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View Full Version : Can I go the distance

08-29-2010, 09:17 AM
I have a 400ex ,250ex and a 360 prairie (yea yea it's not a Honda I know) . but my question is . Do you guys think all these bikes can go 35 to 40 miles without a fill up. I'm going on a poker run up at Jones Creek,Washington . I want to know if I need to send a tank of gas to the half way mark with the gas truck. I'ts less hassle if I don' have to.

wolfe 21
08-29-2010, 09:24 AM
my 400ex has no problem going 40 miles on a tank, but it's all stock and I wasn't really getting on it hard either (1/2 throttle in 3rd/4th).


08-29-2010, 09:36 AM
The 400ex will make it no problem. And if I had to guess, the other two would use less gas.

08-29-2010, 10:56 AM
Fast trail riding we measured 25mpg on the 400ex's.

08-29-2010, 02:00 PM
and to go with witechs i get around 35 going really easy. If you plan to ride a bit harder you will def be inbetween ours. my 250 used to get 40+ so that will be fine and the prairie should be fine also. steve

08-29-2010, 02:12 PM
when i go out to monroe, which is a railroad grade trail, i can get about 45 mpg.

08-29-2010, 02:58 PM
Just to be clear, you guys are saying about 25 to 35 miles to the gallon, not to the tank .Therefore I should get anywhere from 50 to 70 miles on a full tank.Riding a poker run tends to be a little less radical due to more people on the trail. Plus I'll be riding with a guy who hasn't ridden in a while

08-29-2010, 05:27 PM
Yep 25 mile per gallon . Thats just over a 2 gallon tank so a 50 mile range is doable riding as fast as the quad goes on high speed trails . Typically thats around an average speed of 17 to 30miles per hour on a trip computer.
If your put putting Id would say 30mpg might be achievable but i wouldnt bank on it.
Now if someone has messed up the jetting and running to rich you could be in the teens easily .

09-05-2010, 10:43 AM
Hi Dan,
I know this is a late reply, but you will have no problem at all.

A few buddies of mine and I did a 80 mile ride recently, without refueling. (but I DID go to reserve at about the 70 to 73 mile mark).
We were riding 2 400EX's, a 250EX, and a Kymco MXU300.
(that Kymco, was actually a pretty impressive machine !)

The ride started out in the desert flats at about 2700' elevation, and we rode well up into the mountains, past the timber line, into a light snow, at about 8100' elevation.
4 guys, all over 40 years old, (ok,.... so closer to 50, haha), but we were in no way just cruising along.
My best friend was on my wifes 250EX, and the guy on the MXU300 said that they basically had it pinned all day long just so they weren't getting left too far behind.

(We were carrying an extra 2 gallons on the MXU just in case, but no one ended up needing it.)

Go to page 3 of this old thread to see some pics of the ride...


Also feel free to bump that old thread back with some trail riding pics of you and your family also.

Have fun on your poker run, and don't be concerned with conserving any fuel on a 40 mile ride.
Ride it like you Stole it !

Ride hard, Ride safe, and Keep the rubber side down.

09-06-2010, 04:06 PM
thanx for all the replies,I'm going to go for it with no extra gas .
If run out before I get back I,m going to call you guys to come and tow me back to
the truck
I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Also is anyone from this area going on this run

09-11-2010, 05:59 PM
Well I just got back from the poker run.
You guys were right ,I still had a good half a tank of gas in my 400. The run was about 35 miles long and we ran it a fairly good pace. The 250 looks like its about the same maybe a little more hard to tell.

Anyway was a good time ,my ### is sore ,took a shower now to chill out on the couch and take it easy.Going to wash the Quads tomorrow maybe I can get the wife to do it. lol

09-11-2010, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by dan5
Well I just got back from the poker run.
You guys were right ,I still had a good half a tank of gas in my 400. The run was about 35 miles long and we ran it a fairly good pace. The 250 looks like its about the same maybe a little more hard to tell.

