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View Full Version : Disturbing Story About Cops on Quads!

02-03-2003, 12:00 PM
This story disturbs me. I can understand the need for police to patrol on Quads but with High Powered Rifles? Why would you need High Powered rifles? I know a lot of you have out-run the cops when being chased but what if one of these cops were chasing you and they happened to have a particulalry bad day?

If you are concerned like me then call the administration number to the Marana Police Dept. and anonomously voice your concern!

1(520) 616-0539

Story here (http://www.azstarnet.com/star/mon/s1b.html)

02-03-2003, 12:07 PM
Welcome to the world of ATV haters.

I guess here in NJ were just used to it cause things are so bad here.

Its begining to look more and more like we need to become politically active if we want to preserve our rights and ability to ride.

The one thing that is allways missing from these articles is the fact that we are tax paying citizens as well as anyone else and have a right to access our public lands.

Take a look around the net at different atv clubs and associations and get involved, you can make a diff if you try.

02-03-2003, 12:10 PM
well your local cops that patrol your streets are amed with hand-guns and a shotgun, are you goin to complain about that too to me it's no different and if you read the story it doesn't say they are out to shoot people down that drop a snickers wrapper it just says they are armed, come to think of it, isn't every cop armed:huh least it will make you think twice before you litter

02-03-2003, 01:14 PM
A hand gun and shot gun are good for about 50 yards or so on average. A High-Powered rifle is good for at least 1000 yds. Why would they need a weapon with that range if they are just patrolling for dirt bikes and people dumping trash? I think you missed the point!:huh

02-03-2003, 01:34 PM
Yea i agree that they shouldnt be able to carry high powered guns. I mean wtf are they gonna use it for? I mean im sure they have hand guns and thats plenty for booting atvs of private property. I think that its a lil over kill but i mean whatever

02-03-2003, 01:34 PM
yeah maybe a handgun or shot gun but i dont think they need riffles...

02-03-2003, 01:59 PM
Isn't Marana close to the Mexican border??? Hmmmm....

DGR Designs
02-03-2003, 02:03 PM
well if its by the border, then maybe there concerned with drug runners or sumthin

02-03-2003, 02:07 PM
I could understand that really....If its by the mexican boreder drugs and stuff....That acceptable...but not runnin around in the trails of New york or somthing...

02-03-2003, 02:21 PM
You've got to be kidding me. You're worried that cops have high-powered rifles in the desert? They specifically said they're cracking down on people who litter, illegal trash dumps and people shooting guns in the desert. This means they're tracking down other people with presumably high-powered rifles. Ever hear of bringing a knife to a gun fight? Like others have mentioned as well, they're patrolling near the mexican border. Who knows what kind of riff-raff they could potentially run into.

Plus, do you think these cops are going to snipe people from a hilltop who are just out riding their ATV's but performing no other illegal activities??

02-03-2003, 02:26 PM
guess i'm not the only one that missed the point:rolleyes:

02-03-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
You've got to be kidding me. You're worried that cops have high-powered rifles in the desert? They specifically said they're cracking down on people who litter, illegal trash dumps and people shooting guns in the desert. This means they're tracking down other people with presumably high-powered rifles. Ever hear of bringing a knife to a gun fight? Like others have mentioned as well, they're patrolling near the mexican border. Who knows what kind of riff-raff they could potentially run into.

Plus, do you think these cops are going to snipe people from a hilltop who are just out riding their ATV's but performing no other illegal activities??

Well said Guy :) heck if I was patroling the border id want one too,,,,, hey doesn't Rico have a rifle mount on the 416 :devil

02-03-2003, 02:47 PM
PAtrolling the border is the border patrol's job!

02-03-2003, 02:50 PM
Nobody said they're specifically patroling the border but they're bound, or at least likely, to run across some undesireables. That's like saying a if a traffic cop sees a bank robbery he should ignore it cause he's not a beat cop.

02-03-2003, 03:46 PM
Guy - quit confusing people with logical thought.

02-03-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
You've got to be kidding me. You're worried that cops have high-powered rifles in the desert? They specifically said they're cracking down on people who litter, illegal trash dumps and people shooting guns in the desert. This means they're tracking down other people with presumably high-powered rifles. Ever hear of bringing a knife to a gun fight? Like others have mentioned as well, they're patrolling near the mexican border. Who knows what kind of riff-raff they could potentially run into.

