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View Full Version : Got ripped off by a MEMEBER...what do I need to do??

08-26-2010, 11:21 AM
I bought some used nerf bars from a member here on the site. I sent him several emails back and forth about them, and specifically asked him if they come with all of the mounting hardware. He assured me that YES, they will come with all of the mounting hardware.

So..I send him the money, he mails me the nerf bars....and they show up missing ALL of the front mounting hardware (longer front bolts and spacers) and one of the main mounting brackets that attaches to the stock peg mount on the frame of the quad. I've emailed him and PM'd him...and I have yet to hear back from him.

Can a mod contact the member and see what's going on? I could always go back through PayPal and have them pull my payment out of his account, but I would rather try to work out the problem before going that route.

I hate getting ripped off...and I sure feel like I did. I could always order a new mounting kit through AC....but that's $50 that I shouldn't have to spend!

Please PM me if anyone can help me out, or would like to know the member who did this. I saw that he has several items on here for sale. Hopefully I can keep someone else from getting ripped off by this guy.

08-26-2010, 11:29 AM
Unfortunately, Atvriders.com is not liable for any transactions that occur here. As such, the mods usually try to stay out of private dealings. The best thing to do in this situation is leave the individual bad feedback. I would edit the title of this thread to include the member's name. I encourage every member to search the "Trader Feedback" forum before making a transaction. It's a very powerful tool.

08-26-2010, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Scro
Unfortunately, Atvriders.com is not liable for any transactions that occur here. As such, the mods usually try to stay out of private dealings. The best thing to do in this situation is leave the individual bad feedback. I would edit the title of this thread to include the member's name. I encourage every member to search the "Trader Feedback" forum before making a transaction. It's a very powerful tool.

Thanks for the info, yes if I don't hear back from the guy by tomorrow I will definitely post up his member ID so everyone can see it. From what I have seen, all the guy (kid) does is buy as sell on this site...and a few others I found him on. Hopefully I'm the only one that as been ripped off by him.

I figure I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and wait another day before I post up his info. The great thing about the internet is that I've already found his real name, address, phone number, facebook page, and other forums he's on.

Hopefully I won't have to use any of that info :devil:

08-26-2010, 03:45 PM
***** MEMBER INFO *****

Well, after doing some research it turns out that this guy (YZ450hybrid) has ripped off others in the past, and has got kicked off of some forums, only to join again under a different user ID and rip people off again. He's selling some other stuff on this site...so watch out.

Josh Kopinetz
Pottsville, PA
472 E. Bacon St

570-622-11XX (if you want his full phone number, just search on google...it's everywhere)

He's also on some other ATV forums under these user names (310r & JK250r).

Just get on google and search for his other user names, and you can find lots of posts about him ripping people off.

Mods....can you block this guys IP address and get him off of the site??

Here is where he lives...... http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?style=b&where1=E%20Bacon%20St%2C%20%20472%2C%20pottsville% 2C%20PA

08-26-2010, 09:52 PM
MODS...can you guys kick him off of the site and block his IP address so he can't keep coming back under a new account and user name and ripping more people off??

It doesn't take much searching on Google to see that this guy has been stealing from people for a long time.....and changes his user name ever few years.

Here is another site where someone posted up something about him and a buddy ripping people off....


And if you search his name at this site..you will see that he has a warrant out for his arrest....


And some more.....

Joshua D. Kopinetz, 23, Pottsville, charged by Patrolman Brian Pyle, Minersville Police, with theft of pickup truck of Harold Callaghan, New Philadelphia; receiving stolen property, carrying a firearm without a license, unauthorize us of automobile, tampering with physical evidence, involving in accident with car of Harold Block in Minersville, driving while operating privileges were suspended, driver required to be licensed and duty to give information and render aid following accident.

Joshua D. Kopinetz, 22, of Pottsville was sentenced to three years of probation after pleading guilty to theft and illegally possessing prescription drugs in Tilden Township.

I don't think he's going to clear his name any time soon :mad:

08-27-2010, 01:52 PM

08-27-2010, 02:59 PM
I first read all this and got seriously confused and couldn't believe it. I first thought it was the guy I just recently had a great experience buying from. Then the actual name, address, etc was nothing close to the guy I dealt with. Then it really took some concentration to realize this guys username is almost identical to the guy I dealt with.

Please do not confuse this problem child ( YZ450hybrid ) with the other guy ( Yzhybrid450 ) who is actually great to deal with.

08-28-2010, 06:43 AM
Are you seriously fu**ing kidding me, i wake up this morning to you posting all kinds of s**t about me over 1 Mount and SOME BOLTS!!!!

How old are you?? 12???

Dude i will gladly give you your full refund or be happy to resolve the issue without you having to get on every website and bad mouth me... GROW UP!!!

