View Full Version : What Religion are you?

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02-05-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by forum
o yes. and someone said this before, I thought.EXACTLY! almost all wars are because of religiuos reasons. you tell me religion is the only way to have true peace and all this bull, makes me wanna puke!. Why do you think septemper 11 happend. although there were other reasons. religious conflict had alot to do with it. So now some of you may say. OO binladins religion is bad and it's pregidise.!!! whens the last time you saw a women in high order at your church! or even worse. women were held down for hundreds of years when the church had the power of law.! THey changed most of there sexist ways, after the womens movement because they knew people would grow to ignor any religious belief's because of the strong feeling of equal rights. The United states Claims to be the land of the free. and It is. even more so then Canada, but the united states also believes in strong feelings for god. The president has to be of certain religious background!. but yet that very religion in some ways goes against the decloration of human rights. (well they did back in the day) Im sure I will offend alot of people in this. And i am truly sorry. its my beliefs! just like you have yours. the only difernce is mine arn't told to me!( iknow no one is forced to believe in god thats not what i ment)

again sorry.

I dont think anyone should take offense to anything that has been said, I know I dont. Our opinions are like armpits, we all have em and 90 percent of them stink. :huh

But there are very few religions that I know of that refuses to go to war, and gives women priviledges in service. Hippies? Cowards? Nope, just a strong belief in the bible.

02-05-2003, 08:48 PM
hey u guys.......uh.....what is this quad

02-05-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by forum

science is the churches worst enemy! and don't tell me that aint the truth

Depends on what you believe... and whether what you believe can actually be proved with fact, or whether it is just theory.

02-05-2003, 08:51 PM
do u guys think my axle is shiny?

02-05-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
do u guys think my axle is shiny?

come on freeride.....quit it......if u dont like the thread just ignore it....please

02-05-2003, 08:58 PM
ok....this is a place to discuss quads not religous beleifs no one is gonna argree with each other and i dont see why this hasnt been locked its just takin up room if u go to helll u go to helll and who cares how we got here were here now im done

02-05-2003, 09:04 PM
I agree, religion is a big waste of time and so is this thread. Opinions are like *********s...everyones got one.


02-05-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
ok....this is a place to discuss quads not religous beleifs no one is gonna argree with each other and i dont see why this hasnt been locked its just takin up room if u go to helll u go to helll and who cares how we got here were here now im done

it aint your site.......and from the looks of it alot of people enjoy peoples points of views, encluding ben

02-05-2003, 09:07 PM
Just an observation...People get REAL sensitive when you start asking why they believe what they believe. I never got that part of it. It's like your bad-mouthing their kid or something...weird.

Everyone wants to be right, I'm here to say it can't be.


02-05-2003, 09:07 PM
well everyone spoke thier mine and now thier is 10 pages of meaningless arguments im goin with glamis

they tell us in school 2 things not to talk about religon and politics....i use to wonder why buts its obvious

02-05-2003, 09:15 PM
Well, this is posted in the "OPEN" forum. And by the stated rules of the open forum, this thread can be posted. I think people get sensitive when you talk religion, because they don't have a strong enough faith in the religion that they are following. This leads them to get defensive about it, and not want to hear other points of view. If you have faith then you can have a decent discussion about religion with jews, baptists, catholics, muslims, etc..., and you will all come out wiser for it. But without faith it comes down to more of an argument over which is the true religiion.
CLUE - There is no ONE TRUE religion.

02-05-2003, 09:19 PM
well i dont even know what religon i am so i could care less, all i know is god supposedly made earth and in the enquirer they found jesus sandals and hes god son or something

02-05-2003, 09:48 PM
Everyone that believes in evolution and that states evolution is proven scientifically must have totally ignored my first post.
Dude..you are incredably smart...i agree with everthing you say. how do you feel about us being alliens?:huh :huh i know this sounds like a joke but i'm serious......you would have to be pretty nieve to believe that we are the only life form out there.

i've been a christrain my whole life but there's some things in the bible that are just too hard for me to swollow.....like Jounna and the whale....and why did God let the twin towers come down...and accourding to the bible every other religion besides christions are going to ****, if i were God i could come up with a better plan than that... i do beleive that we are kept alive through some form of supper natural power though..think of this...if your quad breaks down, carberator whatever, all you do is replace the carberator and bingo you're back in bussiness, but if we break down like heart attack we're dead. why not just simply bring in a new hart? becouse we have souls.

