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08-25-2010, 12:52 PM
i got one and everyone is a ***** about it and is scared of her... like wtf she loves people... and shes the smartest dog iv ever seen the only thing she dose wrong is she wants to be by me 24/7 and if shes not she freaks out really bad. she would never bite anyone.. i take her almost everywere so she meets a lot of people.. never had a prob she likes everyone... the only time she gets at all mean is when someone first walks in the house she barks but what dog dont? then after that she walks up to them all nice she dont even jump on people... BUT everyone seems to be scared of her bc its a pit bull... anyone else have a pit bull?

08-25-2010, 01:07 PM
I don't have one but I will when I get my own place. My uncle had two named "Chevy" and "Camaro". It's unfortunate but Pits aren't seen as the nice dogs they really are. My uncle's dogs were the nicest pits and loved to play and would never hurt a fly. One day they got out and were roaming around the neighborhood. Well they were trying to play with a kid and just jumped on him, a witness even said it was a playful gesture and the dog never bit the kid or anything. Well here comes the kids brother and hit the dog with a bat. I don't know about you guys but if I get hit with a bat I'm going after the person that hit me. So the dog bit the kid with the bat on the arm and both the dogs left. The cops were called and the cops shot both of their dogs as they were heading towards their home. It's sickening, the dogs were heading home and would have never bitten the kid if he didn't hit him with a bat.

08-25-2010, 02:00 PM
I guess you have never seen a pit go bad so you have no idea of what can happen.
They have a killer instinct that lies just under the surface and that sweet dog that you have come to know can kill at the drop of a hat.

Trust me I have seen it more than once. All I can say is get rid of the dog or be prepared to be sued and lose everything you own if or when the dog snaps and bites someone.

And if it dose you will not get any sympathy form anyone including the court system or anyone else.http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/animal0019.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)

08-25-2010, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I guess you have never seen a pit go bad so you have no idea of what can happen.
They have a killer instinct that lies just under the surface and that sweet dog that you have come to know can kill at the drop of a hat.

Trust me I have seen it more than once. All I can say is get rid of the dog or be prepared to be sued and lose everything you own if or when the dog snaps and bites someone.

And if it dose you will not get any sympathy form anyone including the court system or anyone else.http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/animal0019.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)

That can happen with any dog. It all depends on how they were raised. You can make any dog attack people if you want, plain and simple.

08-25-2010, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by YFZ-FoFiddy-TC
That can happen with any dog. It all depends on how they were raised. You can make any dog attack people if you want, plain and simple.

Sorry but your http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/char1/character0071.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)WRONG You have know idea!!!!!!!!!!

08-25-2010, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Sorry but your http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/char1/character0071.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)WRONG You have know idea!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry man, but you are the one who is wrong. Any dog can flip at any time. It all depends on who the dog was raised. I've been around many kinds of dogs my whole life but especially pit bulls, and the only bad/dangerous dogs have been the ones with bad owners. Listen man, I don't know what makes you believe these dogs are so bad, but I can almost promise you that whatever it is could have been prevented by a good owner.

Robin Hood
08-25-2010, 03:30 PM
Facts + Statistics don't lie: http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/statistics.html

"According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price. "

My mom had a pit bull try to rip a hamburger out of her hand when she was younger. The dog jumped up and grab a chunk of her lip and tore her mouth open down to her chin. Seems like these dogs are much more aggresive.

08-25-2010, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Sorry but your http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/char1/character0071.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)WRONG You have know idea!!!!!!!!!!

have you ever OWNED a pit????? ive had em since i was a baby and there the best dogs around i currenlt have a reverse blue brindle pit and hes is the same way every ones is soo scared of my lil guy hes 47 pounds barks at any stranger and i love that about a pit. and ive never had a pit bull that was raised right bite me you are completely worng about the subject. and its people like you that are getting them banned in towns. when a small dog is the most viscious. ive had countless stitches from tea cup breeds. and its the smaller ones that attack my pit and the lil fella runs away.

08-25-2010, 03:40 PM

My daughter in law had a rotweiller .When I first met the dog it did do the necomer growl and bark scare thing one time but after I got to know the dog she turned out to be just a sweetheart. The kids could jump all over her and she just took it and never in her entire life would have bit one of them . She died of cancer last year at 11 and will be missed .

The issue with fighting dogs is just that ,they were bred to kill and not just cause damage. So all it takes is a few idiots to raise them as agressive dogs which ruined it for the gentle ones.

08-25-2010, 03:52 PM
sorry robin hood it sounds sort of like your moms fault she was probably acting scared and was jerking the hamberger around and he missed. its not the dogs fault if he wasnt taught any better. if you teach a dog not to jump for food he will not do it, its as simple as that. heres an oh so vicious animal sleepin with his pal.

08-25-2010, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
have you ever OWNED a pit????? ive had em since i was a baby and there the best dogs around i currenlt have a reverse blue brindle pit and hes is the same way every ones is soo scared of my lil guy hes 47 pounds barks at any stranger and i love that about a pit. and ive never had a pit bull that was raised right bite me you are completely worng about the subject. and its people like you that are getting them banned in towns. when a small dog is the most viscious. ive had countless stitches from tea cup breeds. and its the smaller ones that attack my pit and the lil fella runs away.