I could completely understand if i just ripped you off and did not send you anything at all!!!!

That is not the case, and AGAIN i'm almost positive that I have another mont for pro pegs on a YFZ and bolts OR i will refund you the MONEY.

WOW never thought that someone would make such a big deal over UPS, not even me misplacing something in shipping.

08-28-2010, 07:36 AM
u sound like the one that is 12 years old. u should have responded to his emails and pms in a timely manner and your record shows u are not a good seller.i hope u do take care of this

08-28-2010, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by yz450hybrid
Are you seriously fu**ing kidding me, i wake up this morning to you posting all kinds of s**t about me over 1 Mount and SOME BOLTS!!!!

How old are you?? 12???

Dude i will gladly give you your full refund or be happy to resolve the issue without you having to get on every website and bad mouth me... GROW UP!!!

I could completely understand if i just ripped you off and did not send you anything at all!!!!

That is not the case, and AGAIN i'm almost positive that I have another mont for pro pegs on a YFZ and bolts OR i will refund you the MONEY.

WOW never thought that someone would make such a big deal over UPS, not even me misplacing something in shipping.

First off....you have done this before, to lots of people. Your name and email address and multiple user names are all over the internet...attached to posts of people getting ripped off by you.

Second, I have the email from you where you reply " YES, I have all of the mounting hardware for the nerf bars".

And YES...I'm going to complain when the bars are missing the MAIN mount on one side, and all of the FRONT mounting hardware. Are you saying that I'm just lucky that the bars showed up??

This was not a UPS screwup, the packaging was not damaged. ARE you trying to make me believe that the main peg mount removed the bolt that holds itself in, and then jumped out of the packing along with all of the front mounting hardware without making a hole in the package?

If you want to resolve this, send me the stuff you owe me....so I can use the nerf bars! Or call up AC and order the $50 mounting hardware kit and mail it to me.

If you make it right...I will post up on all of the sites that you made it right and it was my mistake. But until then, I'm going to find every FOR SALE post you make, and refer people back to this post about getting ripped off by you.

08-28-2010, 08:38 AM

Thats all i have to say. haha

Yes i understand the fact that the parts are not there, but i dealt with many people on here and have never had any issues.

Now i screw up sending a few bolts and a mount and im getting crucified for it. If i do not have other bolts and a mount to send you then i will refund you the full amount, no big deal, end of story.

I love how ppl sit on this site and bad mouth somebody for something as minor as this, i have dealt with people on this site who still owe me parts from MONTHS AGO and i HAVE NEVER POSTED ONE BAD REMARK ABOUT ANYONE!!!

I am not going to try to ruin anyone over $50-$100, which is how much i have paid for parts on here without seeing anything in return, i just pmed them and went about in a more professional way.

But whatever, everyone is different i guess??

08-28-2010, 08:45 AM

What Record?? Who the F**k are you the internet police?

How about minding your own business??

08-28-2010, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by yz450hybrid

What Record?? Who the F**k are you the internet police?

How about minding your own business??
if its on this forum its anybodys business.and u are on the black list on the trader feedback.u are just butthurt for being exposed for what u are.i sell on this forum and i keep in constant contact with the buyer until i know hes happy with what he bought. people like u make others afraid to buy over the internet. and that is how it is my business.

08-30-2010, 11:49 AM
Why aren't the MODS doing anything? Are they just going to allow him to stay on the site and continue to rip people off?

The MODS of YFZ Central put him on the Black List on the Classifieds section.

08-30-2010, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by IQRaceworks
Why aren't the MODS doing anything? Are they just going to allow him to stay on the site and continue to rip people off?

The MODS of YFZ Central put him on the Black List on the Classifieds section.

Banning him will not solve anything. It will, in fact, make it worse. He's already shown that he will just make a new username to get around it. At that point, no one will know of his background until he rips someone else off. He's already been added to the black list. Beyond that, it's up to the member to decide whether or not to continue dealing with him.

08-30-2010, 01:01 PM
Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for the help. Hopefully being on the black list will keep him from ripping others off.

08-30-2010, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by IQRaceworks
Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for the help. Hopefully being on the black list will keep him from ripping others off.

Hasnt so far, he has been on there for several years

My advice to this guy, make things right. Times are tough and it wouldnt surprise me for someone to loose it and hunt you down.

08-31-2010, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by IQRaceworks
First off....you have done this before, to lots of people. Your name and email address and multiple user names are all over the internet...attached to posts of people getting ripped off by you.

Second, I have the email from you where you reply " YES, I have all of the mounting hardware for the nerf bars".

And YES...I'm going to complain when the bars are missing the MAIN mount on one side, and all of the FRONT mounting hardware. Are you saying that I'm just lucky that the bars showed up??

