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View Full Version : Getting yelled at for having a loud pipe (video!)

08-10-2010, 10:18 AM
Who else has gotten yelled at by neighbors for making too much noise? My neighbor is pretty good about it, has never said anything before... but recently jumped out of the bushes to tell me to ride on the other side of the property because he had company over! lol

Check out the video, the clip with the neighbor is towards the end.


08-10-2010, 10:47 AM
neighbor behind me is just a jerk, he complains about everything from the pressure washer, to my quad, to my truck to anything and everything. he called the cops so many times they actually refuse to go out to him.

08-10-2010, 11:38 AM
i live on 33 acres and if he jumped out on my trails like that i would call to police and have him removed. thats not safe at all but look on the bright side if he makes a habbit of it. "i didnt see him" and i dont know about the laws in canada but if theres no sound ordnance i would buy him a pair or ear plugs and tell him to deal with it.

01 400EXer
08-10-2010, 11:43 AM
I am actually suprised that no one has ever complained about me. I live and ride on 50+ acres and I am out in the country. Across the road from me is an old establised developement that a lot of city folks have moved to. I also live beside a horse from that offer training and riding lessons. I broke the horses in slowly by taking it easy when they were near the fence where I was riding and now it does not even phase them and it does not bither those neighbors one bit. I think the main reason no one has complained is the fact that I am not riding early in the morning and late at night.

08-10-2010, 11:49 AM
Not raggin on you but your neighbor seems super cool about it laughing and stuff. And if he's never complained about it before and had company over while you were riding then its totally understandable. He didn't ask you to stop riding, just stay on the other side for today. Seems like a nice guy and he's not trying to stir up any trouble.

We love quads and how they sound, but they are very loud and that sound echos farther than we'd like to admit.

Around here we used to ride in the snow before the plows came out. I was riding around the neighborhood (like I've done for years) and one guy came out and yelled while I rode past and another guy ran out in front of me and got in my face yelling for 10 minutes. He stood in front of the quad so I couldn't ride away. I was around 16 at the time so I just sat there and listened to him yell for 10 minutes. I wasn't going insanely fast either... Just cruising around the block at the normal fun pace. The guy always seemed like a phaggot though so I wasn't surprised when he stopped me. :p

Just be glad you don't live in the suburbs... You'd barely be able to start your quad up without having the cops come out. Heck, when I was like 12 I got the cops called on me for riding my 6hp go cart down the street!

08-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Nice stories guys!

Originally posted by yellowzo3
Not raggin on you but your neighbor seems super cool about it laughing and stuff. And if he's never complained about it before and had company over while you were riding then its totally understandable. He didn't ask you to stop riding, just stay on the other side for today. Seems like a nice guy and he's not trying to stir up any trouble.

Just be glad you don't live in the suburbs... You'd barely be able to start your quad up without having the cops come out. Heck, when I was like 12 I got the cops called on me for riding my 6hp go cart down the street!

My neighbor is pretty cool, I didn't mean to complain about him, I just thought it was kinda funny the way he jumped out of the bushes at me! Also just wanted to hear experiences from others. I have it pretty good, the other side of my property borders on a family that I'm pretty good friends with, the dad owns a motorcycle shop that is on-site, works on Harleys, Indians, etc, so obviously that makes quite a bit of noise. The son is my age and has a WR250F, we ride together pretty often. They also have 200 acres of land, which is awesome!

I actually don't live at my farm... I live in downtown Toronto, which is WORSE than the suburbs. Not to mention I live in a pretty wealthy, mostly observant Jewish neighborhood. Sometimes I have the LTR at home (not very often), so I'll start it up, move it out into the driveway, and then wash it. Usually after it's all clean I like to start it up, rev it a little, and then take it up & down the street. That was BEFORE I took the silencer out of the stock exhaust (before I had the aftermarket system too). Once the silencer was out, the echos that my pipe would make off of the other houses was just ridiculous... I took it 3 houses up the street, and turned around, and on my way back EVERY single house that I could see had someone looking pissed off looking out the window. Haven't rode it on the street since!

Originally posted by CJM
neighbor behind me is just a jerk, he complains about everything from the pressure washer, to my quad, to my truck to anything and everything. he called the cops so many times they actually refuse to go out to him.

Pressure washer? LOL that's pretty funny. Good to hear that the cops don't bother coming anymore.

