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02-02-2003, 07:59 PM
who here snowboards? i know this has been posted b4 but weve got new members. and what can everyone do and where do you board?

i board at trollhaugen its got a pretty nice boardpark for around here.i can do any grab and 180's 360's and working on 5's. i can usually put a grab in the 1 or 3 too. so what can you do?

02-02-2003, 08:52 PM
i board. i'm just a beginer tho. i wakeboard alot i'm pretty good on that. and i skateboard i can kickflip and a few other things

Tainted Glory
02-03-2003, 06:16 AM
ive been doin it for 2 years, but im out for the season now. i have an 03 burton board, ride binding and burton boots. i ride mtn creek, hunter, and vermont

02-03-2003, 06:27 AM
quadracer, i stakeboard too but i cant do much but i have friends who are really good and will most likely go pro.

tainted, what happend that put you out for the season? i havnt gotten hurt to bad yet and ive been trying to clear the 60ft tabletop in the boardpark.:eek:

Glow Plug
02-03-2003, 06:52 AM
i could never see myself on a board of any kind i think i would be on my arse more that the board :)

02-03-2003, 10:32 AM
This is my 8th season riding. Ive got an Option Supercharger. Burton custom bindings (getting Tech Nines soon) and burton boots. I mostly ride back country steep powdery lines and trees. Im into big drops and tight lines and stuff. none of that park riding. i can't spin. :o

02-03-2003, 10:39 AM
i know how you feel, this is my third or fourth year on a acctuall board (morrow radium wide w/burton fs bindings and airwalk boots) and its also my first year spinning. i sucked at it until i just said screw it and started spinning and didnt care if the 100ppl in the board park saw me. now i can spin 3's off the tinniest things and im working on doing them while getting alot of air which is pretty hard.

02-03-2003, 12:21 PM
i snowboard! im actually a certified snowboard instructor. this is my eighth season riding. im also designing and building our terrain parks now. best rails in the midwest!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tainted Glory
02-03-2003, 01:39 PM
not one serious injury, but a combination of little injuries EVERY WEEKEND. it was soo icy that every time i wiped out, i sprained or bruised something...to avoid getting injured seriously, im out for the season-too icy and conditions are harsh

02-03-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by hondamxer161
i snowboard! im actually a certified snowboard instructor. this is my eighth season riding. im also designing and building our terrain parks now. best rails in the midwest!!!!!!!!!!!!!


im sure youve heard of trollhaugen then havnt you? and fobia? they designed our park and built the jumps. even though most of us put the rails in and the boxes...ect. we all know how to build jumps really good and were there like everyday. last thing we put in was a diamond box.

02-03-2003, 07:01 PM
ive been boarding for 7 years now...

ive owed about 8 or ten decks but my current ride is a Forum JP Walker with Drake Limited Edition bindings w/ adjustable stiffness, and DC phantom boots (air pump) this is a $1,000 setup. My backup board is my old Forum destoyer with Drake F-60 bindings. I also got a hole RIDE Jeff Brushy laying around that i use to hit up the local hills. Im pretty good but not pro... me and my friends have been working on a video latly.

02-03-2003, 07:04 PM
I do everything ll i started to ski then i maxed out at all the local lessons and i raced for a year or 2 then i switched over to boarding were i did that for like 4 years. (i learned form the best lol my instructor went semi pro untill he landed on his head doing a flip and broke his neck) but after snowboarding i ski blade now and still snowboard but i never have any time to ski anymore lol i usually try to go once a year at least. I have a mistral board with burton bindings and heelside boats lol its all outdated but it hauls my fat arse around good lol

02-03-2003, 07:10 PM
tants, how do you like your forums? i personally think they are the suckiest board ever made but thats jmo. they snap like a twig.

killed, i ride with a guy that was semi-pro too. he is super good and was sponsored by ride kingpin and burton. he can pull a 7 off a half foot jump:eek: i just point and say "im with him" lol

02-03-2003, 07:11 PM
i do ive been doing it for like 4 years now i have a gnu expermental hormarnics, drake F70 bindings and 32 prion boots

i can pull 180s 360s and 540s in the pipe and i currently working on backflips
but one of my friends i board with can do rodeo 720 and ollie opp rodeo 720s rodeo 360s check out mountian creek name one of the best rail parks in to country


02-03-2003, 07:19 PM
i free style ski I've bean doing it for 12 years i can do 180s, 360, and most grabs:)

02-03-2003, 07:20 PM
i have to agree. forum are not the greatest out there. they are weak. Im probably gonna get a rosignal board next. my room mate from lake louise is a killer rider he has broken pretty much ever kind of board except a rossi. i also ski as well. i have rossi pow airs which are twin tip and have grind plates.

02-03-2003, 07:22 PM
cool i have rossi pow airs too they are realy nice :cool: i love rossignol

02-03-2003, 07:31 PM
my friend had a rossi but he got a ride this year. anyone ever riden a salomon? one of my friends has one of those and its the most flexible board ever. and guns are really nice boards too. here is the site to the ppl who design our park. they even have a little forum too. fobia (www.fobia.com)

02-03-2003, 07:47 PM
I have been snowboarding for 2 years:D and skied for to years.

02-03-2003, 10:30 PM
if you guys are thinking of getting new boards, check out ATOMIC. they are the chit....also look out for airwalks new boots next year....i know the midwest rep and they are killer.......



VooDuu Child
02-04-2003, 12:18 AM
Been boarding going on 12 years now. Ride a Killer Loop board/bindings w/ airwalk boots. Love it and hope it lasts cause they don't make'm any more to my knowledge. I ride back country, the steeper and deeper the better. Natural hits, rainbows and stumps rule. Terrain park is too full of beginners slow'n it up, so I goes where they's can't.:D