Originally posted by J.Brown121
Sorry man, but you are the one who is wrong. Any dog can flip at any time. It all depends on who the dog was raised. I've been around many kinds of dogs my whole life but especially pit bulls, and the only bad/dangerous dogs have been the ones with bad owners. Listen man, I don't know what makes you believe these dogs are so bad, but I can almost promise you that whatever it is could have been prevented by a good owner.

Sorry too say I do know exactly what I’m talking about, I have owned two pits and I have witnessed four such attacks from pits. And they were unprovoked and out of the blue, all from sweet pits that wouldn’t hurt anyone. So yes I do know what I’m talking about.
Like I said there is an underlining gamey ness that is bread into the breed and it can and will come out at the wrong time.

Now I’m not sating all pits are bad and there have been more pits that live there lives as loving pets, as there been bad ones. But please don’t be fooled by that, the potential for life threatening injury or death can happen in seconds with such a powerful breed.

Take my word for it, I have witnessed it first hand.

08-25-2010, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
sorry robin hood it sounds sort of like your moms fault she was probably acting scared and was jerking the hamberger around and he missed. its not the dogs fault if he wasnt taught any better. if you teach a dog not to jump for food he will not do it, its as simple as that. heres an oh so vicious animal sleepin with his pal. REALLY??? You took a story about how a dog lunged for a burger and bit a girls face and added your own details. How do you know/what makes you think she was "acting scared and was jerking the burger around...". I have seen plenty of dogs sneak up and snatch food. And for your picture, a serial killer can take a cute snuggly picture.

Pit Bulls have a more aggressive prey drive than most dogs. They are more likely to snap than any other dog is. I don't think the dog should get the bad wrap, it's the ****ty owners of the dog. But at the same time you cannot sit there and say that a well trained pit bull has the same temperment as a well trained Golden Retriever. It is plain and simple, Pit Bulls are naturally more aggressive.

08-25-2010, 04:16 PM
Ive had 2. I love pits. Greatest dogs ive ever had..

Mine have never shown ANY aggression at all. My moms stupid poodle is the mean one that bites everyone.

http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/4900/008rp.jpg (http://img834.imageshack.us/i/008rp.jpg/)

http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7987/mylightning122808050.jpg (http://img825.imageshack.us/i/mylightning122808050.jpg/)

clyde 57
08-25-2010, 05:27 PM
it depends on the blood line if they were raised to be attack dogs.

best gaurd dog hands down is a hound coon hound

08-25-2010, 05:38 PM
A buddy of mine breeds them for household pets (just for his family and friends). They are some of the nicest and I agree smartest dogs Ive ever encountered. none are vicious..

They get a bad rep cause people make them fight.As far as attacks go, the smaller the dog the more it will bite and be aggressive

next dog I get I want one..

Also depending on how a dog is raised plays a huge factor. my grandparents got a shepherd/collie mix of some sort from the pound years ago. Good ol' willy was a vicious dog and no matter how much i tried unless you had one of my grandparents there the dog would go ballistic and try and kill you. he deemed that only my grandparents and my moms sister (she lived at home when they got him) were the only ones allowed there. he was a guard dog (really thats why they got him) b/c they werent home often and were often at the store they owned.

HOWEVER that evil, mean, vicious dog would let you do ANYTHING you wanted to him so long as my grandparents were nearby. Also I stayed frequently enough at thier house that he eventually accepted me into his "pack" and I could do anything I wanted.

Its all learned behavior, bad owners and a rough life tend to lead towards violent dogs. Like I said, my buddy literally has bred over 2 dozen (most are still around) and my boss has 2, his kid has one and his daughter has one and the breeder has a few. All of them are super nice and never hurt anyone even tho we are very rough on them when we play.

Any dog can be vicious..

08-25-2010, 05:56 PM
Any dog can be vicious.. [/B]

exactly. any dog can bite and labs are usually the number 1 dog when it comes to bite frequency, you know the all american family dog. a lot of attacks are caused by people and their reaction to dogs, fear and actions relay a lot to how a dog reacts. but ill keep my lab, bully mix corgie and rottie who love my 6 mth old.

08-25-2010, 06:55 PM
It amazes me how someone can say that the breed is miss understood and that it’s not the breed but how it is raised. And then turn around and say that all dogs can be vicious in an effort to make it sound like there just the same as any other breed. There not!

I respect everyone’s opinion so please respect mine, if you have had great luck with pits and have never had an issue with them, that’s great and I hope it continues for you. But take it from someone that has seen things that you don’t want to see, it can turn from good to bad in an instant.
I have a relative that hunts hogs with pits, and I have seen what these dogs can do.
I have seen a single pit take a 500 lb hog and have it’s back leg chewed to the bone within 30 seconds, so imagine what it can do to a child.
You can overlook all the evidence and statistics that say otherwise and if you can live with yourself if your pit bites someone then that’s your business, just don’t come on here and say I don’t know anything about it.

