View Full Version : question about asv lever

07-02-2010, 12:14 AM
i don't know wich section to put this in but order a set of asv levers for a cr off of ebay they should work on a quad right. second is the little adjustment wheel on them for the clutch how does that work and which way adjust the pull to the very easiest to the stiffest.

thanks for all help.

brian 68
07-03-2010, 09:30 AM
i havn't tried the asv. but on most the wheel tightens the cable, it should have a little slack. 1/8" pull befor the cable get's tight. the cr's have the best angle for easy pulling. some have differn't holes that you hook the cable in, to adjust the pull (easy to harder) i think the farther in towards the bar the easier. but it also shortens the pull range. so the cable needs to be adjusted right. it should work on a quad fine, some factory ones have a switch that you will need to delete,(its so you have to pull the clutch in for it to start) the only problem i'm seen is that some cables are bigger and don't work with some easy pulls, but most big name brands should be acomadating.

07-03-2010, 07:46 PM
the clutch lever off any dirtbike or atv(except those w/ hydro clutch) will work. You will probably need to splice the wires for the clutch lever switch together. The front brake lever won't work, they are completely different.