as far as I am concerned, other than cost with the pvl

09-07-2010, 02:52 PM
you might be right quad59, I've never actually put a pvl on a less than 12k rpm bike. I have a mildly mod'd 70 we've run for a year with the koso on it, still works great no issues. yes, its a cheapy, but for $100(or so), it has held up well and given us a bit more rev. its also easier to trouble shoot since the CDI and coil are one unit.

I've also run the stock ignition on our smaller bikes for over a year, no major issues. maybe I just got lucky. if money was no object, I'd go PVL all the way. I guess I'm just a cheapskate like that!


09-07-2010, 07:21 PM
I have a max rpm unit i ran for a while and it was great but the pvl i run now is so much better.Wanna buy a max rpm ignition? lol

09-08-2010, 12:12 PM
I'll throw in my 2 cents..

Really some of the Pro would be Cons and vice versa depending upon the motor set up and your needs.

Type: Inner Rotor Ignition (Parts are made by the manufacturer PVL in Germany)

Lightweight rotor
Mutliple Ignition Curves (S6)
Race based curves
Stronger Spark (in most cases)
Adjustable Timing
Digital Signal (newer versions)
No rev limiter or rev limiter (S6--Helps save engine at times)
No light output (on most IRI)

So with some of the features you will see a benefit or a con:

Ex) Lightweight rotor can rev quicker, but may cause a loss of torque...S6 makes a heavier flywheel attachment just for this reason.

Ex) Digital vs analogue...new school vs old school....we get opinions from both sides of the fence here.

I think "EA" was real close with his general guideline....We recomend them for engines once they get close to 12K as that is where the stockers seem to lose their reliablity (from our experiences)

So I think determing the Pros and Cons will really be up to you as the user.

Hope this helps

09-08-2010, 12:13 PM
The MAX RPM/ KOSO style can work good....just make sure it is a quality stator

They don't always play well with the DRR stators for some reason

We generally try to package them with the Apex stator

09-08-2010, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by bulldogfallon
The MAX RPM/ KOSO style can work good....just make sure it is a quality stator

They don't always play well with the DRR stators for some reason

We generally try to package them with the Apex stator

Ran mine with an e-ton stator and it worked great