Plus, do you think these cops are going to snipe people from a hilltop who are just out riding their ATV's but performing no other illegal activities??

The areas that these Police Officers are patrolling border neighborhoods not Mexico. It's easy for people in "Ohio" to look on the map and say "oh that's so close to the border". In reality, this Town of Marana is at the north end of the City of Tucson. A suburb, if you will. 100 miles north of the Mexican Border. Look at a map, you'll see.

This news story is about an area frequented by people shooting because it borders on State Trust Land where people with hunting licenses are allowed to hunt Quail, Dove, etc... I don't see cops in Ohio "tracking down" hunters in hunting areas with High powered rifles.

I "am not worried that cops have High Powered-rifles in the desert " nor am I worried that cops are" going to snipe people from a hilltop" I am worried that the Cops are patrolling for ATV'ers, dirt bike riders ,etc... in our back yards with High Powered rifles. :huh

Who's side are you on? If you let these ATV haters have access to all of these "high powered" resources to scare the he// out of us then when will it stop and how far will they go??

You really must understand the Geography of the area to see how ridiculous this really is. Drug runners avoid this area like the plague. And, as Stated before, it's the Border Patrol's job to Patrol the Border. What if these Police Officers did run into some "Riff-Raff" ? (Whatever the heck that defines.) Should they unload some clips on dey' *****? :eek:

Since we live close to the Mexican border, anything goes???:confused:

02-03-2003, 04:42 PM
Plus, do you think these cops are going to snipe people from a hilltop who are just out riding their ATV's but performing no other illegal activities??

Now nothing like that could ever happen in the USA :rolleyes:

Have all of us read thru the many threads here and diff articles on closing down our sport and some of the "hushed" tactics that have been used?

BTW I am not so sure anymore that the level of the offense has as much to do with the pursuit as does the level of the officers adrenaline.

"why was he running, cause they was chasing him...... why they shoot him, cause he was getting away" Never know what to expect from a sore looser who is accustomed to undeserved respect.


02-03-2003, 05:05 PM
I would NEVER out run a cop in my home town. When i go other places i run from them all the time. It is truey almost impossible for them to get you as long as your far away from your truck. What kind of quads where they on? Happen to me 3 times. I am going to WI on the 22 and will probably have trouble there. They don't like the DG. :rolleyes:

02-03-2003, 05:36 PM
Hmm, I ride in state parks here in Ohio. Our park rangers carry sidearms as well as rifles in their Jeeps. Never had an ATV'er shot from 1000 yards for riding in an illegal area by a park ranger. Never had one shot for dropping a sandwich wrapper. Trust me, I don't like to hear about the closing of available land to ATV'ers but I'm not getting my undies in a bunch because the officers now carry rifles. Do you really think these officers are going to draw beads on quad riders and start plunking them with these rifles? Come on, common sense says the cops aren't going to do that. If I'm riding on state land and park ranger approaches me I'm going to stop and find out what he wants. I'm not even going to give him a reason to have to draw a weapon. The only reason people run is because they're doing something illegal. I'm not saying I don't trespass, either. Part of the land I ride on is owned by the railroad. Last year when I was back there riding the railroad was working next to the tracks. One of the guys waved at me so what did I do? I knew I was riding on railroad property so I went over to see what the representative from the railroad wanted. If I just ran than I'd be giving us ATV'ers a bad name because it would look like I was up to no good and was afraid to talk with them. I go over to the guy and shut my quad off and I said hello. The gentleman told me he'd appreciate it if I didn't ride there while they were working because of the noise and dust. He told me they'd be done in 2 days and that was that. I respected him and he respected me. If I would've gone over to him and he would've said I was trespassing and he's calling the law I would've dealt with whatever I was given.

02-03-2003, 05:43 PM
i'll have to read the rest of the post later...but from the linked article all i can say is, hug your local libral!

pisses me off so much, samething going on in my area. last week a friend was pulled out of his truck at gun point....if you keep treating innocent people like criminals soon they will have to reason to follow the laws. but i guess guilty untill proven innocent right? er..wait is this america?

i guess having a shotgun in your gunrack up in the mountains makes you look suspecious and dangerous, better pull the gun to ask someone about an out tail light eh?