02-05-2003, 09:50 PM
get one from a pig:eek:

02-05-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by 3x440ex
Dude..you are incredably smart...i agree with everthing you say. how do you feel about us being alliens?:huh :huh i know this sounds like a joke but i'm serious......you would have to be pretty nieve to believe that we are the only life form out there.

i've been a christrain my whole life but there's some things in the bible that are just too hard for me to swollow.....like Jounna and the whale....and why did God let the twin towers come down...and accourding to the bible every other religion besides christions are going to ****, if i were God i could come up with a better plan than that... i do beleive that we are kept alive through some form of supper natural power though..think of this...if your quad breaks down, carberator whatever, all you do is replace the carberator and bingo you're back in bussiness, but if we break down like heart attack we're dead. why not just simply bring in a new hart? becouse we have souls.

Lol, im not that smart... just took a couple biology classes.

As far as aliens... I really have no idea. I'd have to say that I dont believe we came from aliens, since I do believe in creation... but as far as there being other living things somewhere out there? Its definitely a possibility. The universe is so vast that we havent even begun to see the "edge" of it. So who knows...

02-06-2003, 12:25 AM
ya if you didn't notice the owner of the site actually said this was a 'good thread' so hmm...

in school they teach you not to talk about religion or politics? whys that so people won't have a free mind and rebel? prooly not, prooly just because they wanted less fights. but what is wrong with discussing world issues? if you don't want to read all this 'crap' then don't click here. an if your tired of seeing the thread up top quite you *****ing and don't post in it.

02-06-2003, 12:35 AM
what religion am i?

I know that Jesus Christ Died for all of our sins
And that we will all have to answer for our sins and be judged accordingly

I also know if you step on my porch wantin to judge me with a book especially at 6 am and come inside...even when i dont invite you in, that im gonna retaliate with a swift "Haul your *** outta my church, and go back to yours"

Oh and when I flick through tv stations and all of a sudden "little Jimmy" just got healed with the Pastor's magic forehead touch........Please....the only magic touch the kid got was probably backstage with that sicko pastor wannabe.....

I live life to live it to the fullest
I respect...and I , in return want it back
There is A God..there has to be...but I think its a lot different than what we expect

What do I know...My tank is 3/4 full of beer

02-06-2003, 04:01 AM
Hey this thread is getting interesting.

Look at all the different ways we find comfort and belief in a superior being or creator, and no matter which organised religion we claim to be of there are also so many simialarities as well.

Notice the fear or confusion and how its expressed by those who are not willing to open themselves to finding their own feelings or beliefs and hide behind very simplified statements. Sure there is evolution but that doesnt exclude religion or God, all this had to start someware and why couldnt it have evolved from there?

I see that some are so effected by this topic they posted some pics of very nice custom quads, or just chose to ramble on about how a superior being (God) could allow his people to do bad things, rather than actually share their feelings on religous faith.

The subject of religion can be a very tough one and brings out the best and worst in us. Sure there have been many complete slaughterings of peoples of opposite religous beliefs and such but these things were done by man and not by the God they worship.

It would be sad to find out that just as people are predjudiced by their fears that many are also drivin to their religion for the same reason.

There have been so many different opinions here that it can be confsuing and life allways will be also but you must believe in something, even if that something is just yourself and living a certain way as opposed to an organised religion. Many people are put off by the "radicals" or as said earlier "hippie or Nazi" types, but you must just accept them as people who need to have this higher level of belief to help them along. I know many people like this and they drve me absolutely nuts but I do respect them for so strongly following what they believe in, even if I dont myself.

So for those who are unsure what they truely belive or what they have been put here for. Just take a few minutes in solitude and remove all your thoughts and look to what you feel, and you will eventually find your own answers. No written book or teachings can tell you what you feel. Sure the bible or the many other religions equal to it can teach you many things and educate you on their teachings etc. but only you can decide or know what you feel inside.

