View Full Version : I lost today!

02-04-2003, 01:31 PM
Today.I was decrowned as the king of our mx track.A small little guy that goes by the name of j400exrider.Now wheres the crown.

After about 8 laps of being on his arse.He finally spun out in a corner after I jumped the creek and put some pressure on him.After that I passed him.But the laps before that I was riding that 300ex to death and could not overcome that little guy.Even though I was riding with no back brakes and on a much smaller bike.I am sure he would have given me a dang good run for my money even on my R.

I am happy about it though.Every since he has got this bike he has been afraid to go fast where there are tree's around.Well today I guess I talked enough to trash.That he overcame his fear.

Now I guess I have no choice.It is R time!

02-04-2003, 03:07 PM
i am the guy he was racing today, and i gotta say he is a much better rider than me. although he has much more experience than me i have been riding only a few years he has been riding since he was 4, well he kept up with me rather nicely on his 300 ex, and i was on my 400 ex. so that really takes a good rider, well i am in class and gotta go. talk to you all later. peace out CLEMS

02-04-2003, 09:56 PM
dude first of all u guy are luckey . where i live there is nobody to ride with beside a guy with a prary that rides with me once in a while but not that good. second of all...u have a mx track to practice on! that is sweet. I wish I had that! I can't complane about xc tho i bet i have one of the best places to ride xc ever. 400acers of an old abandon girl scout camp. it is kinda freeky beeing back there alone when i am resting for a while but when u ride u just ride.....nice xc practice...........only 1 problem. I hate xc!
have funy guys hope u get that crown back. and j400exrider...ride it liek u stole it.

02-05-2003, 03:43 AM
yea, i hear ya hondaquadman , i recently got lcky and found some cool kids who ride MX and have a spot to ride. its so much better now cause we can build what we want and its FREE

02-05-2003, 05:15 AM
At least your friend is still interested in riding

02-05-2003, 07:02 AM
oh don't worry about that.I am going to get it back.My 300 is getting some new tires here pretty soon.And some other stuff.And I will start riding again everyday.And then I will be the king again!

And yeah I know where lucky.

02-05-2003, 01:18 PM
Why dont you get a 400 or a R or z 400 insted of dumping $$$$$ into a 300ex?? I dont get it. Is there sommin I missed?

02-05-2003, 01:59 PM
I ain't lettin him get the crown back. the only reason we have a motocross track is cause me and him and another friend spent 2 years building it by hand, no chainsaw, we used axes, and a hand winch to pull out stumps it was alot of work but it was worth it.

02-05-2003, 05:28 PM
I have an 86 trx250r already.It has been apart for over a year now.I don't want to put it back togother until I have the money to do it right.And working where I work I am not exactly loaded with money right now.My 300ex needs some new tires.Other than that A new bumper,skids and nerfs.I will be ready to go.

Of course shocks are on the list to.Right now the stockers work good enough.

And about the track.Yeah he is telling the truth.Every weekend we would spend cutting down tree's with axe's and pulling stumps out with a chain hoist.I still want to widen a few parts up.But it awesome right now.

02-06-2003, 06:01 PM
lets see some pics

02-07-2003, 07:13 PM
well get some pics.Right now I got the flu and don't want to be anywhere except asleep.

I seem to have a hard time getting pics on here because of the size.How do I make pics smaller?