08-25-2010, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
It amazes me how someone can say that the breed is miss understood and that it’s not the breed but how it is raised. And then turn around and say that all dogs can be vicious in an effort to make it sound like there just the same as any other breed. There not!

I respect everyone’s opinion so please respect mine, if you have had great luck with pits and have never had an issue with them, that’s great and I hope it continues for you. But take it from someone that has seen things that you don’t want to see, it can turn from good to bad in an instant.
I have a relative that hunts hogs with pits, and I have seen what these dogs can do.
I have seen a single pit take a 500 lb hog and have it’s back leg chewed to the bone within 30 seconds, so imagine what it can do to a child.
You can overlook all the evidence and statistics that say otherwise and if you can live with yourself if your pit bites someone then that’s your business, just don’t come on here and say I don’t know anything about it. i havve a pitbull and she is awesome. i have to somewhat agree with you. pitbulls can turn in a second, just like any other dog. but when a pitbull turns, the outcome is worse. they have something like 2500 pounds of bite force. when they attack it is bad. but every other dog can attack too. they just arent as powerful. ive gotten bit by a mini doberman, a husky/ poodle, a golden retriever, and a black lab. and ive been around pitbulls, boxers, german shepards, chiuauas, and some kind of sheep dog for a long time. how the dog is raised is a big part of it, but any dog can turn. just when a pitbull turns someone is going to get seriously injured or killed.. i love my pitbull MIA heres a pic

08-25-2010, 07:17 PM
Here are a few examples of family Pitbulls turning on their family





08-25-2010, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by JParisi48
i havve a pitbull and she is awesome. i have to somewhat agree with you. pitbulls can turn in a second, just like any other dog. but when a pitbull turns, the outcome is worse. they have something like 2500 pounds of bite force. when they attack it is bad. but every other dog can attack too. they just arent as powerful. ive gotten bit by a mini doberman, a husky/ poodle, a golden retriever, and a black lab. and ive been around pitbulls, boxers, german shepards, chiuauas, and some kind of sheep dog for a long time. how the dog is raised is a big part of it, but any dog can turn. just when a pitbull turns someone is going to get seriously injured or killed.. i love my pitbull MIA heres a pic

Yep that’s very true, just last month I was on a delivery to a costumer that lives out in the sticks. I go out there all the time and she has a pit and some kind of big sheep dog, maybe a Keta I’m not sure and an old Dalmatian, and the pit puts on a big show but it’s the Dalmatian that bit me. lol BAD DOGGIE!!!!!

08-25-2010, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by stoopidbot
Here are a few examples of family Pitbulls turning on their family





Thanks stoopidbot now lets see how many news stories you can find where a poodle, Beagle, Lab, Cocker Spaniel killed there owner.

Don’t get me wrong I like pits, it’s just not a risk or a liability I want to have.http://i36.tinypic.com/2cpbx9h.gif

08-25-2010, 07:48 PM
Pits were breed to guard and kill. You can tame a wolf as a pet but it will always be a wolf. The owner can make a big differance. Take a Beagle, without much work a 6 month old beagle can trail a rabbit. But why don't it trail a squirrel, because it was breed to hunt rabbits.

08-25-2010, 07:48 PM
Everyone spread um!!!


08-25-2010, 07:49 PM
Funny this should be brought up, but recently my Grandma was just attacked by my cousins pit bull. She was the sweetest dog ever, but one day while my Grandma was feeding it, the dog just attacked her and ****ed her arm. She was on meds that thinned out her blood too so she almost bled to death. The pit was put down.

Now I am a true dog lover, big or small I love them all. But I can for a fact say any dog any size can turn and attack anyone. Even my Girlfriend's shih tzu, the biggest baby in the world tried attacking her right in front of me. They are still animals and still have instincts.

08-25-2010, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I guess you have never seen a pit go bad so you have no idea of what can happen.
They have a killer instinct that lies just under the surface and that sweet dog that you have come to know can kill at the drop of a hat.

Trust me I have seen it more than once. All I can say is get rid of the dog or be prepared to be sued and lose everything you own if or when the dog snaps and bites someone.

And if it dose you will not get any sympathy form anyone including the court system or anyone else.http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/animal0019.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)

People with your mentality are part of the problem. But you have a right to think what you want.

My wife and I take in rescue dogs and currently have 7, two of which are pits (one male, one female). Both of the pits came from very bad backgrounds (you can probably guess what I'm talking about) and were in bad shape when we took them in. We've had them now for about 3 yrs and NEVER ONCE have either of them showed any aggression toward a human or another dog.

You should do a little research before telling people to get rid of there dogs. Historically Pits were bred to be VERY human friendly because a dogman didn't want to take a chance on his dog biting him while trying to handle him in the box. So they removed any dog that showed even the slightest ounce of human aggression from their breeding program. That's why pits had the nickname "the nurse maids dog", because they were so gentle, calm, and friendly to humans. I've got a 22 month old daughter that I have absolutely zero worries about leaving her in a room with my male pit. He watches over her like is life depends on it.

