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08-12-2010, 10:24 PM
Anyone have step parents they hate as much as I do? Guy seriously is the most spiteful person I have ever met and does things just to irritate me. Seriously can't stand him. He won't even let me keep my ex in the garage just to tick me off. Post if step parents frustrate you as bad as me.

08-13-2010, 06:36 AM
Judging by your birthday you are 21. Maybe he is just trying to push you out into your own place?

08-13-2010, 08:28 AM
Not my step parents, but my real parents.
When I decided I didn't want to be living under their rules anymore, I moved out.
I was 17.

08-13-2010, 09:12 AM
Im sorry to say this, but in his mind your just in his way,and your standing in his way of haveing a relationship with your mother!

08-13-2010, 09:31 AM
Nah its not that he's trying to push me into my own place, my sister lives here and shes a year younger than me and he doesn't give her crap. Were just two totally different people and he is against everything I like. He's a douche

08-13-2010, 09:38 AM
Man, I can understand you having issues if you're 16, but you're 21?

Life sucks, sometimes it's just not fair. You want control, you gotta WORK to make it happen. Get your own place, and you can put your quad in the LIVING room if you want to.

Until then, I assume he's paying more of the mortgage than you are, so he gets to make the rules.

08-13-2010, 09:55 AM
he wont give your sister a hard time cause hes not threatened by her, you cant have two different male lions in a pack of lions, we as humans arnt much different than animals, dont make it a fight, hes is the dominant male and hes the head of the house, if that's not what you want then leave

08-13-2010, 10:42 AM
It sounds like it's time for your own place, and he probably feels the same way. At some point, you have to start supporting yourself. If that means renting a cheap apartment, and storage facility for your quad, so be it.

Regretfully, I've had to move back in with mom and stepdad for a couple months when I was down on my luck. I was 22 at the time, and it just made for an awkward situation. We got along fairly well before I moved out for college at 18, and really well when I was away for college.

When I moved back in, we would butt heads constantly. I had gotten used to my way of doing things, and they were completely different from his. You may not realize it, but this kind of situation can be stressful on any mom. She is the middle person, having to mediate between two people that mean alot to her.

In the end, I realized that we would all be better off if I got out as quick as possible. That was my intention all along, but that made me try and speed the process even more.

Tommy Warren
08-13-2010, 10:56 AM
my step father moved in when i was 16 and he said "this is your house I'll never kick you out of your own house" three months later he put the mortgage in his name and came home that night to kick me out......I've had my own place ever since....wow that was nine years ago

08-13-2010, 11:42 AM
Right now would be nice to move out but not ethical. I don't make enough money as it is and I'm in school. I work at his business to make up for not paying rent and I do a lot around the place. If you guys met him you'd know what I mean, he's a very hard person to get along with.

08-13-2010, 12:02 PM
Guess it's different for me because I was pretty much raised by my step-dad. I call him dad and he treats me like his own son. As far as him or I are concerned, he's my dad and I'm his son.

I still have a relationship with my biological father as well, I call them both dad so when they're in the same place it gets a little awkward. lol.

08-13-2010, 02:01 PM
i'm pretty lucky i guess. my stepdad it pretty cool. he collects guitars ibanez and plays in a 80's cover band and travels quite a bit on weekends and meets some famous people. he played with hair of the dog on stage and open up for molly hatchet at a big bar a while back.

08-13-2010, 03:23 PM
Have you tried talking to him or your mom about it? Sometimes that works.

If you have already tried the talking route look at it like this:
-Who actually owns the home-if his name isnt on the tax bill, deed or whatever then you do what you want imho.

-You work for him-THIS IS VERY BAD cause he now has control over you! Find a job away from him, even if its crappy-its worth being away from him perhaps.

-Ignore him and see what happens, he might take the hint. If you dont say anything back to him how can he start an argument or cause an issue? Walk away if you have to.

-Has he struck you? I would file criminal charges if he has-or at least threaten to if he does strike you. Holding that over his head may or may not be a smart idea-but it will make him think twice about doing it again

-or if he is generally a jerk then perhaps its time to leave. May suck at first but its the way it works out sometimes.

In my case my father and mother (no step parents, etc) are ok most of the time. But my dad likes to cause trouble and then tries to hurt me so I smack the crud out of him. And my mom usually breaks it up. I mean im 25 and MUCH larger and stronger than him, he basically thinks I should get my own place-but here in NJ Thats impossible if you dont have a good job. In my case I dont and I go to college part time. So in the end I try and get along.

08-13-2010, 07:42 PM
CJM he has never struck me and never attempted too, cuz he knows I wouldnt allow that. Hes very hard to talk to as well, he has a very awkward personality and mine seems to clash with his on a lot of subjects. I dont actually work for him, I just help him to cut grass and do basic maintenance of the business. Buck440 thats awesome! My actual father is kinda like that, hes real into music and is a big jokester.

08-13-2010, 08:30 PM
99400esex its a true shame, best I can advise you to do is stay out of his way and try to get along.

Dont feel so bad, my dad HATES anything mechanical and I have tons of junk apart. Another quad, 2 trucks, many tools laying about, appliances, etc all waiting to be fixed. He hates that its all over the place and doesnt understand why I have over 5k worth of tools either. Course when whatever brakes and I can fix it for cheap or free he's happy.