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06-30-2010, 07:33 AM
I hope this just means everyone is out riding, but it doesn't seem like parts are selling at all right now!!! I guess my job is alittle slow right now, $$$$. Or is it that all the winter builds are over.... Just curious

06-30-2010, 07:44 AM
Money's tight. Maybe not with everyone, but I know I have to watch every cent I spend. No raise for last 3 years, 1/3 of my company got laid off over that period, boss keeps telling us we're lucky to have a job.

06-30-2010, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by destey
Money's tight. Maybe not with everyone, but I know I have to watch every cent I spend. No raise for last 3 years, 1/3 of my company got laid off over that period, boss keeps telling us we're lucky to have a job.

x2. im an engineer and my boss has me taking care of his commercial properties. painting and maintaining things to keep me working. no raise in two years. its not easy to have a hobby these days.

06-30-2010, 10:26 AM
Been on furlows at work and have a baby on the way. Just sold my boat, but the quads are here to stay... for now!

Positive note, things here at Cat are really picking up at least on the excavator side of business, which is good news. It was a bad there in 09.

06-30-2010, 10:29 AM
X4, I'm a civil engineer and down to 4 days a work, and got a divorce a year ago. I won't buy parts unless i can make a sure profit on them, or get them for free by buying a bunch and selling a few.

06-30-2010, 10:55 AM
I guess I should be happy getting my 40 in then. I just miss the overtime I had for about 1.5 yrs. I came in all I could because it was on my day off...monday. I work as a diesel mechanic tues-fri 10 hrs a day. Still a little worried though since we were just bought this year by Nestle from Kraft. I hope no one has to sell their quads because of now work. Personally my quads will be the last to go...I'll do whatever it teake to keep them. Even if it means peddlin my $ss 14 miles to work. lol

06-30-2010, 11:52 AM
civil engineer also and I have a build in my garage right now....no overtime permited and 4 months ago we did a compnay wide pay cut. sucks. i'm still trying to finish the build though.

06-30-2010, 12:06 PM
Must be engineers love the R's! Probably because R's have the best combination of power, simplicity, and style of anything. I'm a machine design engineer and we're not doing too bad right now, but last year was really slow.

06-30-2010, 12:18 PM
Engineers must be drawn to R's. I am a design engineer. I have had 3 jobs in 2 years due to poor economy. I have been laid off for the last 13 months. Finally got a new job in March. I am thankful to even be able to buy parts for my R right now.

06-30-2010, 12:23 PM
Burnt out pi$$ed off bartender.
Things are tight right now because i have cut myself down to only 2 days a week. I cant stand to be around insane drunks anymore.

My other job last summer was with Arlan at LED Performance but he doesnt like to pay people more than $5.00 an hour so i would rather NOT work instead of be taken advantage of.

06-30-2010, 12:56 PM
where I live we were least effected by the recession in probably north america however we were effected. and I sell advertising and one of the first thing to go when people are scared for their business is advertising. so things have been pretty slow but Im still eating and my R has gas in it.

06-30-2010, 01:46 PM
WOW!!! I guess I'm not the only one, I work in the steel industry and we are up and down, week to week. Plus I have a 7 year old that loves to race so my toy $$$ is also short. Thought I'd buy some used stuff to resell but haven't had any luck reselling right now, oh well it will eventually come back(economy) right.........

06-30-2010, 02:35 PM
Yes, absolutely it will come back and when it does stuff will bring even more money. Part of my problem too was I was working on my 250r build over the winter, blowing and going, not paying too much attention to what I was spending, now my toy savings are all but dwindled. I've also got a 450r project started too, so my 250r funds took a back seat at the moment.

I wouldn't worry too much right now.

06-30-2010, 03:38 PM
well I keep meaning to get started on a few quad projects but it seems I've always got some other expense popping up - plus I have an ex and she has got my lawyer bill to almost a decent C5 vette would go for....new :ermm:

things are still pretty good in texas. they were flipping great around 2005 to 2008, slowed down a little but still pretty damn good compared to most I hear about the rest of the country. I used to work in offshore oil and gas- I saw the writing on the wall for pay freezes and etc. so I flipped over to the MEP consulting biz for commercial HVAC and couldnt be happier..

oh yeah Im a ME too :macho

07-01-2010, 07:32 AM
Mechanical here too. We do MEP design for the healthcare industry (hospitals, labs, etc.) and business has not slowed down. There was a 6 month raise freeze, but that was the worst of it.

07-01-2010, 07:36 AM
Gee. We have enough engineers here to design and manufacture a new 250R. lol.

07-01-2010, 08:13 AM
mechanical/machining/tech here. very busy here. 10-12 hours per day mon thru fri. plus sat or sun. limited to 68 hours a week. no end in sight.

86 Quad R
07-01-2010, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by rablack21
Gee. We have enough engineers here to design and manufacture a new 250R. lol.

dang sure do lol...... Civil here. :cool:

07-01-2010, 08:31 AM
I use Pro/E Wildfire 4.0 (3D modeling software) on a regular basis. I have several times considered modeling up parts and trying to get a shop to make them.

07-01-2010, 09:07 AM
I am fairly proficient in Autodesk Inventor, but now I am using a whole lot more of good 'ol AutoCAD- we do all custom machines and it is just much quicker to whip them out in 2D.

07-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by rablack21
I use Pro/E Wildfire 4.0 (3D modeling software) on a regular basis. I have several times considered modeling up parts and trying to get a shop to make them.

Its ironic you mention that, I have over 12 yrs of experience, (since 1997) with Pro/E starting from version 20 to Wildfire 3.0, we just now use 3.0 now at work, which I haven't switched over yet. I'm also an expert in data aquisition (SoMat field computers) and I do some finite element analysis, used to do alot more but we farm that out now, I'm familiar with Abaqus, Ideas, Cubit, and I also developed some of my own software for linkage synthesis, in C++ and Visual basic...

I think it would an awesome project to design a frame and install strain gages and run life calculations on the welds in a baja or mx application...

BTW, I've already got several models created and working to 3D scan somes parts in the near future, (which is costly on a private budget!). My first personal project I designed a long travel sand car from scratch that is now being built by my partner with the cash.. LOL!

I'm thinking about purchasing my own liscense of Solid Works for these personal projects at home. I just bougth a sweet Mac Pro 27" screen with a division in the harddrive to run windows also with 1.5 terrabyte external harddrive... :macho

Any of you run Solid works or got any thoughts on that?

I think why us engi-nerds are drawn to the 250r is best summed by "Occam's Razor", translated "The simpliest solution is always the best..."

You know maybe we all should get together and develop our own 250r/500r quads!!! Sounds like the knowledge base, from engineering to manufacturing, is here forsure... we're a bunch of brainiacs!