08-25-2010, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Thanks stoopidbot now lets see how many news stories you can find where a poodle, Beagle, Lab, Cocker Spaniel killed there owner.

Don’t get me wrong I like pits, it’s just not a risk or a liability I want to have.http://i36.tinypic.com/2cpbx9h.gif

If you really want them I can post them up. You never hear about them because their not pits.

Statically, out of the top 10 dog breeds that attack humans most each year, pit bulls aren't even in the top three last time I looked. Golden Retriever's were no. 1 and Labs were no. 2 IIRC.

As I said in my earlier post, pits are historically bred to be super human friendly. However, due to the thousands of a-holes that think it's cool to have a mean pit bull there have been 100's and 100's of breeders that don't care what traits they are passing along through their breeding programs. So the result is thousands of pit bulls that are not characteristically the same type of dog that a pit bull is supposed to be. Plus, the idiot owners that treat their dogs like crap to make them mean just amplifies the ill bred characteristics.

08-25-2010, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by 5pennys
If you really want them I can post them up. You never hear about them because their not pits.

Statically, out of the top 10 dog breeds that attack humans most each year, pit bulls aren't even in the top three last time I looked. Golden Retriever's were no. 1 and Labs were no. 2 IIRC.

As I said in my earlier post, pits are historically bred to be super human friendly. However, due to the thousands of a-holes that think it's cool to have a mean pit bull there have been 100's and 100's of breeders that don't care what traits they are passing along through their breeding programs. So the result is thousands of pit bulls that are not characteristically the same type of dog that a pit bull is supposed to be. Plus, the idiot owners that treat their dogs like crap to make them mean just amplifies the ill bred characteristics.

end thread, its the bad/thug owners and the media that make the opinion of the public. OP did you think the thread would take any other direction?

08-25-2010, 09:53 PM
its like keeping a loaded weapon around, a small bb gun isn't going to do much harm, and a accident might never happen, but if it does Id rather have my kids shot with a bb gun then a 45! owning a dog carry the same risks, even if trained and treated properly they carry a certain risk

08-25-2010, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by trx310R#24
i got one and everyone is a ***** about it and is scared of her... like wtf she loves people... and shes the smartest dog iv ever seen the only thing she dose wrong is she wants to be by me 24/7 and if shes not she freaks out really bad. she would never bite anyone.. i take her almost everywere so she meets a lot of people.. never had a prob she likes everyone... the only time she gets at all mean is when someone first walks in the house she barks but what dog dont? then after that she walks up to them all nice she dont even jump on people... BUT everyone seems to be scared of her bc its a pit bull... anyone else have a pit bull?

I'll begin by saying that pit bulls are not a breed for everyone. However, when cared for properly and trained correctly there is no other breed on the planet that will do for it's owner what a pit bull. They are extremely loyal, gentle, and want nothing more than to please their owner. They will work harder and longer than you can imagine and will give their life for their owner if they feel they have to.

I've seen them assist hunters, work cattle for hours on end, protect goats all day without human assistance, and even have a close friend that had a pit bull fight off and kill a mountain lion to protect his owner only later to succumb to wounds from the cat.

I would suggest that you read both of the dog whisperer's books. I know it may sound corny, but his methods work, period. He has dozens of pits (that come from bad to horrible backgrounds) along with dozens of other breeds on his property and they all get along as a pack. So he's doing something right.

Just keep on top of his behavioral training and be sure to work him out daily to spend his energy because they tend to get very mischevious when they are not stimulated regularly.

Do your best to be a good ambassador to the breed and don't worry about the haters.

08-25-2010, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by 5pennys

Statically, out of the top 10 dog breeds that attack humans most each year, pit bulls aren't even in the top three last time I looked. Golden Retriever's were no. 1 and Labs were no. 2 IIRC.

Those are also the most common dogs in house holds.

08-25-2010, 10:13 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by stoopidbot



What kind of dumbass parent leaves their child outside alone, much less with any dog!? That pit was still a puppy, and that kid was in the stage where it was going to bug the **** out of any dog it comes across! Those parents should be put in jail for being complete idiots!

And I liked the gun reference DnB_racing made. They are all loaded and some are more dangerous then others.

08-25-2010, 10:31 PM
Saying that Golden Retrievers are number one for bits is not telling the whole picture. Because there may be 100 retrievers to every 1 pit so that’s not a good comparison.

I never said that pits are more aggressive than any other dog. What I am saying is that when they do bite it can be much worse than most other breeds.

08-25-2010, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by stoopidbot
Those are also the most common dogs in house holds.

Agreed. But when was the last time you saw a story in the media about either of those breeds attacking a human? Also, those two breeds attack children more often than adults (just throwing another statistic out there).

I figured it wouldn't take long for someone to point this out. But did you know that pit bulls have one of the highest passing rates of any breed for the human aggression and behavior test that is issued by the Humane Society.

Here's a couple of stories that you'll probably not see in the national media
Stray Pit Bull Saves Woman & Child From Attacker (http://www.game-dog.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45089)
Good Article Regarding Owners and "Pit Bulls" (http://www.tampabay.com/features/humaninterest/article1086363.ece)

08-25-2010, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by 5pennys
If you really want them I can post them up. You never hear about them because their not pits.