02-03-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Hmm, I ride in state parks here in Ohio. Our park rangers carry sidearms as well as rifles in their Jeeps. Never had an ATV'er shot from 1000 yards for riding in an illegal area by a park ranger. Never had one shot for dropping a sandwich wrapper. Trust me, I don't like to hear about the closing of available land to ATV'ers but I'm not getting my undies in a bunch because the officers now carry rifles. Do you really think these officers are going to draw beads on quad riders and start plunking them with these rifles? Come on, common sense says the cops aren't going to do that. If I'm riding on state land and park ranger approaches me I'm going to stop and find out what he wants. I'm not even going to give him a reason to have to draw a weapon. The only reason people run is because they're doing something illegal. I'm not saying I don't trespass, either. Part of the land I ride on is owned by the railroad. Last year when I was back there riding the railroad was working next to the tracks. One of the guys waved at me so what did I do? I knew I was riding on railroad property so I went over to see what the representative from the railroad wanted. If I just ran than I'd be giving us ATV'ers a bad name because it would look like I was up to no good and was afraid to talk with them. I go over to the guy and shut my quad off and I said hello. The gentleman told me he'd appreciate it if I didn't ride there while they were working because of the noise and dust. He told me they'd be done in 2 days and that was that. I respected him and he respected me. If I would've gone over to him and he would've said I was trespassing and he's calling the law I would've dealt with whatever I was given.

I am glad to hear that you stop when you are knowingly tresspassing on someone else's land. We need more riders out there doing that.

Read that article again and tell me that they are concerned with anything but ATVers. The entire article elaborates on how Bikers dug out some areas to build jumps and banked turns, obliterating ground vegetation over several acres. Read the caption! They are "Hunting" for ATVers and these are NOT "Park Rangers" in jeeps in the forests of Ohio! Utter B.S. if you ask me. They mention illegal shooters in the first sentence of the article and that is it! People used to shoot out there a few years ago but have moved on since homes have boomed out there. It is the ATVers they are after!

Using this "common sense" we all try to apply to eachother, I have one question for you. Do you actually think that it is necessary for Police to "hunt" ATVers using Quads and High-Powered Rifles??? That's all I am asking.

I have nothing against cops carrying guns. But that article is an intimidation tactic that is being used by the media to strike fear into the hearts of ALL ATV enthusists. Our beloved sport is being targeted by Cops on Quads with High Powered Rifles because the "Artist down the Road" Hates our Noise!. And they call it the Land of the Free........

02-03-2003, 06:47 PM
it is free everyone is entitled to their own opion of things.

but anyhow, obviously they're not going to open fire on the ATV riders. if they did i'm sure it would be WW3 in the desert hehe.

an guy i understand where your comming from i think born on fire was a little mad at what they have chosen to name the quad equiped officers, 'ATV Hunters' or what ever it was.

02-03-2003, 06:53 PM
Maybe its protection so they don't get chased by a deer :huh

I don't see why they need such high powered rifles either but I wouldn't worry about it....... They are not looking to snipe out atvs :o .

02-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Hmmmmm. I read the article and I think that the main point has been left out. IT was written by a journalist(usually a liberal). Who is probably very uneducated in firearms. How does he know what a high powered rifle is? Were they issued .338 H&H Mags? Weatherby .300 Mags? 7mmSTW's? No we don't know. For all we know they could have been issued the standard .223 or maybe a .30-06. BUT evenfurther WHO CARES.

I think that some of you are taking this all the wrong way. For one, you are not allowed to ride out there. Secondly whether it's public land or not you're not supposed to be there so why are you worrying what the officers are carrying? Third, are YOU scared of guns? Fourth, how many atv'rs have been bagged so far with the "high powered rifles"?

You guys are reading into this way too far. As an officer I see no reason why they cannot carry a rifle. A Colt AR-15 I was issued and trained to use saved my life in a stand off. Me against him, him having a 30-30 and a .32 lever action, both loaded. Boy that would have sucked just having my .40 cal. Quit reading into this so much.

AND finally who are you to say that they should not have rifles? You out there doing their job? NO. Until you are put into their shoes don't judge what they should and should not have. Civilian review in an area where the civilian has no background or understanding of police matters, is just asking for trouble. How 'bout I tell ya how to build tomahawk missles. No. I have no background or knowledge of them and you lack that same knowledge and background with this issue.