08-10-2010, 12:09 PM
I agree with yelloz3, he seemed nice about it and he just wanted some peace for the day.
Looks like you had plenty of area to ride and get your jollies without riding by his house.
I hope you gave him what he wanted, that would show you respect his needs as well your own.
I have to load mine up and drive 30+ miles just to ride.

08-10-2010, 12:20 PM
Yeah I lol'd when I saw the guy standing there looking like he just walked out of a jungle lmao... I guess that's the only way to flag someone down though.

I hear you on the echoing off the houses deal :p ... I always cringed when I had to start my quad after washing if it was past dusk. Fortunately my neighbors all around me are cool and never said anything, but just down the street there used to be a couple houses with people that had the "mad at the world" mentality and you just never know with those kinds of folks

08-10-2010, 12:32 PM
Yea bout my neighbor and all, he complains about EVERYTHING like I said.

He went so far as to call the cops on my mom using a gas pressure washer and he LIED telling them it was an emergency and got the cops pissed at him. They also informed him anyone can do any yard/home improvement from 6am-11pm day in and out. They also told himt hey would cite him again for this kinda bs and the cop told my mom to do it all day and night if she wants and if the cops come to give them his name, badgenumber and card he left.

he also complained and called the cops on the guys who have motorcycles cause of course they are loud and people who mow thier lawns instead of paying for it (cause they mow on the weekend). Basically he should have total silence and live in timbuktoo where there is no one and he would be happy.

When I had another atv he stopped me and commented he said it was cool and junk but his kids were trying to sleep (granted they were smaller) so I agreed and packed it in. 2 days later its like 12pm and im riding in my yard (gotta understand the yards abutt eachother pretty good and we only have 3 acres and he has 2) and he comes out asking to talk to my parents-im 22 and im like they aint home, whatever it is you tell me. He then proceeds screaming at me at how its illegal and all (it is you need 4 acres in this town-but NO ONE seems to care but him).

Then he called the cops cause I was tuning it, they basically told me they would prefer I not even start it cause they are sick of his bs. Then he complained about my loud truck, then the other day i was tuning the quad again and he came over all prissy and made a scene claiming we had a deal (we did???? huh??? last i recall we dont talk at all and there was never a "deal"???) about how he was gonna call the Lt on the PD and tell on me and junk and its illegal and hes gonna sue me and stuff. My mom was outside and she laid into him SOOOO bad about how big an *** he is that he has hardly come outside when we are home this entire summer. She said so many 4 letter words and screamed so loud im sure the entire block heard it.

About a month back he was at it again, I was running a chainsaw cutting up a tree then later I washed the quad and blasted inthe yard for a good minute. He came to the property line and began to scream and I just up calmly walked up and said "I think you need to shut up and go back in your house now, incase you havent noticed you are the only one who seems to care if I ride or make noise. If you dont like it we were here first and you came much later-therefore you can pack your chit up and leave if you dont like it-cause we aint moving! The rest of the block who hates you as well will be overjoyed if you left. Now shut your piehole and go into the house before this gets ugly" he was so utterly stunned ansd speechless he turned and walked away. FWIW hes a small guy about 5ft 9in and Im 225lbs and 6ft tall and big and stocky. I TOWER over him pretty much.

Ah I cant wait till he leaves.

08-10-2010, 01:09 PM
my neigbors are pretty cool, i live in a suburb and if i get a new part of i just want to take it for a quick rip, ill go up the street and turn around in the circle and what ever an no one ever cares, there is even a cop who lives 1 street over, doesnt care.

there are even a couple elderly couples who live on my street, some times when it snow they will ask me to bust up the snow/ ice in the drive ways and in front of the mail boxes with my quad, and even some of the younger guys ask to ride it or whatever

most people are pretty cool on my street

08-10-2010, 01:15 PM
my neighbours are *******s. one of them has threatened me twice and has gotten physical with me. im only a kid and they make smart comments everytime they see me. i usually take my quad for a drive around the block which only passes there house twice. its only in the space of 5 minutes. they are the people on the street that everybody hates. they spsend more time on the phone to the cops than they go out side. they go to bed at 9 at night and they are up at 7 in the morning. they really piss me off

08-10-2010, 01:40 PM
We're the opposite around here. After we moved in ripped the banshee and 250R around a few times a couple neighbors actually went out and bought dirtbikes. Since most are all younger they ride on our frontyard to get to eachothers houses. They're not a problem and we told them to take it slow on the grass. Although they have been getting faster lol, one of the fathers is a retired cop, now MDC so we don't have any problems.