With a little luck you will come to know a little more about yourself and your purpose, and if that doesnt lead you to become a member of some organised religion thats fine as its not for everyone (the one I was raised in as a kid drives me crazy , but thats the people not the lord) but if you do then thats fine also as its easier to be among your peers.

twisted threads
02-06-2003, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
ok....this is a place to discuss quads not religous beleifs no one is gonna argree with each other and i dont see why this hasnt been locked its just takin up room if u go to helll u go to helll and who cares how we got here were here now im done

I was going to stand back a watch people fight about this but when you say that if people go to **** they go to ****< thats wrong. I dont wish that on any one NEVER. And for one thing im not religous im a CHRISTIAN. I dont live by rules made by the different churches that you see around the world I live for one thing, Jesus. A person can get on here and preach to you but it wont make a difference until you want to change! I really feal sorry for some of you to see how lost you are but if your trully seeking you will find the Answer. Im not flaming at all here just conserned....my .02 on the subject....
Later :cool:

02-06-2003, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
ok....this is a place to discuss quads not religous beleifs no one is gonna argree with each other and i dont see why this hasnt been locked its just takin up room if u go to helll u go to helll and who cares how we got here were here now im done

This is the open forum - people are free to discuss off topic things as long as the discussions are appropriate and don't turn into flame wars. You are pretty much negative about everything on this site, however, so this comment of yours is not surpring to me in the least :rolleyes:

There is nothing wrong with people discussing interesting non-quad topics (be it cars, war, religion, or sports) once in awhile- it is what makes us informed and well rounded people who can carry on conversations about non-quad topics in real life. ;)


02-06-2003, 06:01 AM
here is what Mormons believe, i'm an inactive Morman and i do not believe in what they believe in so i'm not preachine the Mormon reliegion just stateing what they believe and why there's so many different opinions out there....

When Jesus walked the earth with the 12 opposels(sp) Gods spirit was on the earth.......after all 12 opposels were killed off, Gods spirit was lifted and we went into an oposticy of great confusion..since this time the cathlic church which was the first church, divided and went into differt direction....this is why we have so many christion religions......of course the ones who never believed in Jesus became muslims and whatever...well God suposedly restored our christan religion threw Joseph Smith, an opionted prophet of God, and the only way to ever understand God is threw joining their church......they even have the 12 opposels in their church. they also believe that the Bible was tapered with by man during the oposticy.that's why their holy bible is differnt from ours and they also wrote 3 other bibles to add to the holy bible.

this all sounded good to me until i started finding way too many things wrong with the book of mormon.....if i listed everything this post would 10 pages long....no i do not believe Joseph Smith as a prophet of God......if you do become a Morman(by being baptised in their church)......it is next to impossable to get out because they will not stop coming to see you...you are what they consider to be sick and you need their help......

i'll stop here cause i could go on forever about this and i know some of you are thanking me right now..

02-06-2003, 06:30 AM
i challenge any of you who want to know "the truth" on this subject to acually READ the bible. start w/ the new testement. ya it maybe tough to understand, but when you are through. you can decide for yourself it it is true...don't go by what everyone says about it. decide for yourself. i myself don't have a denomination. i go to a community church where everyone in invited.

02-06-2003, 06:35 AM
here is a link to the church I attend. The services are very lengthy. You really get your money's worth at this church!

02-06-2003, 06:36 AM
what i really enjoy about the nationals is when mike penland says a little prayer for safety and strength before the start. really calms me down and puts things into perspective.

02-06-2003, 06:39 AM
ha, ha, lol:D :D will you be holding chuch services this sunday..i think it's going to be too wet and cold for the race at budds creek.

02-06-2003, 07:48 AM
Ben wrote -
There is nothing wrong with people discussing interesting non-quad topics (be it cars, war, religion, or sports) once in awhile- it is what makes us informed and well rounded people who can carry on conversations about non-quad topics in real life.

Well, unless the discussion is about math, then it gets locked pretty quick. But I agree with those that say live a good life, help those in need when you can, and give praise to the one you follow. That is all that is really asked of us in the bible anyways. Like I said before, there is no ONE TRUE RELIGION. There is no one path to heaven. Each person has there own path they must follow, and religion is only a small part of that path.