I'm not looking to start a battle with you on this issue, but I see this article as propaganda of the media. The liberal media. It is a scare tactic, in it's worst form. But was it the police dept.'s fault. I didn't see any of them quoted saying that they are lookin to shoot a couple offroaders. No they are tryin to stop the dumping and illegal riding. I understand that the officer's use of "hunt", may seem inappropriate, but I use the term hunt all the time, when "hunting drunks." It is just police jargon. I think that some of you have just read into this way too far. And I believe that the creative writing of the journalist has added to the problem. REMEMBER-we are now fighting each other, causing a rift among our ranks, thus the anti-atv, anti-bike, and anti-anything fun offroad crowd is winning.

Sorry for the long post. I imagine that some of you probably expected it. Once again this is an area where I feel very strong. The issueing of the rifles saved my life and who knows, there may be a threat that the public is unaware of that these officers need those rifles. Who am I to judge?


btw-dang they must be pretty good if they can shoot 1000yrds. Especially at a movin atv'r. I ain't no where near that good. Maybe 300-400yrds, on a good day.:huh

Let the responses begin.

02-03-2003, 07:18 PM

I understand where your coming from and your story about the RR is typical of how I do things also, BUT after getting zero respect and less than zero tolerance and only receiving a bunch of personal opinions about how we dont belong and are such a problem and summons etc you do become a little leary.

And though there have not been any shootings of citizens from police with high powered rifles there have been many other very dangerous incidents. I have not seen everyone of these personally but the ones I didnt have been verified by second and third accounts and from my best judgement are true.

Far as I know all of the following actions were taken solely for off road use of an ATV or dirt bike etc and were not part of any other illegal activity other than potentially simple tresspass.

More than one rider that has been physically thrown from his machine causing injury, being maced while riding to cause rider not to run, using an suv or pick up as a weapon purposely causing an accident to stop rider, Opening of doors as unsuspecting riders pass by to cause them to stop and these are just the apprehension tactics.

What has happend after the "take down" has to be mentioned also. There have been several abuses that could be consider lame by the brutality that has been on TV the in the past but one that stands out is when an officer ambushed a passing rider and dangerously threw him from his machine and then proceded to cuff the unconsious rider face down and then trying to dislocate his shoulders by stepping on his back and pulling up his arms. The only thing that may have saved this guy was that supposedly when the officer removed the riders helmet to see his face with his free hand he saw the face of a child (supposedly 11 but I am awaiting conformation from the parents and also if he did in fact sustain any severe injuries) and proceeded to remove the cuffs and send him on his way.

Anyone who wants this to happen to their child speak up now :rolleyes:

Lets cut the BS and poplitical paybacks and put an end to this problem before someone ends up dead. :grr

02-03-2003, 07:36 PM

don't know where you live but I'm glad I don't live there. In my 8 yrs of law enforcement, I have never heard of anything like what you have just stated. The worst that I have ever heard of was a deputy game commissioner acting like he was a hurt mountain biker and was laying on the trail. When the guy on the dirtbike got close, he jumped up to grab him and the guy on the bike ran him over. Officer got he worst of that incident. Dirt biker was eventually arrested and spent time in jail for hitting the officer. Also when the biker ran the officer over, the biker had a rifle over his shoulder and had a deer draped over the bike with him. Wish I would have been there to see that one. But he spent alot of time in jail for the incident.

I see alot of stories that are embellished by the people involved when there is no way to track the other side. Not saying that you are making these stories up, but how could they ever be verified. Alot of BS floating around out there. Everybody is a victim and has a worse story than the next guy. Am I saying that they could not have happend? No I'm not. Especially in this day and age. I understand that there are good cops and bad cops, just as there are good attorneys and bad attorneys. Or good construction workers or bad construction workers(Joe that was for you, he he he :D).

I think that we are gettin away from the original point of this post. I didn't see any police brutality in the original article or even mention of police brutality.