Statically, out of the top 10 dog breeds that attack humans most each year, pit bulls aren't even in the top three last time I looked. Golden Retriever's were no. 1 and Labs were no. 2 IIRC.

As I said in my earlier post, pits are historically bred to be super human friendly. However, due to the thousands of a-holes that think it's cool to have a mean pit bull there have been 100's and 100's of breeders that don't care what traits they are passing along through their breeding programs. So the result is thousands of pit bulls that are not characteristically the same type of dog that a pit bull is supposed to be. Plus, the idiot owners that treat their dogs like crap to make them mean just amplifies the ill bred characteristics.

If you have them that lets see them, i'd like to see where a small breed dog killed a familey member.

08-25-2010, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
If you have them that lets see them, i'd like to see where a small breed dog killed a familey member.

Probably not going to find any, but in your post originally asking to see other stories you didn't say small breeds. You said Poodles, Beagles, Labs, and Cocker Spaniels.

Here ya go:
Poodle Attacks and Hospitalizes 7yr old girl (ttp://www.wboc.com/Global/story.asp?S=10769319)

Lab puppy kills 2 month old boy (http://www.groundreport.com/US/Labrador-Puppy-Kills-2-Month-Old/2866284)

World's Meanest Breed (pretty funny that you happen to bring up cocker spaniels) (http://www.petsugar.com/Study-Shows-English-Cocker-Spaniel-Worlds-Meanest-Dog-3197260)

I found these in just a few minutes but most people have never seen these articles. My point is that you are only going to believe what you want and therefore you won't go and research conflicting information.

It's all good though, we can continue to agree to disagree:D

08-25-2010, 11:18 PM
I knew you would find some cases of infants or small children being killed by all types of breeds. Small dogs don’t usually kill adults though like pits and other large breeds can.
I still would rather have a fire cracker go off in my hand than a stick of dynamite, so to speak.

08-25-2010, 11:26 PM
some people i knew up in NH had their lab/german shepard mix almost kill a girl, it ripped her cheek down to her jaw and she was unconsious till the neighbor found her and brought her to the hospital.

08-26-2010, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by 440racer66
sorry robin hood it sounds sort of like your moms fault she was probably acting scared and was jerking the hamberger around and he missed. its not the dogs fault if he wasnt taught any better. if you teach a dog not to jump for food he will not do it, its as simple as that. heres an oh so vicious animal sleepin with his pal. my cat did that too lol. kinda funny seeing a german sheapord with a cat sleeping on it. as much as i want a atpb i'm just too worried i'm going to wake up with me face chewed off.

08-26-2010, 08:36 AM
Animal or not, its still a product of its environment and how it was raised.

I have a GREAT example of this:
2 years ago my dog died, she was 15 and basically we should have put her down 6 mo prior due to various complications but we stuck it out and tried to help her but it was too late..

3 months of not having a dog and my family just didnt know what to do. We felt almost lonely without some kinda dog. So instead of buying one from a petstore we decided to rescue one.

Finally found a miniature schnauzer that literally was pretty dang close to feral and about a year old. A rescue group had taken her in. This dog we are sure came from the ghetto (how on earth a purbread dog wound up there ill never know) and was totally mistreated due to the town she came form (newark is kinda a slum in NJ).

The dog was afraid of people, afraid of being handled, afraid of people giving her food, the list goes on and on. When I went to pick her up she would freeze totally stiff and freak out. Never tried to but me, but just freak out.

After 3 months of steady work the dogs pretty normal. All she does is bark at everything b/c she is scared was everything still (still is but we keep trying to help).

Miniature schnauzer's are not known to be super nice dogs. Infact although we had the last one from a pup, and that one was nice this breed isnt known to be super friendly. HOWEVER this new dog is ok, doesnt like if you pick it up and will growl/moan but NEVER has bitten me or anymore. Its all a show.

So, any dog can be bad, bite or whatever. The thing is idiots buy large dogs often and dont fully understand that just like anything else-if you PO the animal it will let you know.

08-26-2010, 10:01 AM
bad owners media and thugs have ruined the Pit Bull name...

and its kinda funny all you guys talk about is how a "pitbull" attacked such and such on the news. but here the problem, did you know the media and news stations have been know and admitted that if a dog attacks someone and its a mixed breed, they consider it a "pitbull".. or if there is no witnesses to the attack and dont know what kinda dog it was, they call it a "pitbull". if it has short hair and has muscles, its considered a "pitbull".. media considers all "bully breeds" pitbulls..so yes, the media has put a major black mark on the "pitbull" name.

i do agree with what "slightlybent47" is saying, and what everyone else is stating also. cause everyone in this conversation is right. everyone has there opinions, and there facts and there stories to back up there facts. pitbulls can do some damage. does it make anyone right or wrong in this conversation, no. it just shows that people love there dogs. and will defend them til the end, or they hate them and will dog them (no pun intended) til the end. it is what it is. the "pitbull" conversation should go up there with politics and religion, things that will always start fights and will get no where by the time the conversation is over.

