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View Full Version : has anyone else had the most retarded thing happen to them also??

02-04-2003, 08:41 PM
I was changing the oil yesterday, and replacing the filter...
I took off the 2 screws, and them I got the new filter in,started to put the boltss back in, and it just stopped taking threds I'm like THE %*&(I had put NO force on the bolts yet at all!!!) and it just snaped, I'm like crap...... so I tell my dad then we are like (*&$, So I end up luckly taking the extra chunk of the bold out with a screw driver...????So we got the new screw today and started putting it back together.The next thing i know the same thing happends to the other bolt....So we couldnt get is out so we ended up using a kit we got to fix pool stick's threds(makes new threds) so we just made it a lot shorter and got a new (shorter w/ no space inbetween the threads and the head bolt for the time being. have you had this?:confused2 :grr

02-04-2003, 08:44 PM
for the oil filter cover..i kno that there is 2 differnt length bolts..did you agv them mixed up perhaps

02-04-2003, 08:46 PM
yeah thoughs are the bolts, everything was right, i think it might have been because of it is/was 10 degrees out....

02-04-2003, 08:50 PM
I know it sounds like a lie but I got stuck
in the trunk of a car the other day putting
in my system. It was all f*&^ed up.

02-04-2003, 08:52 PM
hahaha, thats too bad..:rolleyes: :huh

02-04-2003, 09:00 PM
I was just sittin up in the boot of the car and
a gust of wind came along and wam! the boot
shut and there I was stuck in the boot fer like
20 min. believe me 20 min. felt like 3-4 hrs. It was
a trip though. I think I'll catch him in the boot sometime
and lock him in there and put it on my Jackass movie

02-05-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by BigRider69
I think I'll catch him in the boot sometime
and lock him in there and put it on my Jackass movie


02-05-2003, 11:22 AM
well i was out in the hot tub the othernight, and the cover blew off, so i go get my shoes so i could walk around in the snow, and stupid @$$ me, i step in the hot tub with my brand new shoes one! I was like............YOU IDIOT!!! I felt like an ***, cuase my gf was with me

02-05-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by BigRider69
I was just sittin up in the boot of the car and
a gust of wind came along and wam! the boot
shut and there I was stuck in the boot fer like
20 min. believe me 20 min. felt like 3-4 hrs. It was
a trip though. I think I'll catch him in the boot sometime
and lock him in there and put it on my Jackass movie

what's a boot:huh is that kentuckian for trunk:huh

DGR Designs
02-05-2003, 11:53 AM
lmao you got stuck in a trunk.....
and you walked into a hot tub in front of your girl wearin your new shoes.....
lmfao its always the retard moments in life that make life interesting!

02-05-2003, 01:17 PM
Thats what life is all about. Those things
you cant explain why they happened. But
what the L. thats life.

kc 300EX
02-05-2003, 01:33 PM
We tried locking my cousin in his brother in laws Nissan Altimas trunk.........would you believe the damn thing has a handle on the inside so you can get out?? and I light so you can see the handle:huh

02-05-2003, 02:29 PM
2 trunk stories

#1 One time me and my buddies thought it would be funny if me and this girl got in the trunk and they drove around . I had no problem with it as i've been in a trunk for 2 hours on the way to the shore . Anyway she gets in and they shut he trunk and start driving . She like a dumb***** just remembers she is clostraphobic and starts to get nervous and says she's gonna puke :grr She did end up puking but i made sure she was waaaaaaay on the other side of the trunk :devil :D :blah

#2 Another time there were too many of us to fit in a friends car so i just volunteered to go in the trunk . Why not right ? I was 16 and it sounded like a good idea at the time LoL Anyway I started making jokes through the seat about how funny it would be if we got pulled over . Sure enough we got pulled over LoL I thought they were kidding at first so i kept talking and being loud :uhoh: I still can't believe the cop didn't hear me :macho Anyways a few minutes later the cop lets us go and we get to my house . they open the trunk and I say " Did that really just happen ???:huh :huh :huh "

02-05-2003, 02:30 PM
thats sucks...It would have been worse if you have to drill the screw out :chinese:

02-05-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by speedy400
I was changing the oil yesterday, and replacing the filter...
I took off the 2 screws, and them I got the new filter in,started to put the boltss back in, and it just stopped taking threds I'm like THE %*&(I had put NO force on the bolts yet at all!!!) and it just snaped, I'm like crap...... so I tell my dad then we are like (*&$, So I end up luckly taking the extra chunk of the bold out with a screw driver...????So we got the new screw today and started putting it back together.The next thing i know the same thing happends to the other bolt....So we couldnt get is out so we ended up using a kit we got to fix pool stick's threds(makes new threds) so we just made it a lot shorter and got a new (shorter w/ no space inbetween the threads and the head bolt for the time being. have you had this?:confused2 :grr
that exact thing happen to me. the bolt never stop turning tell it snaped :ermm:

02-05-2003, 07:18 PM
LOL... I find lately I have been wanting to do some dumb stuff.. Like I got a drink of juice, and I went to put the juice in the self, instead of the fridge... and I have broken 3 heads off bolts on my quads... With out even putting presure on them.... Just fingure tightening them.... am I that buff? JK:devil