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07-04-2010, 05:27 PM
Your Chance To Provide Positive Comments About Motorized Recreation
By Americans forResponsible Recreation Access
Earlier this year President Obama held a conference on America’s Great Outdoors and established the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative to be led by the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The initiative is tasked with reconnecting Americans, especially children, to the outdoors and they have asked for public input and ideas.
It is vitally important that the Administration hear from you about how you recreate on and enjoy public lands. We can be sure that they are hearing from those who would support limiting or ending access for motorized recreation, but we have an opportunity to tell our side of the story as well. So visit http://www.doi.gov/americasgreatoutdoors, sign-up, and weigh in.
Now is the time to make it clear that OHV recreation is a family-oriented activity that allows for families to spend quality time outdoors. Too often OHV recreation is defined by the renegade few who behave irresponsibly. Please take this opportunity to make it clear that millions of Americans responsibly enjoy motorized recreation on public lands.
Talking Points:
OHV use is a legitimate, sustainable use of appropriate public lands, particularly on National Forests and Bureau of
Land Management Units.
* Motorized recreation is a healthy family activity and provides a great opportunity for families to “get away from it
all,” and to experience the great outdoors.
* OHVers, like other recreationists, seek opportunities to not only enjoy the riding experience, but also opportunities
to learn more about cultural and historical context, take in scenic views, observe wildlife, camp, hunt, fish and
participate in many other activities.
* The overwhelming majority of OHVers are conservationists, who seek to preserve the same outdoor experiences they enjoy for children and grandchildren.
OHVers are volunteers. OHV clubs and organizations groom and maintain trails, trailheads and other facilities as
well as adopt trails and provide the tools and experience needed for constructing and maintaining all sorts of
recreational trails; not just OHV opportunities.
* ATV and off-highway motorcycle riding encourage and promote physical fitness.
* OHVs provide the opportunity for Americans of all ages and physical capabilities to enjoy the outdoors.
So please take a few minutes to visit http://www.doi.gov/americasgreatoutdoors and have your voice heard.
Americans forResponsible Recreation Access
1152 15th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005