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View Full Version : I betcha' you've never seen THIS mod before, LOL!!!

06-24-2010, 08:45 PM
Most of you guys know, that I'm one of the few here who openly admits I'm no racer.
I don't even LIKE riding on a track.

You guys can keep the double/triple jumps, the 15 bike holeshots, the 12 quad pile-ups in the first turn, the grandstands, the loud speakers, and the checkerd flags...

I am a trail rider at best, and usually have a couple of munchkins (kids) along, so most of our riding is mild by comparison.
I'd rather have a packed lunch, some munchies, and some frozen water bottles stuffed in the cooler , keeping my 6pack of brewski's cold. I may pack a hat, a camera, a pistol, a tire plug kit, and some TP.
A nice 3 or 4 hour ride is what sounds good to me. Hell I'm game for a all day 80 mile ride!!!

Sure, when it's just me and a few of the "boys", it's...
"All or nothin'...WOT...let's go for broke, and see who can come back with the most bruises", LOL! but that's the rarity for me.

You all also know that I enjoy tinkering on my quad, modding some here and there, accessorizing some other stuff, and basically being a little different than the norm.
Little things like my hidden extra tool kit...


or my "Anti-Collision" Strobe lights....


or my home-made, below fender, Auxillary Fuel tank,...


I mean HELL !!!
I AM the grand Poo-Bah of A.A.D.S. right ?!?!?

You guys also know that I do occaisionally mount a UTV style rear rack and cargo bag to the tail end of my wifes and my "Sport quads".
(I know, I know... it's SACRILEGIOUS!!!, isn't it !?!?!)
Oh well,.... Too damn bad. I like it, so that's all that matters.

(For those of you newcomers who have never seen my A.A.D.S. infested ATV's), here's a couple of old pics so you know what I'm talking about...


Now everyone here knows what a "Tough-Guy" I am, and how I Rule my family with an IRON Fist !
I'm the Freakin' KING around here, and what I say GOES !!!
They are going to either LIKE IT, or LEAVE !!!
NO FEMALE is going to tell me WHAT TO DO !!!
and NO FEMALE is going to have ME wrapped around their finger !!! THAT, You can bet the farm on !!!

So the other day,...my daughter tells me she wants to have a rack like Daddy and Mommies, and she also wants a "Cool Water Drink Backpac" like mine.


So ANnnyWAaaY,....
I was trippin' around on CL today, and "just happenened", to run across a rear rack, JUST LIKE the rack's on mine and mommies quads.
Now my Baby-Girl will/may continue to love me,...
(but just up until the NEXT "Sparkle-y" thing comes along !!!)

(Actually, no b.s. here,..they are pretty hard to find anymore, Damned Expensive if/when you DO find one,... and this was quite the luck of the draw)

So Naturally, I grabbed it.



I am THE MAN ! and ,...NO Female can tell ME what to do !!!
RIGHT ?!?!?
I SAID,..... RIGHT ?!?!?
I AM NOT Wrapped around her little finger !
I'm not, I'm Not, I'M NOT !!!

BUT, it also came with something I'd never seen before, and had me cracking up.
This is probably why the guy was selling the thing in the first place. It was listed as a "Pet Carrier for ATV".

yeah,... I'm sure there is alot of quad riders out there, looking for a "Pet Carrier" !!! Gee, That one question I've apparently missed here on the forums...
"Whats the best pet bed I can mount on my quad, and Where can I find one for a good price ???" LOL!!!

My next door neighbor, has a Class A motorhome, and 3 Pomeranians.

I figured he would get more use out of it ,than my 75 lb. Lab, or 50 lb. Brittany, LOL!
So I kept the rack, and gave him the padded "pet carrier" to use for his mutts in the motorhome.
But of course, I had to take some pics to share, first...

so Here it is,...
It's the Newest, Its the Hottest, It's the most sought after,.. gotta have,... How have we lived without it ?", ... A.A.D.S. assy/mod.....

(Man, I bet you guys are JEALOUS !!!)





So like I said,... I'll betcha' you've never seen THIS mod on a quad before....... LOL!!!

and remember,....

I RULE THE ROOST around here,...
What I say, GOES !!!
(i'll be heading off to big5, or walmart, or target now, to go look for that "Water Drink Backpack".....
..... I sure hope they have one in Pink !!!)


06-24-2010, 09:51 PM
i like the racks.. do all the tools fit in the "power service" bottle?? or is that between the two of them?? Whats ur auxiliary fuel container??

