View Full Version : I broke my leg!!

09-02-2010, 08:38 AM
Well havent been on here lately, its because saturday the 28th i broke my femer

Its a long story but it pretty much goes a rzr pulled out in front me me when i was on my crf450 and we were both going to fast, he didnt stop at the blind corner he pulled out in front of me and i hit my breaks, thats really the last thing i remember

Other than waking up with a bunch of ppl around me and i got a nice lil helicopter ride to the local hospital

Ya i dont remember any of it and never did c the rzr after i hit it, from what i understand its pretty much totaled

My bike is fixable altho there is a small crack in the frame

ill post some x-rays and some pics of my bike but i dont have pics of the rzr

Ill try and get some better pics of the bike and x-rays b4 the rod was in my leg but ill c what i can do

Well i guess im out of riding for a while so i can heal, at least done on a bike till nxt season not sure about a quad yet cause i still got my 400ex

i just figured i would post this to c what u say and to say i totaled a rzr with a bike because i dont know how many ppl can say they did that

09-02-2010, 08:40 AM
not sayin whos fault it was because we were both going fast but just the point that everyone stops at that blind corner but he didnt and i was on a stright trail with not anyone around except me until he pulled out

09-02-2010, 08:41 AM
ill get better pics later

09-02-2010, 08:42 AM
one more
o and guy in the rzr was fine, he was more worried about his precious rzr than he was me

09-02-2010, 08:48 AM
same thing happened to my buddy but besides breaking his femur he also broke his arm and hand to... it was a blind turn and they hit head on he was on a quad and other dude was on a bike.. the other guy was fine and he just got back on his bike and hauled *** and disappeared never to been seen again leaving my friend there.. my friends had to call 911 and he got airlifted to the hospital.

09-02-2010, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by slainwarrior
same thing happened to my buddy but besides breaking his femur he also broke his arm and hand to... it was a blind turn and they hit head on he was on a quad and other dude was on a bike.. the other guy was fine and he just got back on his bike and hauled *** and disappeared never to been seen again leaving my friend there.. my friends had to call 911 and he got airlifted to the hospital.
Man sry to hear that, that really sux
I was only like 150yrds from camp so everyone heard me wreck

09-02-2010, 09:31 AM
thanks lol he's alright now still rides and everything i call him bionic man cause he has all kinds of metal rods in his leg and arm

09-02-2010, 10:07 AM
screw that dudes razr, if he pulled out onto your trail with out stopping thats the same as someone running a stop sign and getting creamed. I wouldnt worry about his razr thats his problem. :ermm:

09-02-2010, 10:39 AM
^^^ yeah i agree. screw that rzr. id make that the least of his worries when i seen him.

09-02-2010, 10:54 AM
holy cow man. i'm glad you made it out alive. your bike looks pretty nasty. T-boning stuff never ends up good. hope you have a speedy recovery!

MX MaNiAc 06
09-02-2010, 12:16 PM
Ah man, crappy situation. Sorry to hear about your accident. I have a rod in my femur too. You'll be gimping around in 6 weeks. Don't rush it. You will be on your feet before you know it.

09-02-2010, 02:12 PM
Sucks about you and the bike man, the rzr guy needs to get told-your stuff is never as precious as a persons life.

09-02-2010, 02:23 PM
Wow thats no fun.

Back in 2002 my brother and I ran head on into each other on dirt bikes in a blind curve. He had a huge gash on his forehead and a fractured arm. I on the other hand had a broken femur, shattered my nose and my upper jaw was cracked off my skull. With helmets. Had 2 surgeries, one to put a rod and 3 screws in my leg and another to put plates in my face/reconstruct my nose. I also have a small bone chip lodged behind my knee that only allows for about 85% flexibilty.

09-02-2010, 06:12 PM
sorry to hear about your misfortune. i went through a similar ordeal may 1st. had a compund fracture and got a nice rod inside my left tibia with 4 screws. but now im back walking again. good luck with the healing process it can be a long haul

09-02-2010, 06:41 PM
srry to hear that...this coming weekend is going to be my first race back since i broke my leg in april

Tommy Warren
09-02-2010, 07:31 PM
man you people are fallin apart! I broke both wrists doing a wheelie while standing on the seat...my feet slipped off and i landed on the pavement with both hands..don't ever rush a recovery or you'll pay for it down the road....listen to the doctor

09-02-2010, 08:13 PM
Man that really sucks, screw the guy on the razr tho. Glad to hear your doing alrite

09-03-2010, 03:06 PM
well one of the ppl there asked him if he had full coverage, and he said yes

So they said well dont worry about it its all replaceable

Im feeling pretty good today moving around (on crutches of course) im not tryin to speed things up but they told me my leg is weight bearing so i could put all my weight on the leg as long as i dont experience any pain

I think im really lucky because it was a nice straight break on the bone it was not a jagged or rough break so im thinking i hit his roll cage but dont remember anything cause of the grade 3 concussion and i was knocked out cold for like 10mins mayb a lil more mayb a lil less but anyway

I didnt have coverage on the bike seeing as i just got it not to long ago so im just gona part it out, my buddys dad bought a parts bike for his 05 crf250 and his dad wants the rear wheel and the motor for that frame lol
Just cause ive got the black excell rear and he said he wonts to c if the motor will fit if not im sure he will make it fit cause he owns an auto shop and works on all the bikes they get constantly through good deals

Thanks for the support guys