02-06-2003, 08:57 AM
when i was younger and had to go, it made me fall asleep.

02-06-2003, 09:29 AM
Meh, I go to a Church of Christ.

02-06-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
Hey this thread is getting interesting.

Look at all the different ways we find comfort and belief in a superior being or creator, and no matter which organised religion we claim to be of there are also so many simialarities as well.

Notice the fear or confusion and how its expressed by those who are not willing to open themselves to finding their own feelings or beliefs and hide behind very simplified statements. Sure there is evolution but that doesnt exclude religion or God, all this had to start someware and why couldnt it have evolved from there?

I see that some are so effected by this topic they posted some pics of very nice custom quads, or just chose to ramble on about how a superior being (God) could allow his people to do bad things, rather than actually share their feelings on religous faith.

The subject of religion can be a very tough one and brings out the best and worst in us. Sure there have been many complete slaughterings of peoples of opposite religous beliefs and such but these things were done by man and not by the God they worship.

It would be sad to find out that just as people are predjudiced by their fears that many are also drivin to their religion for the same reason.

There have been so many different opinions here that it can be confsuing and life allways will be also but you must believe in something, even if that something is just yourself and living a certain way as opposed to an organised religion. Many people are put off by the "radicals" or as said earlier "hippie or Nazi" types, but you must just accept them as people who need to have this higher level of belief to help them along. I know many people like this and they drve me absolutely nuts but I do respect them for so strongly following what they believe in, even if I dont myself.

So for those who are unsure what they truely belive or what they have been put here for. Just take a few minutes in solitude and remove all your thoughts and look to what you feel, and you will eventually find your own answers. No written book or teachings can tell you what you feel. Sure the bible or the many other religions equal to it can teach you many things and educate you on their teachings etc. but only you can decide or know what you feel inside.

With a little luck you will come to know a little more about yourself and your purpose, and if that doesnt lead you to become a member of some organised religion thats fine as its not for everyone (the one I was raised in as a kid drives me crazy , but thats the people not the lord) but if you do then thats fine also as its easier to be among your peers.

wow man, was that randomly comprised or was that planned beacuse it seemed like u put alot of thought into that that was deep

very deep

we need more people like you in the world

more people that know wat there talkin about

and more people who know that they know themselves and are looking at others to help people

very philosopher like:chinese:

02-06-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by 3x440ex
here is what Mormons believe, i'm an inactive Morman and i do not believe in what they believe in so i'm not preachine the Mormon reliegion just stateing what they believe and why there's so many different opinions out there....

When Jesus walked the earth with the 12 opposels(sp) Gods spirit was on the earth.......after all 12 opposels were killed off, Gods spirit was lifted and we went into an oposticy of great confusion..since this time the cathlic church which was the first church, divided and went into differt direction....this is why we have so many christion religions......of course the ones who never believed in Jesus became muslims and whatever...well God suposedly restored our christan religion threw Joseph Smith, an opionted prophet of God, and the only way to ever understand God is threw joining their church......they even have the 12 opposels in their church. they also believe that the Bible was tapered with by man during the oposticy.that's why their holy bible is differnt from ours and they also wrote 3 other bibles to add to the holy bible.

this all sounded good to me until i started finding way too many things wrong with the book of mormon.....if i listed everything this post would 10 pages long....no i do not believe Joseph Smith as a prophet of God......if you do become a Morman(by being baptised in their church)......it is next to impossable to get out because they will not stop coming to see you...you are what they consider to be sick and you need their help......

i'll stop here cause i could go on forever about this and i know some of you are thanking me right now..

why cant mormons drink iced tea? my friend is mormon and i give him a hard time about it..

Pvt. Maggot
02-06-2003, 02:25 PM
I'm JEWISH :devil .............not really :devious:

02-06-2003, 04:09 PM
First of all whenever I see a long post I usually just scan over it so I will try to keep this one relatively short.

I am Presbyterian. I try to live and practice what I preach. My goal in life is to ride hard and witness to others about my beliefs. If I can find a way to combine the two, that would be perfect.

As far as evolution goes, God created everything on this planet, primitive as it may have been, and our bodies are slowly changing to better suit us in an ever-changing environment.

