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View Full Version : pin size hole in wheel.

06-16-2010, 01:24 PM
anyone had this happen to them before? I noticed my front tire going flat a few days ago so i checked out the tire and didn't see any holes. I then put the wheel in a big bin filled with water so i can see the air bubbles. as it turns out, the tires is fine. On the inside of the wheel i found a really small hole that was just big enough to make my tire go flat within a day. I already wire wheeled it and put silicone over it but idk if that will be enough to stop the leak. i know the best thing would to spot weld it with a TIG but i don't have access to one right now. any other fixes of this doesn't work? Idk how it happened.

06-16-2010, 02:37 PM
I would try a thin layer JB Weld.

06-16-2010, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Scro
I would try a thin layer JB Weld.
Use your thumb and try pushing some JB Weld in to it.

Or have it welded.

Good luck.

06-16-2010, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Scro
I would try a thin layer JB Weld.
yeah the Jb weld would work I did it for a cut on one onf my rear wheels and it worked fine, in fact its still getting the job gone and that was like a year ago

06-23-2010, 02:44 PM
Yeah i've seen this quite a bit so it's not unheard of. JB weld should work but your best bet would be to get ahold of a Tig

mx Eli
06-23-2010, 03:45 PM
jb weld or a short term fix would maybe be sodder? i'm probably wrong though

06-23-2010, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Scro
I would try a thin layer JB Weld.

I used the JB on an old beadlock wheel that had a hole in it and it worked just fine.

06-24-2010, 11:39 AM
thanks guys. the silicone is holding up for now, but i'll get it welded whenever i have the chance. or better yet, just get beadlocks.

06-24-2010, 12:37 PM
If non of that works you could try Tireballs

06-24-2010, 01:21 PM
just rough up the surrounding area with some 36 grit then clear silicone over it. The 36 grit will give the silicone something to bite in to. You wont have a problem. If you do its much easier to get off for a tig weld then JB.