let me break it down like this... yes i am a pit owner. had 2. just put one down do to canser. i love the breed. only breed for me. do i trust my lone dog, yes. do i respect his power, skills, loyalty, ect, yes. do i know he is something i am responsable for it something goes wrong, yes. and what does all that mean in this world, it means i am a resposible pitbull owner and will take every precausion in the world in order to not hurt anyone with my dog, or will not let anyone hurt my dog cause of what he was born as, a PIT BULL..

and let me finish with this lil thought... an MMA fighter can distroy someone way before a ball room dancer will/can. does that make the MMA fighter a 'threat" and should be banished for all of land. NO. cause he must be responsible for his power and skills. (meaning the dog owner) should we consider all Black guys to be a problem and distroy there race cause heck, 82% of all inmates in prison are black and are in for violent crimes. Hell no. cause its does mean the whole race bad. (no im not a racist. just using as an example all you would understand) it just shows you, just cause they get a bad name or have the power to do damage, does not make all the race/breed a bad thing. END OR RANT..


08-26-2010, 10:16 AM
i myself am a pitbull owner too and have never had a problem. they are animal agressive by nature but have never bit me, my wife or any of my 3 kids. thats the way i raised them, compliments of thugs and morrons out in this society the pitbulls have gotten a bad rep.

08-26-2010, 10:46 AM
Here's my buddy, and he is the same way and loves to be around people and get attention. Non agressive and very relaxed, if other dogs are barking outside while i have him out, he just sits and stares at them and doesn't make a sound.

people get caught up in the name and from all the bad media attention they get.

I adopted him from the local shelter, best dog i could have asked for

08-26-2010, 11:10 AM
i like the way his ears sorta stand up. im not gonna cut mines ears either.

08-26-2010, 11:37 AM
my male oreo laying on my wife when she was prego

08-26-2010, 11:39 AM
one more of my male, my pits are attention hogs

08-26-2010, 11:40 AM
my female bella

08-26-2010, 12:42 PM
here is my 6 week old laying on my male

08-26-2010, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by 440racer66
i like the way his ears sorta stand up. im not gonna cut mines ears either.

i like the crop look, but glad i didn't get his done and prob won't get it done if i get another pit

08-26-2010, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by C41Xracer
here is my 6 week old laying on my male

I know that all pits and all dogs for that mater are not bad and I never said they were. But that picture is quite disturbing.
How in the world can you as a responsible parent put your new born child in the lap of a pit just to prove that it’s safe?
Now I have seen many a pit run away from danger or a threat with it tail between its legs and I know you think it’s safe to put your child with your pit.
But if that pit ever snaps at that infant and bits for any reason at all the damage will or can be so bad. And again yes any dog can bit but let’s face it if that infant gets bitten by a smaller less powerful dog the chances of the child getting seriously hurt or killed is much less.
I hear the argument that there such a good watch dog, but a watch/guard dog is not or expected to protect you against harm. The whole reason for a guard dog is that, there to be a distraction so you have time to get your gun or out of harms way.

You child proof your house so they don’t get hurt but then put the child in the lap of that dog is crazy. JMO

08-26-2010, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I know that all pits and all dogs for that mater are not bad and I never said they were. But that picture is quite disturbing.
How in the world can you as a responsible parent put your new born child in the lap of a pit just to prove that it’s safe?
Now I have seen many a pit run away from danger or a threat with it tail between its legs and I know you think it’s safe to put your child with your pit.
But if that pit ever snaps at that infant and bits for any reason at all the damage will or can be so bad. And again yes any dog can bit but let’s face it if that infant gets bitten by a smaller less powerful dog the chances of the child getting seriously hurt or killed is much less.
I hear the argument that there such a good watch dog, but a watch/guard dog is not or expected to protect you against harm. The whole reason for a guard dog is that, there to be a distraction so you have time to get your gun or out of harms way.

You child proof your house so they don’t get hurt but then put the child in the lap of that dog is crazy. JMO

Oh lord.... The dog is fine. My uncle's baby girl crawls all over his pit Harley and she doesn't even so much as curl a lip. If she doesn't like it she gets up and moves. Big deal. If it was a little lab puppy you wouldn't be saying the same thing, but as you've seen, a lab puppy can kill a child as well.

08-26-2010, 01:16 PM
Opinions are like a*#holes, everyone has one. The point of the picture is to prove to the non-believers.
I trust my dogs enough to do something like that, if you don't that's your buisness.

08-26-2010, 01:29 PM
you just have know the limits of your pet

Im sure if he felt like his child was in danger he wouldn't have put it in that situation.

08-26-2010, 01:32 PM
I do know my limits of my dogs,as a matter of fact my female
Sleeps with my 7yr old boy and my male sleeps with my 9yr old daughter
At night

08-26-2010, 01:58 PM
That’s the same argument everyone makes after someone gets bit. It’s kind of like a gun shot once the hammer falls it’s too late.