Prayer in public schools is an issue that has been heavily debated in society and the court rooms. Currently, students are allowed to pray and share their belief with other students. Here are some interesting stats, and just in case you think I'm B.S.ing, I'll include my sources.

-Since a 1962 Supreme Court ruling that banned prayer in public schools, overall ethics in schools have deteriorated. Suicide rates in the 15-19 and 20-24 year old age groups have gone up 253%.
-Violent crime has increased an unbelievable 330%.
-Divorce, single parent families, unmarried couples living together, and adultery are all parts of unstable family life that have grown drastically.

Sorce:What Happened When the Praying Stopped. 2 Jan. 2003 <http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/x0124_When_America_Stopped.html>

Basically, evolution and prayer in school and aliens all don't mean crap when its your time to go. The only way to Heaven is through the Lord Jesus Christ and when your time comes, you're either there or you're not.

Well, this post got long but what are ya goin to do?

Peace in Christ

02-06-2003, 04:26 PM
First of all whoever says history doesn't repeat itself because we've only been around for 6000 years must not know history. How many wars and natural disasters have we had in that 6000 years? I'll bet quite a few and the Inquisition, Crusades, even the Twin Towers were all killing in the name of God. In fact if you study history at all more people have died in the name of god than for any other cause.

Secondly what's up with the superiority complex of:
"If you got to know yourself more and know god then you would understand" Wow is this elitist or what?

Last but not least why doesn't the bible contain dinosaurs or aliens? I've also noted that religious people tend to onlyl quote science when it disproves evolution. Science say we are isolated in the universe and the nearest galaxy that could possibly have life is farther away than we could travel in a life time at the speed of light so we will likely be isolated for a long time.

Why doesn't anyone believe in Thor anymore? I mean he is the thunder god. Millions of people believed in him once. Just because science proved how thunder is created doesn't mean he didn't command it to happen. I mean if I say I can do something and I do just because you can show how I did it doesn't mean I didn't do it right.

I also fail to see were the weight dead vs. alive prooves you have a soul at least in the religous sense. I know we must operate on energy and stop operating when it's gone or used up but the after life idea seems like wishful thinking for a race of people who are afraid of/ don't understand death.

I mean this is the same race of people who have a line in the bible that say "no graven images" and then put them up all over their churches. I'm not sayin all do this but it is fairly common.

In closing we are all way to hard headed in our points of view here and I don't see anyone changing anyone because both sides give good arguments. I do however believe if religion gives you hope and good moral guidance and you can truly believe then that's a great thing for you.
Ride Hard, Diggler

02-06-2003, 08:04 PM
Religon?? Never liked that word. It suggests to me that there is more than one right way.

I believe in God.

I love science.

I love to study the phisical universe. I listen to all of Stephen Hawkins tapes. I find a lot of truth in Darwins writings.

I love a solid provable answer to everthing. Some things can only be accepted by Faith.

I was raised in a Christian church and school and listened to preachers who had "all the answers" for 25 years. They meant well and gave it their best, and I love them for it. However they chose to deny some proven scientific facts that may even go hand in hand with biblical teaching.

Even though I dont agree with all that I was taught as a youngster, today have a stonger faith in God then ever. How we treat our fellow man is very important to me.

There were many bad apples among the church that I grew up in. What they said in Sunday is not what they said on Monday morning. There is something wrong with that picture.

Is there a God??
Is there one true God??
Did Christ die for our sins??
Did God create the universe??
Is there a Heaven and a ****??

Yes I believe so. Do I understand it - No. I have to simply accept it on faith.

Do I ever have doubts - Yes - I am human.

Do I feel it my job to force this on you - No.

How can some people call them selves Christians (as in little Christs) and run around doing the exact opposite of what Christ taught. I will never understand that.

Does any of the above make any sense to you?? Maybe not but but that is my belief.

02-06-2003, 08:33 PM
why cant mormons drink iced tea? my friend is mormon and i give him a hard time about it..
because the prophet Joseph Smith said not to.....god told him no smoking, drinking, tea, or coffee........which the drinking part always got me....i mean did Jesus turn the water to wine or grape juice?.....the bible says wine, and wine has alcohol in it.