06-24-2010, 10:20 PM
Ron you are out of your mind. Your only saving grace is that you know it! ;)

06-24-2010, 11:25 PM
Pimpin all over the world! nice ron keep up the good work! steve

06-25-2010, 12:04 AM
yes, all the tools in the pic do fit into the red bottle.
the fuel bottle is actually a crossbar mounted water bottle from my old dirtbike, back in the '70's. (yeah, i'm an oldfart)

you read me so well....

right back atcha there bud

now can you guys imagine that,
First,... there was actually someone that thought to make a padded pet carrier to fit on a atv rack.

then Second,...
this same someone not only MADE one, But thought to themselfs "Hey,... I'll bet people would like these and buy these", "maybe we ought to start manufacture them for sale"

06-25-2010, 12:31 AM
tri5ron - Im going to be on the hunt for a red bottle of my own...good idea. What do you keep in the stock bottle if you dont mind me asking??:D

06-25-2010, 02:17 AM
thats nice that you keep your family together and happy while enjoying this awesome sport.

but, ron you need a drinking or gambling problem.lol. only a joke. have fun.

06-25-2010, 02:22 AM
And this is why we all love Ron.

I remember a few years back my neighbor built a pet carrier on the back of his Grizzly and took his dog along for the ride on the Paiute trails (amazing ride, by the way). Never seen a happier dog, or old man, before haha.

06-25-2010, 08:43 AM
where was it again that you bought the red bottle that you turned into a tool box that fits next to the carb?

06-25-2010, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by clemsonteg
where was it again that you bought the red bottle that you turned into a tool box that fits next to the carb?
Im interested in the bottle made into a tool box and i like the Auxillary Fuel tank

06-25-2010, 08:47 AM
It's for a diesel fuel additive that you can find at any parts store. When I saw Ron came up with this idea last year I did the same thing. It has saved my butt a couple times.

06-25-2010, 08:49 AM
here ya go...


06-25-2010, 10:12 AM
any one use a bottle other than the power service bottle
Like will just about any 1qt. oil container or something work

Ill have to check to garage and c if i can find something else that works

06-25-2010, 11:14 AM
im going to see if this will fit, i got a few laying around..

06-25-2010, 11:42 AM
I tried a couple other bottles but the dimensions just didn't fit right. Ron found the needle in the haystack.

06-25-2010, 01:40 PM
This world needs more tri5ron's!

06-25-2010, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by aDviSol2y
This world needs more tri5ron's! Aww Gee wizz,....Quit it fella's...
I think I'm about to cry !
:p :D :devil:

06-25-2010, 08:58 PM
I should find one of those bottles. lol. i think my 1 gallon one may be too big to just mount on there but the 2 gallon square one is just too big to carry on the rack i have. lol. it makes it a bit hard to wheelie with that on there. lol. steve

06-26-2010, 10:03 PM
what else you got hid up that sleeve of yours? steve

06-27-2010, 12:41 AM
I'm working on a special little surprize right now.
Can't give any details quite yet.
gotta see how a couple things work out.
but be rest assured, this old fart has still got a few cards up his sleeve....:D

06-27-2010, 09:13 AM
great ideas! i was definitely going to hunt a bottle down and mount it in your auxiliary fuel area but then i remembered that i already have something mounted there that wouldn't go well with fuel..:macho

06-27-2010, 12:28 PM
i love you RON.

06-27-2010, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Miami_Vice454
i love you RON.

whoa, coming on a bit heavy for a first date arent we? LOL you guys are absolutely nuts! makes for a good afternoon at work ill tell you that. steve

06-27-2010, 02:57 PM
sweet mods. I think i might want to carry all that stuff too from looking at the pics of where you ride!

06-27-2010, 06:37 PM
Impressive. Hopefully I can come across a tool tank that will fit just right too.

06-27-2010, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
great ideas! i was definitely going to hunt a bottle down and mount it in your auxiliary fuel area but then i remembered that i already have something mounted there that wouldn't go well with fuel..:macho Haha, yeah Mike,
I agree it might not be a real wise choice for yours.

And to some of the other guys....
Man ! this thread has gotten a little creepy !
If we ever find ourselfs riding together, I'm making sure you guys stay out in front, so I can keep an eye on you,.... LOL!!!

06-27-2010, 08:34 PM
And to some of the other guys.... Man ! this thread has gotten a little creepy ! If we ever find ourselfs riding together, I'm making sure you guys stay out in front, so I can keep an eye on you,.... LOL!!!

LMAO i wanna be in the front........ JUST KIDDING. but seriously i think you could work for Dirt Wheels. you write really good.

06-29-2010, 01:05 PM
A buddy of mine came over the other day and we were talking about his diesel because I was thinking about trading my Hemi for one when he pulled out a bottle and said he ran some with every tank. I recognized the bottle and asked him if I could have it cause I could make a cool tool box out of it for my quad and he just thought it was weird :D. Thank you A.A.D.S.