08-26-2010, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
That’s the same argument everyone makes after someone gets bit. It’s kind of like a gun shot once the hammer falls it’s too late.

I respect your opinion but do not agree with it. Im sorry you have had bad experiences with these dogs. But I think you have made your point and there is no reason to continue.

08-26-2010, 02:09 PM
I agree I can talk till I’m blue in the face and there will be someone that will defend them.
I guess there are those that will defend the devil himself.
I can guaranty you someone could come on here and show graphic pictures of what the loving pit did to there child and there will be someone to defend the dog.
It just goes with the territory.

08-26-2010, 02:13 PM
Yeah your right, this conversation is like a 2 sided sword. I'm sure
Someone can say they had a bad experience and some can say
They've had good experiences. Myself I've had nothing but good

08-26-2010, 02:38 PM
When I was 8 years old I was at a friends house and my cousin that had grown up with a pit and we were playing in the yard with the dog and out of the blue this pit attacked my cousin and ****ed her and every time the girl screamed the dog got more aggressive and kept attacking her. When it was all over in a mater of less then a minuet the dog had torn off her right ear and ate it and ripped off half of her face.

When I was 11 I was ridding my horse with some friends from the neiburhood and a pit that we all played with all the time and had come with us on some of our rides came out of nowhere and attacked one of the horses and almost kill a full grown horse then it attacked the kid that was riding the horse. The kid had over 100 stitches and the horse had over 600 stitches to close up all the wounds. I held the flashlight while the vet stitched the horse up till 3 in the morning.

Back in the 80’s I was at my cozens getting ready to go coon hunting when one of the pits we were going to use attacked a prized quarter horse that was worth $80,000 and we had to kill the dog just to get it to let go.

I had my loving pit that never showed any sins of being aggressive and I trusted just as much as the guy that put his infant with his pit and I was visiting someone and my pit despaired around the corner of the house for just a few seconds and when he came back around the corner he had there little poodle in his mouth and had killed it.

The same pit that stepped with my nephew at least twice a week was in my yard and my nephew through a stick close to the fence and if there wasn’t a fence between them he would have attacked him. He tried to but the fence was in the way.

I put that dog down that night and have never owned another pit since. I could not live with myself knowing a dog that I was responsible for would do such a thing.

I have been bitten many times by all kinds of dogs from large to small but never from a pit. And the mutts that have bitten me have only been miner but all the bites I’ve seen from a pit has been devastating. It’s not the breed itself but the damage it can do

I know there will be some that will defend the dogs and say that there was another reason for the attacks but that doesn’t mater, only that it happened.

I also had another pit for 12 years that loved everyone and I never had a problem with and was a great dog so I have seen both sides.

It’s just a liability I won’t have.

08-26-2010, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by C41Xracer
my female bella

Laying on the left or right?:confused:

08-26-2010, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47

It’s just a liability I won’t have. [/B]

then thats your right but you have to respect others who chose to. for every bad experience with this breed im sure there is someone out there who has had good experiences with the breed and bad experiences with other breeds thats considered non-aggressive that could talk down about them. like dehner said you have to respect the power these dogs can have but you also have to be responsible enough to spend the time and work with the dog, ANY dog, small or big.

when i was 5 i was bit in the face by a spitz (sp?) because i leaned in to pet her pups, was it my fault or the dogs? should i take a stand against and talk down about the breed? look at dogtown the work they do with dogs, all dogs and you can see that its the environment and owners who are the real problem.

as far as the pic of the kid, guess i wont post a pic of my son in his swing with my 100lb lab mix on one side, my bully mix on the other with the rotty laying in front. or the picture of him laying on his mat with the rotty in the backgound laying at the corner of the blanket (wouldnt go onto the blanket). btw the rotty is 13 yrs old, fulltime inside dog, and very well trained she will not even push a door open even if its cracked, you can stop her on command and could pass the k9 good citizen award.

everyone has their opinion and this will never get anywhere, can this thread just get locked?

08-26-2010, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
When I was 8 years old I was at a friends house and my cousin that had grown up with a pit and we were playing in the yard with the dog and out of the blue this pit attacked my cousin and ****ed her and every time the girl screamed the dog got more aggressive and kept attacking her. When it was all over in a mater of less then a minuet the dog had torn off her right ear and ate it and ripped off half of her face.

When I was 11 I was ridding my horse with some friends from the neiburhood and a pit that we all played with all the time and had come with us on some of our rides came out of nowhere and attacked one of the horses and almost kill a full grown horse then it attacked the kid that was riding the horse. The kid had over 100 stitches and the horse had over 600 stitches to close up all the wounds. I held the flashlight while the vet stitched the horse up till 3 in the morning.

Back in the 80’s I was at my cozens getting ready to go coon hunting when one of the pits we were going to use attacked a prized quarter horse that was worth $80,000 and we had to kill the dog just to get it to let go.

I had my loving pit that never showed any sins of being aggressive and I trusted just as much as the guy that put his infant with his pit and I was visiting someone and my pit despaired around the corner of the house for just a few seconds and when he came back around the corner he had there little poodle in his mouth and had killed it.