Regulator 250X
02-06-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by quadridermx
Electricity is real because it was in a book?

Gravity is real because it was in a book?

The wind is real because it was in a book?


If you have ever taken any kind of physics you would believe these are true. Science is the most powerful tool humans have. Without it we would be lost. Science has proved and disproved many things. God is real if you have faith and believe in him. I believe in the God. I also believe in what science has given us. If we did not understand these fundamentals of science we could not progress, and that is the truth, no one can dispute that. Everyones life depends on scientific improvements. Think about where you would be with science and "books".

02-07-2003, 01:01 PM
Lets see how the BS meter measures on Evolution.....

02-07-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by 3x440ex
because the prophet Joseph Smith said not to.....god told him no smoking, drinking, tea, or coffee........which the drinking part always got me....i mean did Jesus turn the water to wine or grape juice?.....the bible says wine, and wine has alcohol in it.

Thats the problem I have with the Mormon religion. the Bible says not to add to it or take away from it, but the mormons have their own book as well as the Jehovah's witness. Explain that..someone.

"Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?"...Corey Taylor
"Don't call on me, don't lecture me, raise your hands, your a sinner"...Dave Williams (RIP)

02-07-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
Thats the problem I have with the Mormon religion. the Bible says not to add to it or take away from it, but the mormons have their own book as well as the Jehovah's witness. Explain that..someone.


02-07-2003, 02:26 PM
the bible has not been changed, i'm just telling you what they believe.....we know the bible hasn't been changed because of the dead sea scroles.
i am an inactive morman...i don't believe in anything they believe in, they are wonderfull people who will do anything for you but that is part of what they have to do to become exhaulted into heaven..they have to serve others..among other things, it's part of working out their salvation.....it's sad because they are great people but they are brain washed...mormanism is a colt, and so is jahova witness.

02-07-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by 3x440ex
mormanism is a colt, and so is jahova witness.

a colt, as in colt 45? lol...J/K mofuggah, give me sum dat malt lickera..
Yes, those religions are cults IMO..

02-07-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
a colt, as in colt 45? lol...J/K mofuggah, give me sum dat malt lickera..
Yes, those religions are cults IMO..

02-07-2003, 02:56 PM
a colt, as in colt 45? lol...J/K mofuggah, give me sum dat malt lickera.. spelling never was my thing:D :D

02-07-2003, 05:01 PM
cant we all just get along? cant u guys just except things happen because they happen and who knows why , but i do think church is just a way to make u feel better about all the bad things u do, thier is nothin holy goin on there, a priest is no diff than u and i and i can read as well as him, some special windows and different archeiture dont make that building any holyer than the 7-11 down the road , ur confessing every bad thing to some guy who is touching lil boys in the next room just so u feel better about accidently running your neighbors cat over and can move on with your life, everyone has to have faith in something or else no one would live , u all can sit here and argue about your lil beleifs and call me negative , but if ur a good person then good things will happen to u whether you go to church or beleive in god or we came from monkeys, if part of your beleifs is that dancing around a pear tree at 7 05 monday morning will send u to heaven go do it and have fun , some of u need to lighten up and not take stuff so seriously, think what u want but dotn argue with someone cuzz they think differently:o u can sit here and run in circles and u will never come to a conclusion becuase no one knows who what why where when and how

02-07-2003, 05:11 PM
do u get a tax break if your in a cult?

02-07-2003, 05:42 PM
I'm glad the BS meter cleared this all up.

02-07-2003, 09:31 PM
I can't speak for mormans but Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult. I have a few friends that are Jehovah's Witnesses and they choose their own course through careful examination of the bible, its that simple. Nothing at all is ever forced on them. They just have a firm belief in the bible and do everything they can to live up to the example christ set.

Someone mentioned that he would never understand how christians can call themselves followers of christ when they do the opposite of what christ taught. JW's are not a cult (or colt as some say, lol), they just follow Jesus' example very carefully including going door-to-door trying to comfort people with the bible, just like jesus did when he was here. They are christian, and do their best to live up to what god expects.

Their church is not anything special.. its just a normal building with lots of windows. Nothing secretive goes on in it or anything like that. All they do when they meet is give bible-based talks. Basically just examining the scriptures in great detail and talking about what they find.