Thank god we moved though. Some old lady across the street called the cops because the ice cream mans music "disturbed her dinner". :huh

08-10-2010, 01:57 PM
At 1:18 of the video ... what kind of car is that ? It's partially covered by a tarp.

08-10-2010, 02:11 PM
ive had neighbors go out on their porch and leave a message on my answering machine of my z400s exhaust..hahaha

Ruby Soho
08-10-2010, 02:41 PM
that guy wasn't a dick at all.

08-10-2010, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by ATVMX33
ive had neighbors go out on their porch and leave a message on my answering machine of my z400s exhaust..hahaha

lol thats stock isnt it? that reminds me of our old race mini's with the hetric exhausts the one neighbor hated it and called the cops multiple times. then when my cousin brought up her built trx 90/125 it was all over! she was up for the weekend and we got calls by the hour!

08-10-2010, 03:06 PM
At least he wasn't an @ss about it. I've had people chase me down in dump trucks before

08-10-2010, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Yea bout my neighbor and all, he complains about EVERYTHING like I said.

Haha I think you win for having the WORST neighbor!

Originally posted by ATVMX33
ive had neighbors go out on their porch and leave a message on my answering machine of my z400s exhaust..hahaha

LOL... You should leave them one saying "you were too far away, here's what it sounds like up close" and just put the phone up to your exhaust and rev it up a few times!

Originally posted by Quad18star
At 1:18 of the video ... what kind of car is that ? It's partially covered by a tarp.

'67 Barracuda, it's my dads (well all the cars in the video are)

Originally posted by yellowzo3
Yeah I lol'd when I saw the guy standing there looking like he just walked out of a jungle lmao... I guess that's the only way to flag someone down though.

Haha yeah, I wasn't sure if he was trying to flag me down, when I watch it now it looks more like he's trying to wave me in the direction of the other field. It was still kinda freaky at the time, but funny now that I look back at it!

08-10-2010, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Canadian144
Haha I think you win for having the WORST neighbor!
I think so. My brother, a friend and I are still trying to figure out ways we can make his life miserable but not make it to obvious it was us so he can blame us.

08-10-2010, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I think so. My brother, a friend and I are still trying to figure out ways we can make his life miserable but not make it to obvious it was us so he can blame us.

Crap in a paper bag, drive round in front of his house, and throw it on his lawn? Don't even bother lighting it on fire, if he just sees the bag he will probably open it and then be like OMG. How's he gonna prove it's your crap? I don't think he's gonna get it tested lol...

08-10-2010, 03:38 PM
Nah this jerk would call the PD ricky tick for that and claim it was drugs or something till they got there.

Last month on 4th of july we played deep purple, iron man and inna gadda da vita in a continuous loop on a powerfull speaker system ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG and we lit off fireworks for like 4 hours. He didnt do anything.. Then again everyone was having a good time.

I think next month for the heck of it ill redo my exhaust to dump out the side of my bed on my truck with no mufflers. :devil:

08-10-2010, 03:46 PM
I knew it was a Cuda ... but couldn't quite make out the year.

My old man has a '69 Cuda. :D

08-10-2010, 03:46 PM
Do on to others as you would have them do on to you.
Just because there an @ss don’t mean you should stoop to there level.
Go ahead and do the things you enjoy but don’t go out of your way to fuel the fire.
You may think it’s funny but some day you may just be the straw that breaks the camels back and that crazy nut may just go postal on your @ss.

08-10-2010, 03:49 PM
ha your neighbor seems pretty cool,also ryan did you get your trail tech back on yet?ive got it pretty good though,we sit prob 1k-1.5k off the road so im always just ripping up and down the front yard,driveway and doing wheelies and we've got about 4 close neighbors(in the front)and they have never complained and 2quads ago i had a 250ex and it was pretty loud,my 400 is still running stock pipe so its not too too bad. but a couple houses down theres a guy with a really loud warrior so my neighbors are used to it.

08-10-2010, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Do on to others as you would have them do on to you.
Just because there an @ss don’t mean you should stoop to there level.
Go ahead and do the things you enjoy but don’t go out of your way to fuel the fire.
You may think it’s funny but some day you may just be the straw that breaks the camels back and that crazy nut may just go postal on your @ss.

This of course is very true, but the guy is a true coward imho. If anything one day we are gonna go postal on him for his complaining :grr: The postal kinda person woulda already came over and tried to physically assault me imho.