The same pit that stepped with my nephew at least twice a week was in my yard and my nephew through a stick close to the fence and if there wasn’t a fence between them he would have attacked him. He tried to but the fence was in the way.

I put that dog down that night and have never owned another pit since. I could not live with myself knowing a dog that I was responsible for would do such a thing.

I have been bitten many times by all kinds of dogs from large to small but never from a pit. And the mutts that have bitten me have only been miner but all the bites I’ve seen from a pit has been devastating. It’s not the breed itself but the damage it can do

I know there will be some that will defend the dogs and say that there was another reason for the attacks but that doesn’t mater, only that it happened.

I also had another pit for 12 years that loved everyone and I never had a problem with and was a great dog so I have seen both sides.

It’s just a liability I won’t have.

We all get it, you've had bad experiences with this breed and don't like them. I'm all for everyone having their own opinions and expressing them.

However, to continually tell others that they are crazy, stupid, or a bad parent for owning these dogs and having them around their children is stepping over the line. No one is making you own this breed so there's no need to tell others that they shouldn't either.

I trust my male pit far more than I trust most humans. Everyone can think what they want about me or my parenting, but that doesn't change the fact that I trust my male 100% with my daughter (or any child for that matter).

I guess some people get "it" with this breed and some never will.

08-26-2010, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by 3400ben
Laying on the left or right?:confused:

Ouch! Lol

08-26-2010, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47

And if it dose you will not get any sympathy form anyone including the court system or anyone else.http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/animal0019.gif (http://www.smilieshq.com)

lmao the court system? dont waist your time.

08-26-2010, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I agree I can talk till I’m blue in the face and there will be someone that will defend them.
I guess there are those that will defend the devil himself.
I can guaranty you someone could come on here and show graphic pictures of what the loving pit did to there child and there will be someone to defend the dog.
It just goes with the territory.

now your just being a jackass...

08-26-2010, 04:11 PM
they are the best dogs and the pit you see that are mean are tied to a chain owned by some gansta with inbreed lines i havent had one bit of problems out of mine, and i havent seen a mean pit around here in a while....damn i hate the stigma around pits blah but enough of this crap

heres my buddy and best friend and my goof ball boxer

08-26-2010, 04:22 PM
http://planetsmilies.net/not-tagged-smiley-11513.gif (http://planetsmilies.net)Why lock the thread, it’s a healthy debate and people are just expressing there opinion, I have not called anyone names and I respect everyone’s opinions ether way.
I’m just stating my experiences with that breed and am posting so that all these people that keep saying it will never happen to them can see that in deed it can. Not that it will and I have repeatedly said that, so take it for what it’s worth. I have also stated that I like the breed and I don’t hate them at all, but I want to make sure those that have them can understand that.
I wish everyone that has a dog of any kind good luck with and that they have no issues with them.
Now I like the boxers I have had 3 and I’m on my 4th one now. There great dogs and yes there very powerful as well but they have a much better temperament then the pit.

And I don’t have small children around so I don’t worry about them like I would a pit.
I see that even Lab pups can kill infants but so can kittens. There have been infants smothered by cats that smell milk on there breath and try to lick it off and end up smothering the child. Dead is dead no mater how it happens.

I also never said to get rid of your pit, I am only letting people know what they are dealing with.

08-26-2010, 10:22 PM
I can HONESTLY tell you my Maltese has bit many more people (out of anger) than my cousins 2 pit bulls.. I love those dogs TO DEATH! They where both adopted after being abused for the first half of their lives! I trust those dogs more than any other dog I know! When I had slept over my cousin's place one night on the floor (long night) I had woken up in the middle of the night to find that their pit had pushed the door open so he could be with me and he cuddled right up against me and I don't even see the dog that often! I will love pits forever! They are amazing animals!

08-27-2010, 05:13 AM
We had a female when I was growing up and my grandfather had a 110lb. male that was just freakishly large for the breed. Never once did either of them show aggression to any family member, in fact, they were quite loving. Spike, my grandfather's male, thought he was a 10lb. lap dog to the day he died. When I was in elementary school we'd grab him around the shoulders and he would drag us all over the place. When we'd let go he'd come back and stand there waiting for us to latch on again. In my personal experience with 2 of them they were absolutely great dogs. Here's my dad with our female in the mid 80's.

08-27-2010, 05:20 AM
And here was my grandfather's male shortly before he died and wasn't in as good of shape as he once was. It was great because my grandfather had 75 acres that we rode on. Spike would go out there with us and literally run next to us all day. When we'd make new trails and needed saplings ripped out (about 1-1/2" trunks) we'd shake the tree and tell Spike "sic it, sic it..." and that dog would growl and tug on it until he uprooted it. My grandfather also had his house on the farm jacked up and moved over a new basement he constructed. The moving company had 6x6x18 blocks they used to put between the jacks and the I-beams. Spike grabbed one of them in his mouth and was running around with it. The moving guys couldn't believe it and were dying laughing. They took pics but we never got any copies.

08-27-2010, 07:53 AM
**Comments removed, member removed**