02-03-2003, 07:37 PM
There's bad apples everywhere, even within the ranks of our police departments. I don't think those handful of incidents are reflective on our entire law enforcement community. Heck, my girlfriend was pulled over one night when we were coming home from a club and the cop asked us if we were drinking. We told him no (which we hadn't been) and told us our eyes looked awfully bloodshot and our pupil's were unusually small. I replied with "It's 2:30 in the morning and you've got a 4D Maglite in my face." While that wasn't the most respectful answer I could've given him I felt it appropriate for the way he was treating my g/f and I. Ultimately, she was issued a "lanes of travel" citation (that means she was repeatedly swerving over the yellow line and completely impossible to refute) so we took our ticket and left. My cousin had a gun pulled on him by a local cop because they mistook him for a kid who had just raped a girl at a party about 20 minutes earlier. Both these cops were powertripping a little but I certainly don't have anti-police sentiments as a result.

And I agree with Ray, the type of gun was not disclosed and "high-powered" is an interpretation of the writer. A .22 pistol is "high-powered" to Rosie O'Donnel but we know otherwise.

02-03-2003, 07:45 PM
Around my area we dont have cops on quads but we have forest rangers and they have more authority then the police and they also have fast xr650's and they only have hand guns but i have talked to them befor when they pulled me over and seid they arnt afraid to use them to shoot out tires another stupid thing is they put fines up to 10grand for going off the trails into the mud stupid ***** tree hugers wouldnt want their land tamperd with.

02-03-2003, 07:49 PM
I am glad that everyone is chiming in on this thread. This is an issue we all see over and over again. The Media Propaganda, Police mis-use of force, and the gradual, methodical taking away of our riding areas. I honestly do not believe that the officers are going to shoot ATVers off of their seats. I respect the job that these officers are doing. It's a thankless effort and they are often criticized. There are some Bad Apples but generally they are all just doing what they have been told. Right?
Well, who told them? Their Captain.
Who told the Captain what to do? The Chief of course.
How did the Cheif know? He's doing what he was told by our Lawmakers at the State and Federal levels!!
Who tells them what to do??? You and I!
That's right... we voted the ba$tards in at the polls.
If anything, we can all agree on that.
And if anything good can come from the various opinions on this thread it can be that we all have to make the effort to educate our neighbors, respect the areas we still do have to ride, and most importantly, call your lawmakers to voice your opinions. Don't let the opinions just die here. Do what you can on the outside. If you are too young to vote. Educate yourself and show a good example to your riding buddies and friends. The Reason these Cops are given these guns and Quads is because people are riding out there ignorant of the laws and No Trespassing Signs. Once one track is made, then others will follow it oblivious of the consequences. Then we all have to suffer from this Liberal Media Propaganda and Environmental Attacks we have all been victimized by. The article in this paper goes way deeper than just Cops On Quads. It effects all of us ATV and Offroad Enthusiasts who are already in the"crosshairs" of the Liberal environmental Media.

If we all go out and VOTE, be smart and show a good example, we may be able to ride with our Grandchildren, God willing.

Keep the posts coming. What's on your brain???

02-03-2003, 08:06 PM
There are some Bad Apples but generally they are all just doing what they have been told. Right?

Out of everything you said this is the only thing that I do not agree with. Wrong. There are bad apples that take it upon themselves to do whatever they want regardless of what they are told to do. They lie, cheat, steal, etc. They are true bad apples. Not because they were told to do it. I guess that's the free will that each of us has been given.

I have had the unfortunate opportunity to work with a bad apple or two in my career, not just with the state, but with the local municipalities, and the county jail. And no matter what they were told to do to correct their bad behavior, they would continue their bad behavior. They are just bad people, that ruin the image for the rest of us. THEY need to be weeded out. Just like that bad apples among us riders must be taken care of.

Until that is done the tree hugger, enviro-nazis, whatever you want to call them, have more than enough ammo to use against us out of their "high powered" rifle. Which is usually the liberal media. It is a tough battle and its going to take a team effort to work on it. To police our own ranks, educate others, and fight for our sport.

I am now steppin off my soap box.