08-10-2010, 03:57 PM
The problem with driving someone to there breaking point is that when or if they go postal they do it in a cowardly way and just show up blasting away and you never see it coming.

08-10-2010, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I knew it was a Cuda ... but couldn't quite make out the year.

My old man has a '69 Cuda. :D

Right on! Yeah he's got that Cuda that sits outside, and another two inside! :D 1 is a 67, all stripped right now. I believe it's a 340 Formula S. The real gem in the collection is a '68... it's a numbers matching Formula S with the 383. I believe (can't remember) it has the bucket seats, as well as the automatic transmission. Supposedly there were 395 Fastback '68 Formula S's with an Automatic and the 383, so considering that his car is numbers matching makes it pretty special IMO. Still needs to be restored though. All 3 of his Cudas are Fastbacks.

Any pics of your old mans?

Originally posted by CJM
Last month on 4th of july we played deep purple, iron man and inna gadda da vita in a continuous loop on a powerfull speaker system ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG and we lit off fireworks for like 4 hours. He didnt do anything.. Then again everyone was having a good time.

I think next month for the heck of it ill redo my exhaust to dump out the side of my bed on my truck with no mufflers. :devil:

LOL nice. I'm sure he will enjoy your truck without a muffler!

Originally posted by HondaRacing83
ha your neighbor seems pretty cool,also ryan did you get your trail tech back on yet?

No not yet...

08-10-2010, 06:44 PM
Make some round up or weed b gone ice cubes, or whatever will kill his grass and throw a ton on his lawn. No way he can trace it back to you.:devil:

08-10-2010, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Canadian144
Right on! Yeah he's got that Cuda that sits outside, and another two inside! :D 1 is a 67, all stripped right now. I believe it's a 340 Formula S. The real gem in the collection is a '68... it's a numbers matching Formula S with the 383. I believe (can't remember) it has the bucket seats, as well as the automatic transmission. Supposedly there were 395 Fastback '68 Formula S's with an Automatic and the 383, so considering that his car is numbers matching makes it pretty special IMO. Still needs to be restored though. All 3 of his Cudas are Fastbacks.

Any pics of your old mans?

I've got a few kicking around somewhere .. I'll have to search and post them up. His is a 69 Fastback with a 340 automatic.. bucket seats also. We restored it about 6 or 7 years ago . Painted it dark cherry with flat black bumpers and hood. Rolling on a set of Crager rims. It's for sale also ... so if your old man is interested we're only 4 hours away. :blah:

08-10-2010, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I've got a few kicking around somewhere .. I'll have to search and post them up. His is a 69 Fastback with a 340 automatic.. bucket seats also. We restored it about 6 or 7 years ago . Painted it dark cherry with flat black bumpers and hood. Rolling on a set of Crager rims. It's for sale also ... so if your old man is interested we're only 4 hours away. :blah:

Awesome, I'd love to see some pictures of it!

My dad won't be interested - he only likes cars that need work haha. I believe with the '67 Cuda that is currently stripped down, he is going to drop a big motor (440 perhaps? Can't remember what engine exactly) into it and just have a badass cruising/go to car shows car! I think he's going to try to restore the '68 back to 100% original condition. Not sure what he wants to do with the 67 sitting outside under the tarp.

08-10-2010, 09:54 PM
Does he have any reverse light bezzles that work and that he wants to sell?:devil:

08-10-2010, 09:58 PM


08-11-2010, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by KFX450Rrider490
lol thats stock isnt it? that reminds me of our old race mini's with the hetric exhausts the one neighbor hated it and called the cops multiple times. then when my cousin brought up her built trx 90/125 it was all over! she was up for the weekend and we got calls by the hour!
i had the spark arrestor out..haha

08-11-2010, 10:13 AM
oh and btw,the way i heard the guy say that was (sorry but can you go be awesome somewhere else?)

08-12-2010, 06:52 AM
my neighbor puts nail boards out...your lucky.

08-12-2010, 09:08 AM
ya that guy is nice!! looks like you have enough land to stay away from him! if you abuse you loose!!!