Also they use the New World Translation of the bible. It is a legitimate translation that uses modern english instead of all the hard to understand thou's and stuff like that. It is NOT just their translation. It is actually very closely related to the King James version, but it doesnt take out god's name like the king james version does. King James actually had god's name taken out of the bible because he wanted people to believe that he was all-powerful and he wanted everyone to listen to himself instead of a personally named god in the bible.

And Regulator250x, when I posted that... I was in no way saying that science hasnt proved those things. My point was that just because we cant see god, doesnt mean he doesnt exist. Just like the wind, or gravity, or electricity... we can't see them, but they still have an effect on us.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "we can't ignore what science have given us." Science has proved evolution wrong, period. I have never seen this so-called "scientific proof" of evolution. I have asked for it, but get answers like "do some research, its out there." I am legitimately curious about any proof of evolution that can get beyond the impossibilities of my first post on evolution.

I am not saying we aren't changing to be better able to survive with our conditions... but the idea of us coming from non-living matter is just ridiculous in my opinion.

02-08-2003, 06:07 AM
I can't speak for mormans but Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult. I have a few friends that are Jehovah's Witnesses and they choose their own course through careful examination of the bible, its that simple. Nothing at all is ever forced on them. They just have a firm belief in the bible and do everything they can to live up to the example christ set. we are all intitled to our own beliefs and opinions, wheather you're christion(a christions follows the new testiment), mormon, jehovah's witness, muslem....whatever. but i will let in on one thing Jehovah's witness believe that they(144,000 of them) are the only ones going to heaven and you are going to ****...ask your friend about that....then put your arm on his shoulder and ask him if you can pray about it together ...he will run all the way home because they think you are the being lead by satin :devil Mormans feel the same way but they will pray with you..so don't try this with a mormon.if you have alot of time on your hands and want to read more about cults check out this sitehttp://www.saintsalive.com/general.html (http://)

02-08-2003, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by 3x440ex
I can't speak for mormans but Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult. I have a few friends that are Jehovah's Witnesses and they choose their own course through careful examination of the bible, its that simple. Nothing at all is ever forced on them. They just have a firm belief in the bible and do everything they can to live up to the example christ set. we are all intitled to our own beliefs and opinions, wheather you're christion(a christions follows the new testiment), mormon, jehovah's witness, muslem....whatever. but i will let in on one thing Jehovah's witness believe that they(144,000 of them) are the only ones going to heaven and you are going to ****...ask your friend about that....then put your arm on his shoulder and ask him if you can pray about it together ...he will run all the way home because they think you are the being lead by satin :devil Mormans feel the same way but they will pray with you..so don't try this with a mormon.if you have alot of time on your hands and want to read more about cults check out this sitehttp://www.saintsalive.com/general.html (http://)

Lol, the 144,000 thing is correct... but the **** thing is wrong. Jehovah's Witnesses dont believe god would torment people like that for eternity. Bad people's punishment would just be not getting everlasting life on the earth. I have had some interesting conversations with witnesses and what I like is that everything they say can be backed up by lots of scriptures from the bible.

Again, I cant speak for mormans, as ive never had any experience with them.

As far as being a cult... they arent. The witnesses dont wear black robes, or use candles or anything like that... they just dress real nice when they go to church and are actually really friendly people. The just have a firm belief and lots of faith in what they believe in.

Also, I never read up on religion from the internet... there are so many lies about so many religions on sites like that. Those sites are just personal opinion from people who dont know the facts, and end up just lying about certain things because they personally dont like that religion. Just my take, but most internet sites like the one you listed are not very accurate.

Best way to get to know more about a religion is find someone that is actually that religion and ask them i guess...

02-08-2003, 07:44 AM
That's cool dude.......i'm going riding:D :D ......later:blah

02-08-2003, 02:42 PM
Science hasn't proven that the idea of evolution is totaly wrong they've found out that how evolution was originaly believed to be is wrong.

02-08-2003, 03:22 PM
if other creatures came from scientific stuff then we came from it too

02-08-2003, 06:03 PM
this thread is like an 86 250R with a million miles on it......................................played out.