Anyway was a good time ,my ### is sore ,took a shower now to chill out on the couch and take it easy.Going to wash the Quads tomorrow maybe I can get the wife to do it. lol

35 miles, your @$$ is sore, your on the couch after a shower, and you want the wife to go wash your bike ??? LOL !
I've got a 9 y.o. little girl, on a bone stock TRX90, that is ready to take you on !
And from the sounds of it, she just may be handing your @$$ back to you, at the end of the ride !!!

No worries, it's all in fun,...
I'm not trying to pick on you THAT much..... (Mr. Marshmallow).
Oops,... did I say that ??? yeah, I guess I did.

glad you had a good time.

Now go see if the wife will get a nice peach and lavender potpourri going for you...

:blah: :p :D :cool:

09-11-2010, 06:40 PM
Anyone ever notice the 400ex seat isnt that cushy? When I redo mine Im soo thinking about adding an extra layer of foam under it

09-12-2010, 08:20 AM
35 miles, your @$$ is sore, your on the couch after a shower, and you want the wife to go wash your bike ??? LOL ! I've got a 9 y.o. little girl, on a bone stock TRX90, that is ready to take you on ! And from the sounds of it, she just may be handing your @$$ back to you, at the end of the ride !!! No worries, it's all in fun,... I'm not trying to pick on you THAT much..... (Mr. Marshmallow). Oops,... did I say that ??? yeah, I guess I did. Haha, JUST KIDDING, glad you had a good time. Now go see if the wife will get a nice peach and lavender potpourri going for you...

Sounds like a challenge and I don't back down from a challenge . tell your daughter she's on ,she had better bring her a game.

But in all fairness we should consider a handicap, I think a 5 to 8 mile head start should give me a fighting chance.

Anyone seen the advil?

Actually my wrists and forearms took a harder beating then any thing else. Should probably look into set a 450r front shocks and steering stabilizer

09-12-2010, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by dan5
Sounds like a challenge and I don't back down from a challenge . tell your daughter she's on ,she had better bring her a game.

But in all fairness we should consider a handicap, I think a 5 to 8 mile head start should give me a fighting chance.

Anyone seen the advil?

Actually my wrists and forearms took a harder beating then any thing else. Should probably look into set a 450r front shocks and steering stabilizer
Haha, Crack me up !
I do admit, that the advil gets loaded into my camper, before the quads get loaded onto the trailer !

And YES !, the 450r shocks and stabilizer, makes ALL the difference in the world !

As I'm sure you are aware, the OEM front shocks on the 400EX, are commonly reffered to as, "Pogo-Sticks" for good reason.
(The Rear stock shock, being fully adjustable, is actually a fairly decent shock, and is all the more you need for a trail/xc/family ridden bike).
The FRONT stockers are the one thing that Honda failed MISERABLY on, with the 400EX.

Keep an eye on ebay, and you can usually get a clean used set of 450r fronts for around $200.
(some clowns try to get $350 for them, but don't pay that much for them).

Then get a NEW set of dual or triple rate springs, that are matched to your rider weight. (about $229 from Works).
alot of guys here will say that you will need to have them revalved also. Sure it would be nice, But i have found it to be unnecessary, and we are trying to talk "Budget minded upgrades" here.

Mine are all the more that I need.
They are '08 450r's, with Works triples, 600/600/215, on stock a-arms. my rider weight is 180-190 lbs.
Spring preload is set at nearly full soft, Compression is set at nearly full soft, and rebound is set at about 30-40% above full soft.
(but I also do admit, That I do not fly 10' high off the jumps, like some of these nutcase kids do. I'm almost 50 years old, and comprehend the concept of my own mortality).

Then adding a steering stabilizer to the mix,...
It is litterly a completely different machine while going through the whoops. It is like the difference between a Cadillac, and a Civic.
Where I was once doing top of 3rd gear to mid 4th gear,... I can now, (in some cases), be Pinned WFO in 5th !

Do the shocks and stabilizer, and I gaurntee, you will not be disappointed. they are Hands Down, 2 of the best upgrades you can do to a basically stock 400EX.

and BTW-
My daughter accepts your challenge, and has a standing invite for you and your family to come on down and meet us in the desert.
No 5 mile handicap, but she says she'll let you borrow her pillow, to put on your seat ! Hahaha...

Ride hard, Ride safe, and Keep the rubber side down.