08-12-2010, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by yellowzo3
Just be glad you don't live in the suburbs... You'd barely be able to start your quad up without having the cops come out. Heck, when I was like 12 I got the cops called on me for riding my 6hp go cart down the street!

hell, be happy they only came to your house. when i was 15, i got arrested for driving my law mower down the street to my Gf house so i could mow her lawn when her parents were away. (get your head outta the gutters everyone. wasnt mowing that kinda lawn :devil:) anyway, i was arrested cause the cop said i was 'running" from him. yes, i was "running from the cops on a lawn mower" he said cause i looked back, saw him, and kept going. dude actually got on his loud speaker and told me to pull over. then he pulled next to me and shouted and gave me the hand signal to pull it over. dude was pissed... hahaha good times in New Jersey i tell ya :D

08-12-2010, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by buck440
my neighbor puts nail boards out...your lucky.

I had that one where I used to live, we figured out who it was and promptly returned them and put them under the guys car (he parked outside). He stopped putting nail boards out.

08-12-2010, 01:01 PM
yah this welfare collecting mofo freddy glen aka freddy g rides his pos quad all around town at night but when i ride a trail a few hundred yards from his house he complains and sticks nail boards out on the trails. that's how i got a flat tire last week. he's lucky he didn't ruin my $1200 wheels or else it would have been alot worse. but any who yah it's what makes riding fun i guess, the haters and wannabe's.

08-12-2010, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
hell, be happy they only came to your house. when i was 15, i got arrested for driving my law mower down the street to my Gf house so i could mow her lawn when her parents were away. (get your head outta the gutters everyone. wasnt mowing that kinda lawn :devil:) anyway, i was arrested cause the cop said i was 'running" from him. yes, i was "running from the cops on a lawn mower" he said cause i looked back, saw him, and kept going. dude actually got on his loud speaker and told me to pull over. then he pulled next to me and shouted and gave me the hand signal to pull it over. dude was pissed... hahaha good times in New Jersey i tell ya :D


the landscaping guys ride their lawnmowers from one end of the street to the other every week here to do one of the yards and everybody could care less. What happened when you got arrested? Did you have to ditch the tractor right in the street and get in the car? lol

08-12-2010, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by yellowzo3

the landscaping guys ride their lawnmowers from one end of the street to the other every week here to do one of the yards and everybody could care less. What happened when you got arrested? Did you have to ditch the tractor right in the street and get in the car? lol i hope so!that was just uncalled for what dehner did!!!i mean seriously?!thats just ignorant....lmao a lawnmower really?u shuda rode your quad down there with the lawnmower chained to the grab bar!he woulda never caught you.....

08-12-2010, 05:57 PM
My dumb@ss neighbor comes over with his FBI hat on to scare us:rolleyes: lol The first day I got my new quad he had to complain about it being to dangerous with other kids playing in the neighbor hood... which is fine, but it was raining and everyone was inside!!:mad:

08-12-2010, 06:22 PM
One of my neighbors complains when I use my pressure washer, from a couple acres away.
Another calls the cops when I fire up fresh motors in my garage, again from a few acres away. The same guy did it when my hybrid backfired one day when I was kicking it through. He says he thought I was shooting guns.

08-13-2010, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by yellowzo3

the landscaping guys ride their lawnmowers from one end of the street to the other every week here to do one of the yards and everybody could care less. What happened when you got arrested? Did you have to ditch the tractor right in the street and get in the car? lol

well, i ended up having to have my parents come get me from the station. they were pissed. but not at me. cause they knew it was BS why i was there. as for the lawn mower, luckly i was only a few houses away from the GF's by the time i actually pulled over and he let me PUSH IT to her drive way. (only cool thing the cop did) had to go to court, they hit me with driving without a liscense (was dismissed) driving unregistered vehicle, driving off road vehicle without a helmet, and failure to obay an officer. ended up getting close to $500 in fines and court cost. sucked at the time but a good story now.

moral of the story boys and girls.. dont drive lawn mowers down the road to try and get some nookie. cause it would of been cheaper to buy a magazine and some hand lotion. :devil: :eek2: :D

08-13-2010, 11:09 AM
i still think my idea would have been golden

08-13-2010, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
moral of the story boys and girls.. dont drive lawn mowers down the road to try and get some nookie. cause it would of been cheaper to buy a magazine and some hand lotion. :devil: :eek2: :D

I'm sure it would of been worth it if he caught you on the way back from her house though. :D ;)

08-13-2010, 03:30 PM
How far exactly did you drive down the road on it anyways?

08-14-2010, 09:39 AM
other than 3 of our neighbors . the rest despise us from dropping 30round AR clips my old bikes thaat i got running at 3 in the morning.or our great dane chasing cats out of the yard i cant say i blame them :) but they know not to come in our yard...