View Full Version : porting Calculator v4.2.2

08-19-2010, 09:26 PM
I bought this proting program online and wondered if anyone had used it. Ive been trying to figure it out. Some things I understand others I dont. There is a lot to it. So I was wondering if it is accurate or not. It seems to want you to overport but maybe im not doing it right. I just wondered if someone with more experience might know IE Cleigh machwon or maybe some other guys. Anyways I got it. Let me know if someone might be interested. in this or not.

08-20-2010, 01:49 AM
go get some old heads and stuff and just play with the program... remember if the walls are to thin they will crack... =p

08-20-2010, 04:48 AM
Where did you buy the program?

08-20-2010, 08:26 AM
I googled two stroke porting programs and its one of the first ones that comes up. If you wanna try it ill send it to you in a email maybe you could make sense of it. Supposedly it takes a lot of info from gordon jennings book and calculates it for you so you know how much to port. Basically you put engine parameters in and it tells you what you can expect to see at a certain bmep. You can even build your ports digitally, which is cool print them and use the prints to trace in the cylinder. I just don't understand what its trying to tell me.

08-20-2010, 08:34 AM
Also I put the info fromthe macdizzy site in there to get a ballpark figure for the r but I figured someone with morwe background in porting could point me in the right direction. Like I said if someone wants to try it ill send it in a email but I am only going to send a few so that people can get there hands on it and maybe put some better information about porting on here. It says my polanda should be able to attain about 70 hp at 150 bmep. So id like to see that happen. It even suggests a carb. This seems like a really good program for us r guys if it can be utilized in the right manner

08-20-2010, 09:28 AM
I don't know how much time I'll have (I've got lots of projects going), but I'd like to have a look at it.

What's the name of the program? Is it Bimotion? MOTA?

08-20-2010, 05:50 PM
Wilkin the name is at the beginning of this thread it cost 26 from the site if you pm me I can send it to you for free

08-24-2010, 09:40 AM
If your intending to do porting, there's several things you yourself need to posess.
You got to love a 2 stroke engine first off, no other type should make any difference to you.
You got to dedicate youself with the desire to do the best porting work you can do & nothing less.
Porting is art ( at least to me it is), a part of you when your finished with the cylinder so you either look good or you look like a mess by your work.
Got to have the proper tools for the job, having only half of them, expect only a half way job when finished.
Take your time, its not a 10 minute job & you end up having the baddest engine around.
Cylinder porting, just porting, not all there is to a two stroke producing power, its everything on a two stroke engine from the end of the air filter all the way through the engine out to the tip of the silencer. Its all got to match up with each other & to the build your intending the engine to be.

Get some 2 stroke performance books as well, so you'll fully understand what you need to do. That program only going to give you the guidlines of what it should be, not how to get to that point.

08-24-2010, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by C-LEIGH RACING
Got to have the proper tools for the job, having only half of them, expect only a half way job when finished.

Neil, talk to us about tools. I'm only doing some experimental stuff, so a dremel is enough for me right now, but I don't know what kind of tools I'm really looking for.

I'd like to get REALLY detailed into tools, maybe we should start another thread?

08-24-2010, 05:20 PM
http://www.ccspecialtytool.com is about the best place to get them from.
You can find porting tools on the net & in a lot of the industral machine & tool catologs here in the states & other countrys.
It can get mighty detailed though sorting through the catologs trying to find the proper item's, but they have quite a bit & sometimes at cheaper prices than C&C Specialty, but you got to know what to look for.

C&C has tool's that fit to what ever size cylinder your working on, say like an 80cc cylinder, you need small tool's, 1/8" shank to get in the port & do them right.

Even just starting out, just dabbling in porting, you still need the proper tools or else when you do get them, its like you got to learn all over again how to port.

08-26-2010, 07:42 PM
well I tried sending it out but all I could send was the pdf if anybody know of another way to send it. Ill send it out

08-26-2010, 10:12 PM
I'd be interested in seeing a sample of the program if you want to send it to me. If the software is good, then it will only be as accurate as the information you input. One thing I've noticed with the programs is you can just increase the rpms and make more power which is not always the case with a motor. What do you mean by the software wants to overport the motor?

08-27-2010, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by slamdak8782
well I tried sending it out but all I could send was the pdf if anybody know of another way to send it. Ill send it out you can try sending it in a zip file. you just need the zip program which i think you can get a trial version for free, if not for free at all.

08-27-2010, 07:06 PM
Well I tried in zip format but it wouldnt send because it said it had a .exe program in it

08-27-2010, 08:25 PM
I wonder if it's a security setting in your email program. What email are you using?

09-05-2010, 09:21 PM
Sorry its been a while but I figured maybe if I could get some better screen shots some of the more experienced could give a better idea of how this equates into what I should cut on the cylinder.

What I understand.
1.Bore stroke rod length and deck to equal to CC's
2. Barrel adjust is to say what spacer and how deep in the hole is the piston, which will affect cylinder timing alignment. If you move it up or down via spacer or milling.

What I don't get.

1. What is the mean port area what does that mean.
2. BDN mean are cm2 what the heck is that
3. The total exhaust and intake
4. how do I decide from this where to cut
5. What is the difference between jennings and blair.

Ive gathered that the second column is all in degrees 0-360 so that is pretty self explanatory I suppose they mean when the port opens in relation to the crank.

The first column only allows 0-99 so im not sure what they are referring to.

Really a lot of questions so maybe C-leigh or someone who get this can explain it better. I want to understand but i'm kind of lost.

I can transfer the ports to paper and get the port areas but how does this all help me? I think I get the gist but i've never got this in depth into all of it.

09-05-2010, 09:27 PM
If anyone can feed me some parameters of their bore I will put it in there and give a you a screenshot. Also remember to tell me if you want Blair or Jennings. It might be interesting to see some real world ports vs what this program says.

09-05-2010, 11:03 PM
ok well I messed with this a little tonight and came up with the following. I figured out that the top column is the distance from the top of the cylinder till the top of the port. So I took some measurements with a vernier caliper of the polanda cylinder im working on and here were the heights. Dont pay attention to duration as i have not measured it yet but with a 150 BMEP its right around 80HP at 8500RPM. Im hoping for a around 60 so well see what happens. Ill have to figure out blowdown and all of the duration by sketching the cylinder, but I have progress. So I guess I answered some of my own questions. But feel free to chip in if you have any advice.

09-05-2010, 11:05 PM
forgot this

09-06-2010, 08:47 AM
Going off memory here as I'm away from my shop. The software is computing the area of the port in cm^2, the time is calculated using a mean time in seconds^2. This will give you the amount of area a port can flow in the duration of time used. Comparing the intake value, to the transfer value and to the exhuast value, will help you make sure you can get enough in, get enough transferred and room to let it all out the exuast.

I've tossed around the idea of putting on a one day porting seminar with lots of information provided, going over each individuals motor specs, how to measure and set them up, porting techniques, etc. I'm curious as to how much interest there would be. Of course I would charge for the information and hands on training. It would also help anyone eliminate what's good information, what the most important values are and what areas to concentrate on.

09-06-2010, 12:37 PM
Id probably go if it wasnt super expensive

09-07-2010, 08:19 PM
It wouldn't be too expensive if there was 5 or 6 interested, but not so far. It's a project I'll keep on the back burner for now as it would take a lot of prep time making a course outline, gathering/copying information, providing examples of different situations, etc.

09-07-2010, 08:34 PM
Hey Im for a road trip maybe bring the quad and go riding at the end:D

09-07-2010, 08:38 PM
I might be up for it, depending on price and when when it is