This was not a UPS screwup, the packaging was not damaged. ARE you trying to make me believe that the main peg mount removed the bolt that holds itself in, and then jumped out of the packing along with all of the front mounting hardware without making a hole in the package?

If you want to resolve this, send me the stuff you owe me....so I can use the nerf bars! Or call up AC and order the $50 mounting hardware kit and mail it to me.

If you make it right...I will post up on all of the sites that you made it right and it was my mistake. But until then, I'm going to find every FOR SALE post you make, and refer people back to this post about getting ripped off by you.

I think this is exactly the correct way to handle this and I applaud you for this!!!

08-31-2010, 10:41 AM
IMO i would pull your money back from pay pal before its too late and cut your loses. It almost seems that he only got on to respond to this particular thread after someone mentioned blocking his IP so he couldn't come back, he must have thought that the mods might actually have the ability to do that so he responded quick to see if he could salvage his money maker.

08-31-2010, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by racerdad88
I think this is exactly the correct way to handle this and I applaud you for this!!!

Well I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and a way to make things right…. because honest mistakes do happen. But so far this guy has done nothing to try to make it right. He’s sent me a few PM’s full of “F-YOU for saying I ripped you off”, then saying that “ the parts must have fallen out of the package, it’s a UPS shipping problem”, then another one saying that ”there are 4 other guys in his town that have the same name as him so this is all just a big misunderstanding….they are the guys that are ripping people off, not him”.. (even though all 4 guys have his email address) , then he puts up a post saying that he just screwed up and forgot to ship the mounting hardware, then goes on to say that it’s no big deal that he didn’t ship the hardware and I’m lucky that I got anything at all. After all of this, the guy still hasn’t contacted me about sending me the mounting brackets that I need to install the nerf bars.

I’d say that the facts are pretty clear…this kid has been ripping people off for several years. He has changed his username on different ATV forums multiple times, and has several posts about him and his shady dealings with people. I doubt I’m ever going to see the stuff he owes me. I’m just hoping that others on this board and members that are on the several other ATV forums that he is on will see my posts warning of this guy and his history of ripping people off. All someone has to do it type in one of his different user names and his email address into Google…and the results speak for themselves.

But maybe Google is wrong, and it’s the 4 other guys that live in his town, that have the exact same name, and exact same email address……yeah right.

08-31-2010, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by bryan.young1
IMO i would pull your money back from pay pal before its too late and cut your loses. It almost seems that he only got on to respond to this particular thread after someone mentioned blocking his IP so he couldn't come back, he must have thought that the mods might actually have the ability to do that so he responded quick to see if he could salvage his money maker.

I filed a claim with paypal, and I was extremely dissapointed with their responce. I sent them all of the info, his history of fraud, and a bunch of other info.....and this is what they sent me back ..

“ As stated in our User Agreement, the claims process only applies to the shipment of goods. It does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a refund. We suggest you attempt to work out this dispute with the seller”.

What the hell!!! So let’s say someone bought a complete motor, but when the motor showed up it had all of the internals removed.…then Paypal would not help them out because technically the buyer got the “motor”. Note to self: Don’t use PayPal again.

08-31-2010, 11:34 AM
that sucks. i guess hes not going to stop until someone takes the time and money to bring him to court. Judge Judy might save most of that cost and she LOVES!!!! to beat the crap out of thieves who scam on the internet. :)

08-31-2010, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by bryan.young1
that sucks. i guess hes not going to stop until someone takes the time and money to bring him to court. Judge Judy might save most of that cost and she LOVES!!!! to beat the crap out of thieves who scam on the internet. :)

Yeah, I don't think anyone is going to get a legal suit going for a $50 set of mounting hardware. I'll just have to suck it up, buy the parts, and learn from this bad experience........and track down every post he makes and let people know he's a scammer. :mad:

08-31-2010, 12:27 PM
and that's why hes just going to keep doing it im afraid. Not that you or anyone should have to give up there time for some POS thief, but its a cycle of the same thing. People rip off someone for 100 bucks or even a few hundred and its not worth it to fight it so the ripped lick there wounds and the ripper lives to rip another day. Bad press on ATV riders is never a bad thing, to try and limit the damage but as we have seen in this example it does nothing to stop people from changing names and continuing to steal from anyone. just venting a bit i hate these threads my buddy almost got ripped off for a lot of money for some elka shocks and we caught the guy using some random photo of shocks off of ebay before we sent any money. He was just going to take my friends $800 bucks and run the phone number was bogus and he claimed that his camera was broken so he couldn't send photos. anyway sorry to hear you got suckered and I do not look forward to posting on this same issue with the same thieving POS sellers again week after week.