02-03-2003, 09:24 PM
well, if i was a cop, i would be carryin a high powered rifle around to, and have my squad car replaced by a military tank, think about it, they lay their lives on the line, day in and day out, and get repayed by the death threats of people they put behind bars. also by you whining kids that complain that the "pigs are out to get you" you may hate them for giving you a ticket, or slapping your wrists for chirpin your tires, but youl love them when they shoot a burgalar with that "high powered rifle" you are all whining about, you shouldnt worry about them blowing your brains out and ruining your ATV with brain chunks, they wont kill you unless you point a large weapon in their general direction, i personally am not best friends with cops, dont drink with them, but i dont hate them, they havnt kicked in my door and shot me and my parents in the head with a rifle, and they try to their best ability to protect us from other idiots out there waving their bazooka's and high powered rifles around, i say, as long as they dont go shooting ATV'rs in the head for sport, let them have rifles, the more weapons protecting society, the better.

02-03-2003, 09:31 PM
When I was with the 5-0 we carried 40 cal. and the 12 guage. Then when I went to work for the NRC we carried 357,12 guage and AR-15.. Whats weird is, I had more firepower at my fingertips with the NRC. I had unlimited supply's of flashbangs and every type of mase you could think of. Yet I was policing people that they hired. But put me out on the street where I had to police all walks of life,and people (not involved in law enforcement) would dictate the type of weapon I could carry. Thats probably the biggest thing that drove me out of being a copper. People always forcing their opinions and desires on you and they think that you should conform to that. If it is one thing I hate the most is someone trying to force me to do something or someway that they want it done.. Thats why I started my own company and I do it my way.. Now if they dont like it screw em. If you guys have problems with what they are carrying, have any of you gone to the local pd and rode in the car as an observer? I Guarantee if you do you would see things in a different light. And until you do....

02-04-2003, 12:34 AM
I dont particularly have a problem with cops and their guns. They are there to protect us and sometimes protect us from ourselves. There have been a few instances at the Glamis Dunes lately that have me a bit concerned but that has been a long time coming. It has been out of control there on Thanksgiving and New Years weekend for a long time. Thats why I dont go there on the big weekends. We really need to be concerned with the snatching of our public lands. Our riding areas are dwindling and they are even telling us what kind of bikes to ride to a certain extent. "They" being the policy makers. We really need to become more involved as a group with vested interest in our riding areas. We have just as much clout as any environmental group if we speak as a group. Lots of money spent on off road toys and some economies depend on it as well as some jobs. Support Corva and ORBA. Dont give the enviros any fuel and obey the laws....Any bad press undoes and good press we get 10 fold....

02-04-2003, 06:59 AM
Man...this one is revving my engines.... :mad:

02-04-2003, 01:07 PM
the way i see it, riding and racing are keeping me off drugs and drinking and keeping me from being a on the streets robbin people... if they wanna take away my right to have fun and keep out of trouble well i see alot more crime bein commited b/c some people riddin might be the only way to be free.. like their friends and them go riddin everyday and dont destruct anythin but once you take away their fun they will be sittin at home thinkin of what to do and be bored and go and break things, loiter, and other bad activities.. the way i see it riddin helps me take out aggression and lets me have some fun.....

02-04-2003, 06:29 PM

The worst that I have ever heard of was a deputy game commissioner acting like he was a hurt mountain biker and was laying on the trail. When the guy on the dirtbike got close, he jumped up to grab him and the guy on the bike ran him over. Officer got he worst of that incident. Dirt biker was eventually arrested and spent time in jail for hitting the officer. Also when the biker ran the officer over, the biker had a rifle over his shoulder and had a deer draped over the bike with him. Wish I would have been there to see that one. But he spent alot of time in jail for the incident.

Ray, I read the above and all I keep thinking is that this whole episode would have never happened if the police or rangers office were not targeting atv's and bikes, and far as I am concerned we should not be targeted as criminals period. I know there are other things in your story and the rider could have been breaking 100 diff laws or absolutely none but I know for sure you dont need to be transporting a deer to be targeted. And the end result is that a guy riding his atv is now in jail.

I see alot of stories that are embellished by the people involved when there is no way to track the other side. Not saying that you are making these stories up, but how could they ever be verified. Alot of BS floating around out there. Everybody is a victim and has a worse story than the next guy. Am I saying that they could not have happend? No I'm not. Especially in this day and age. I also hear a lot of unbelievable stories and am shocked when those are the ones I can get evidence that they may be true. I dont have the time to completely confirm every story I have heard but I have been able, even if by accident to put enough info together to say that most would warrant an investigation if not more. I do understand that the officer that allmost killed that 11yr old is no longer patrolling that area so maybe there is more to it. I have had a opportunitity to speak with this kids neighbor who had offered enough info on this to cause me to give it more than a little merit.

