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View Full Version : should I stroke with high comp piston?

07-04-2010, 01:46 PM
I like the high compression 2 stroke feel my 06 has. It revs up quick and is very throttle responsive.
The question is I have the bottom end apart right now, and Im wondering if I should stroke it. Im afraid that I wont like the change.what would you do? I drag race it and ride sand pits a lot, and open technical tracks, I only ride tight trails about 20% of the time,

Ruf Racing
07-04-2010, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
I like the high compression 2 stroke feel my 06 has. It revs up quick and is very throttle responsive.
The question is I have the bottom end apart right now, and Im wondering if I should stroke it. Im afraid that I wont like the change.what would you do? I drag race it and ride sand pits a lot, and open technical tracks, I only ride tight trails about 20% of the time,

Don't do it. Consider it, when you need to replace the crank.

07-05-2010, 01:27 PM
Ive got it apart right now to replace bearings and seals, and im probaly going to replace crank, It has alot of hours and I like to keep the motor fresh. The rod has some wear in small end.

I just dont know if I should replace stock or stroke?
if I stroke it 3mm will I loose the quick rev that I like?

07-05-2010, 04:39 PM
You'll gain some torque and it will bump up your compresion a little more...

What kind of cam are you running? My guess is that's what is giving you the 2 stroke feel.

07-05-2010, 07:56 PM
Im running a h/c 2 (but i have a few different cams, sparks, HRC)with 14:1 Baldwin piston and its an 06 they seem to rev a little quicker than the 04/05. And I really like the way it feels,

but as with anything I have I always want more!

I think im going to go for the stroke,since its apart, and next ill do the head to help it breath a little better(when I can afford),
I know Ill loose a little of the quick rev but ill get some torque. I know ill regret the change at first and eventually learn to love the power!
Ive definitely got a problem that im never happy!