View Full Version : CA: Upper Oso Trail (Los Padres National Forrest)

07-13-2010, 01:55 PM
Here is another trail here in Santa Barbara that is much more ATV friendly then Divide Peak! It's right in the Los Padres National Forrest in a part where us in SB call Red Rock. Red Rock offers camping, swimming, cliff jumping and fishing along with riding. This trail often has ATV's on it and we share the trail with bikers, hikers and horse riders. I recommend you get there early in the morning to avoid seeing other riders or people.

The trail has many different ways you can go, the first fork in the road you hit goes up to the left towards little pine campground (this is often closed so ask at the front gate if it is open) and to the right it goes down into a valley by the river. I like going left and going up because it is much longer and there is a lot more to ride but the lower trail is cool too because there are creek crossings, great spots to stop and swim/relax and an ATV camp at the end. The trail is very well groomed and does not have the very steep shale hill climbs that Divide Peak has, I'd say this is a very easy trail to ride with the exception that it is in the mountains and there are very large cliffs on the side but the trail is wide and smooth so you should be fine.

Be safe and please respect others and the trail just it isn't ruined for the rest of us here in Santa Barbara. And if you ever want to ride PM me and feel free to come along with my friends and I!

UTV's will not fit around the gate! Neither will really really wide quads

Google Maps:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=10+Paradise+Road,+Santa+Barbara,+CA&sll=34.545849,-119.778607&sspn=0.005567,0.011362&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=10+Paradise+Rd,+Santa+Barbara,+California+93 105&ll=34.545661,-119.77855&spn=0.011506,0.022724&t=h&z=16



They even have ATC's on the info board at the trail head!



These pics are at the very top in the Little Pine "campground"






07-13-2010, 02:31 PM
This trail back in the day you could ride up
to big pine way past happy hollow there used to be to cabins at happy hollow also :( the good old days