Now if this kid was an adult and the ranger ended up breaking his neck attempting this stupid stunt the rider would be in a heap of trouble and most likely end up in the poor house defending him self in court. ITS JUST WRONG!

There's bad apples everywhere, even within the ranks of our police departments. I don't think those handful of incidents are reflective on our entire law enforcement community.
I dont think anyone (at least with half a brain) is disputing this and though I would rather have the garbage guy be in a foul mood than the officer with the gun, badge and ticket book were all just people and not a one of us is perfect. The problem I see isnt exclusivly with the "bad apple" but with the states and local govt's approach to handling off road use of ATV's in general. The newer laws espacially seem to invite a disaster and I am not looking forward to hearing about someones kid or an officer ending up dead over this BS.

Think about how your son or nephew or even yourself would react to an officer waving at you when your in an area that is out of the way and most problem you could expect is him having you stop riding and go home or pack up, not too bad and most would just agree and do it.
Well now lets add a $1,000.00 min fine and a tow and then just for *****s and giggles throw in 30 days mandatory impound at $15-25 per day, and I think things arent gonna be the same. I anticipate no I expect that anyone would take a shot at running and mostly a younger person who doesnt want to get the living #@$@# beat out of them by their parents for running up close to $1500.00 bill just for riding, and dont forget costs of court. Yes there are places that do just this, and though you can get a "deal" on the fine your not getting any breaks otherwise. I had seen a brand new Z400 behind a body shop when they had first come out. The rider was on his very first time on the quad and had stopped when he saw a local officer, well rather then the warning so many would expect and maybe even some advise on where to ride it he ended up with the above fines.

So I guess its ok to over regulate and persecute ATV riders and just fine the life out of them until some legislators son or daughter ends up crippled or dead fleeing the police or forest rangers.

02-04-2003, 06:55 PM
part-2 :D

And if anything good can come from the various opinions on this thread it can be that we all have to make the effort to educate our neighbors, respect the areas we still do have to ride, and most importantly, call your lawmakers to voice your opinions. Don't let the opinions just die here

Well said and a call from every rider in the country and a little effort and organization on our part will go a long way.

Out of everything you said this is the only thing that I do not agree with. Wrong. There are bad apples that take it upon themselves to do whatever they want regardless of what they are told to do. They lie, cheat, steal, etc. They are true bad apples. Not because they were told to do it. I guess that's the free will that each of us has been given.
Ray I do agree with your thinking but I believe that if the political "machine" wasnt paying back for all the "tree huggers" political donations there wouldnt be as many apples (good or bad) hunting us down in the first place, and this is where the chance of a "situation" is seeded.

I have or had friends and family in almost every aspect of law enforcement from politicians and judges to correction and patrol officers and I have seen the good the bad and yes even the ugly. Not all those people are even still in a job and they didnt all leave on the own free will either.

So even though some of these guys can be of the bad apple variety they wouldnt be a concern to us off roaders if the politicians were sending out the NAZI squads in the first place.

well, if i was a cop, i would be carryin a high powered rifle around to, and have my squad car replaced by a military tank, think about it, they lay their lives on the line, day in and day out, and get repayed by the death threats of people they put behind bars. I see your point but am not sure where it pertains to ATV's

People always forcing their opinions and desires on you and they think that you should conform to that. If it is one thing I hate the most is someone trying to force me to do something or someway that they want it done.. I would have to agree that law enforcement doesnt seem like a good choice for you. :)

the way i see it, riding and racing are keeping me off drugs and drinking and keeping me from being a on the streets robbin people... Thats a very good point but almost pointless if the greenies convince the politicians and the public that we are just the same as drug dealers and thiefs. They way I see some officers react to us is way to similiar to how they approach real criminals.

And Ray get back on that soap box :)

02-05-2003, 08:33 PM
I live in AZ and they are defiantly using this as a scare tactic. I carry a .40 when I ride so the rifle part doesn’t bother me, but I don't agree with trying to scare people with Rifles and the media.


02-05-2003, 08:52 PM
keep on runnin man, atvs get no respect , they are out to get you, dont give them what they want if they dont give you what you want, take off and dont put up with their crap, they arent gonna shoot, its all about intimidation