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View Full Version : low intensity for longer or high intensity for shorter?

08-08-2010, 05:26 PM
Im trying to have more endurance when racing and i have been running everyday since april. im looking to see if what im doing is right and what will benefit me more.

so heres the question:

What works better in increase cardiovascular endurance? Running at a little bit slower speed for longer or running at a high intensity pace for shorter?

08-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Slow and steady brings up your endurance better than anything.

08-08-2010, 06:41 PM
I was never into the extra exercise because I have always had a hard physical job.
But I do ride hard until I get tired and instead of stopping I just slow down until I get my breath back and hit it hard again. And that works for me.

08-08-2010, 07:03 PM
It has been shown recently that hard intense intervals helps build overall endurance a lot. Alternating between a very intense/fast run and a recovery period of jogging will help with cadio better than just going out and running a set distance.

08-08-2010, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Fred55
It has been shown recently that hard intense intervals helps build overall endurance a lot. Alternating between a very intense/fast run and a recovery period of jogging will help with cadio better than just going out and running a set distance.

ive read thats more for weight lose then overall endurance. im more looking for endurance as in riding as hard as a can longer. weight loss would help but right now im more into being able to ride hard faster longer

08-08-2010, 11:49 PM
from every thing i have ready you want to work in percentages of your max heart rate. you want to train in your fat burning stage for a say 15 minutes of a 45 min exercise, then you want to run in the cardo stage for 20 minutes, then you want to run at the aneraboic stage for as long as you can after that. because that will train your body to coup with the lactic acid your muscles make and so on and so forth.

i just bought a fancy heart rate watch so i can race then as soon as im done racing i can see what my heart rate is so i can later train in that zone.

08-11-2010, 10:24 AM
My Workout used to be

1 mile slow pace run
sprints (maybe ten 50 - 100 yard sprints)
1 mile slow pace run
2 mile cool down

Some days I would do suicide runs, or run 4 miles, just changed it up. I like to mix it up
Of course now im just getting fat:macho

08-11-2010, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by m0t0xk1d
ive read thats more for weight lose then overall endurance. im more looking for endurance as in riding as hard as a can longer. weight loss would help but right now im more into being able to ride hard faster longer

It actually does both, just running long distances doesn't do it, do intervals and circuits and you will be in better shape and have long endurance.

08-11-2010, 11:14 AM
This is what I just got done doing a couple weeks ago. Marine Corps Mud Run. It's a charity event and the money goes towards Wounded Warriors and families who have lost a family member serving overseas. It's supposed to be a 5 mile run with a 4-member team and throughout the course are numerous stations where you have to do duck walks, pushups, leg raises, partner carriers, belly crawls, etc. It got screwed up this year and some teams got routed wrong and they did less than 5 miles and completely missed the mud pit while my team (and many other teams) got routed to a 6.5 mile course. Here I am on the 2nd leg of the mud pit getting ready to do pushups. I'm in front, my sister-in-law beside me and my brother behind us. What a blast this was.

08-11-2010, 04:55 PM
Really, the most effective workout you can do is something similar to what you are training FOR.

Your riding isn't one long, steady pace. Nor is it short bursts of high-intensity activity, with nothing in between. It's going to be a rhythm, with periods of high intensity (whoops?) and periods of low-intensity (long, high-speed straights?).

It sounds like Fred's suggestion is going to be the one that works best for you. Short bursts of high-intensity, interspersed with low-intensity endurance training.

I'd suggest not just jogging or running, but find (or create) a long obstacle course. Through some trees (low intensity), a short uphill climb that you sprint (high intensity), find a place to stop and do push-ups, get a whole mix of things. Your riding is a mix of things, your workout should be also.

08-11-2010, 06:13 PM
I would do high intensity.

There was an article done awhile ago of dirtbike racers and there heart rate.

They averaged around 94% of there max heart rate. These were some of the most premier athletes. simply jogging you will not be able to build your endurance to what is needed on the track. They are completely different kind of endurance/stamina. Jogging you are trying to stay 50-60% of your max heart rate

Jogging long distances you are looking at your heart rate to be 135-155 bpm depending on your fitness level. There have been runners that will show low 100's after a 5 mile warm up.

Will jogging help-absolutely. Is it the best method for training-No.

I would compose a High Intensity Training program, you can find several over the internet. example would be 30sec run, 1 min jog and repeat. Same with biking. I also recommend using a rowing machine in your workout.

Remember the only way to simulate the real thing is to actually practice on the bike.
study (http://www.racerxvt.com/virtual_trainer/Dr_A_heart_rate.html)

"These findings suggest that intense aerobic and anaerobic training specifically designed for these athletes may improve their competitive advantage"