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View Full Version : Securing my atv's house

08-26-2010, 07:45 PM
Well I think its already pretty secure, but someone keeps trying to get into the shed I have my quad in. I know this because I have motion lights back there and twice in the past few months I've gone out there and the bulbs were either lightly unscrewed or removed completely. Does anyone have any good ideas for keeping it more secure, or even better, know of an alarm I can put on a shed. I have electricity in it.

08-26-2010, 07:48 PM
Kick the car out of the garage lol

08-26-2010, 07:54 PM
I wish I had one! Its actually very secure, i would elaborate but I dont want anyone to get any hints

08-26-2010, 08:01 PM
1st-hook and eletric fence up to the doors and windows
2nd put switch for said shocking device in your house.
3rd put a motion dector on shed but make it turn on a light in your house (so your alerted when someone is there)
4th have video camera in window facing shed record on a loop

5th watch the DB fry and call the police, show them the funniest piece of incriminating evidence theyve seen in awhile.

sounds like a good plan to me

08-26-2010, 08:03 PM
They do make those chains that you wrap around the quad and anchor into the ground/floor of the shed. This way they can't roll it out of the shed and by the time they figure out what's holding them up you will hopefully be awake.

Also turn the fuel off, remove the key, maybe disconnect the spark plug wire... anything to buy yourself a little time incase they just try to ride it away.

My friend has an extremely simple setup but he showed me it and it works... He has this little alarm thing you can buy at hardware stores I guess... Basically you screw one part to one door and the other part to the shed/other door... When someone opens the door it sets the alarm off and a loud buzzer starts blasting. I think they're used on windows a lot as well.

The alarm along with the anchored chain should give you plenty of time to catch them or hopefully at least scare them off.

08-26-2010, 09:01 PM
Really simple, get a sign and put the following on it:

"Im sitting here with my shotgun waiting for you, go ahead sucker..."

But reality dictates an alarm and I would chain it to something not easy to move, take the key out and hook an alarm up.

08-26-2010, 10:04 PM
a dummy sitting a lawn chair will work

08-26-2010, 10:08 PM
Go to the shooting range and do some target practice and take the used target and tape it to the door of the shed and write on the target something like what Dirty Harry would say.

Like: Do You Feel Lucky Tonight…. Well Do Ya Punk!!!!!!!!

08-26-2010, 10:14 PM
What my dad does:

He gets several (2-4) propane/freon bottles and takes a chain through the handles and loops it around your frame and lock it. This may sound stupid but the bottles are hey to carry and you slightly tap it on anything they amplify the noise like crazy and even removing the chain from them is a noisy and annoying job! I can't stand moving them around the shop like that let alone when your trying to be sneaky! Wouldn't hurt to try.. its a very cheap alarm that makes wheeling it away a VERY noisy experience!

08-27-2010, 06:30 AM
Thats funny you say that. I used to chain my 400ex to a aluminum step ladder

08-27-2010, 07:51 AM
we lock our quads to each other. Our nieghbors r close so we hope for the best.

08-27-2010, 10:19 AM
bear traps my friend, bear traps. leave the door unlocked one night or undo the motion sensor lights so the fu(ker cant see and hope he steps on one of them bear traps. make sure u achor them to the ground too so they cant go no where. then after you have snagged your crimnal call the cops and tell them to take out the garbage

08-27-2010, 10:26 AM
Although I think booby traps can be useful, I also think there illegal.
I remember a story years ago where a guy was tired of getting their stereo stolen form his car, so he soldered some treble hooks to the bottom of the unit and a thief got stuck too it when he tried to steal it and ended up suing the car owner for setting a booby trap.
Nice thought though!!

08-27-2010, 10:36 AM
ya deff cant set up no boobie traps. would be sweet (like a trap door or false bottom floor or something), but you deff will end up in court and the thief will win everytime.sad but true..

and have always thought of it this way, if someone wants to steel your stuff bad enough, he will get them. the idea is to slow the thief down and make him make as much noise as possible. cause all the locks in the world wont stop a guy with a set of bolt cutters. and an alarm can be cut real fast. so all these are great ideas and should be set up on or around your garage/shed, but truth is, they will get them if they really wanted them. so do your best to slow them down while in the process..

damn i hate thieves...

08-27-2010, 11:03 AM
Not sure if you can fit a disc lock on the rear rotor, but if you can xena has some that have alarms in them that are suppose to be around 100db

08-27-2010, 12:13 PM
1.store your quad somewhere else for a week
2. set-up trail cam with infared flash
3. get images of perp
4. ??
5. profit

08-27-2010, 12:27 PM
get a deer cam and set it up? one by the garage and one by the lights?

08-27-2010, 01:18 PM
When u love someone/thing - sleep with it :devil:

08-27-2010, 06:33 PM
i just realized that i have only taken the key out of my quads a handful of times. pm me for my adress if you want to test you luck...and i can test the .30-06 :devil:

08-27-2010, 10:22 PM
fishing line that runs from a few spots on ur quad from the shed to your bed room tied to your hand and an ar15 by your bed.

in all seriousness i think the trail cam idea some good dead bolt steel doors or somethign along the lines. have someone fab up a spring loaded dead bolt only you know how to release. chain it down. etc.

08-28-2010, 02:13 PM
a dog and a gun... :devil: and maybe leave him a note like "i see you ;)" then shoot him.. after that it will be on the news and know one will even think about taking your stuff. lol

08-28-2010, 03:56 PM
buy school bell (I got mine off ebay for $7)
buy motion censor switch @ hardware store (about $15)

the censor switch is to save electicity by turning off the lights when your out of the room for a time (time is adjustable)
and automatically turn on the lights when you come in

simply wire the bell to the censor switch, when someone comes into the shed it will set off the school bell, when they run off it will reset itself, if they stay the bell will keep ringing

for less than 40 bucks (with wire) you can make your own security system

I also use horn/strobes, if you have ever heard someone pull a fire pull you know how loud these are (I use 4) believe me, if you set it off everyone within 300 yards knows
it was actually painfull when I tested it
(thought my ears where going to bleed)

08-29-2010, 01:42 AM
if i had evidence that someone was gettn brave enough to break in my garage i would set them up. pick a night randomly and have someone lock u in the garage with watever kinda gun u wish. have them leave the house and it'll be like no one is at home. once they see this they will think its time to get a new quad.

u wanna catch a thief u gotta think like one. let it be known ur leaving for the night post it on ur facebook or whatever if u dont mess with that stuff just put it out there to everyone like you wont be home for awhile and let it begin. it might not happen the first time around but then again it might. once u catch 1 and pop him in the leg or where ever u wanna wound him then i bet no one thinks about it again. thats just what i would do

i keep mine locked with 2 locks, 1 at bottom and 1 at top of the barn style doors. wrap a chain around the swingarm and thru the sprocket with another lock. pile up anything i can find for someone to trip over or make alotta noise moving outta tha way while trying to take it. not to mention its 99% of the time taken apart so it wouldnt get rode away. it takes the right person (me) to kick start my bike. besides no key no air filter plastic off and bike on a X stand strapped with ratchet tie downs. it wont be done in 2mins.

AND i have DOGS!!!:D