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08-31-2010, 12:38 PM
Hello Folks,

I am not sure if this the best place to post this, but if there is a more appropriate area, please feel free to offer your suggestions.

Well, it is close to that time of year again that many of you will be handing in your requests for sponsorship to your favourite companies.

I work for a company in the ATV industry (which I will not mention) and have started to receive requests from many racers looking for some help for the 2011 season.

The reason for this post is to remind your riders out there that there are many criteria that companies look for when deciding on who they are willing to help...some companies take it less seriously than others...but some companies are very clear and are may even be what you would consider demanding.

Being the one who takes care of the sponsorship program within my company, there is one factor that is of the utmost importance to me when I look at a resume...even more important than results or where you race whether it is at the Nationals or District level...


That’s right folks...spelling. When I receive an e-mail that looks something like this:

hey my name is XXXX XXXXX and i race quads in the XXXX race series and i was wondering what i wul have to do to get a sponsorship with...

(...the applicant goes on to spell the name of the company wrong as well).

Unfortunately for the rider looking for sponsorship who sends in such a request, I have to consider that this rider will also be out there representing our brand/ company/ product, and if they are not capable of presenting themselves in a professional manner in an e-mail, I have to consider whether or not this rider can do so at the track. This may sound harsh, and as much as I would love to help all applicants, I do have to pick and choose and a badly formulated e-mail cannot help your case.

I also understand that the applicant may be quite young and that spelling may be difficult, but at the very least, get help from a parent or older sibling to help you formulate your request.

So, if you young ( or not so young) riders out there are considering applying for sponsorship, please make sure that at a minimum, you are able to spell correctly to allow yourself the best chance possible at impressing a potential sponsor.

This post is only intended to try and help the ATV community.

Kindest regards,


09-02-2010, 06:09 PM
Excellent advice!! In these days of spell check, you'd think spelling would be getting better, but sadly, that's just not true!

09-02-2010, 06:48 PM
Texting is the curse of spelling/grammar. My friends can't stand it when I text in full sentences.

09-08-2010, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Guy400
Texting is the curse of spelling/grammar. My friends can't stand it when I text in full sentences.

There is something important that technology provides which is growth and evolution, but when it does the opposite, its bad news. This technology has made us lazy and complacent, and yet it is so widely accepted to communicate this way that people seem to think it is OK to present yourself in this manner to a potential sponsor.