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View Full Version : Anybody else's dog chase their quad like a maniac?

06-08-2010, 01:14 AM
Just wanted to see if anyone else's dog chases them when they rip their quad around? my dobe goes absolutely ape***t from the moment he sees me sit on it. i swear if i don't stop to give him a break, he will run himself right into cardiac arrest.....:confused:

06-08-2010, 05:54 AM
yep... and the riding mower too..

honestly, i think she just wants to ride..
i used to ride her around when she was a pup but there isnt any room now that shes older.

06-08-2010, 06:44 AM
My bird dog would chase me around like that, but one day my friend was zooming around and he put his foot on the dog’s hind end and gave him a little push and that dog went sidewise and did a barrel roll for 30 yards. It was kind of mean but funny at the same time.

06-08-2010, 07:01 AM
my old dog did when i started racing when she was like 5 yrs old but my new pup has no problems with the race bike....just brooms

06-08-2010, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by blaster12s
my old dog did when i started racing when she was like 5 yrs old but my new pup has no problems with the race bike....just brooms

My dog will appear out of thin air when a broom shows up! I don't know whats so special about them but she attacks them like they're going out of style :p

As far as quads go, my dog would move at least 25 feet away when I started it up. I don't think she liked the loud exhaust and I know she didn't like getting hit by that sudden puff of air that comes out of the exhaust in all different directions.

06-08-2010, 07:37 AM
my dog (pitbull) will attack anything that makes a noise or moves. vacuum (hates them) remote controlled cars, brooms, shop vac, air compresser, ect.

as for the quads and mini bikes. ya have to see it to believe it. he takes bong hits from the exhaust. he puts his mouth up to the exhaust and lets it shoot in his mouth then shakes his head, sneezes and goes back for some more hits. its pretty funny if i say so myself :D

06-08-2010, 07:53 AM
My moms dog is afraid of everything! We took it to a track twice back when we use to ride. It hid under the truck the whole time. You couldn't get it out for ****.

Hes afraid of wind, fire, water, the hose, paper, bags, my doe grunt, my turkey calls. Everything!

06-08-2010, 08:26 AM
We have a bulldog and she doesn't want anything to do with the quads or anything else that makes noise or is unfamilar to her. I had them all out last weekend getting them ready for the dunes and made her stay outside with me, and you would of thought she was getting beaten, she looked miserable the whole time.

06-08-2010, 08:41 AM
my kids little red dog ( dont know what kind ) used to catch big air chasing me in our local sand dunes .there is an area we call the snake track that she would short course on.i was always afraid of running her over in that part of the dunes. she is to blind and mean to take her any more

06-08-2010, 09:15 AM
My dog trys to herd me like I'm a sheep:huh

06-08-2010, 09:20 AM
yep no ridn when there out , soon as they hear em start up they get nuts they try and stop u ! lov em !

06-08-2010, 11:10 AM
My sheltlin sheep dog used to throw a fit when I didn't take her with me. She sat on the seat in front of me and loved it when I was pinned in 6th gear on my old 250r. I miss that dog!

06-08-2010, 11:18 AM
dogs love to run out in front of me.

i lost count of how many have razr 2 prints on them. Im not going to swerve and endanger myself for an animal that doesnt have the discipline not to constantly run in front of a moving 300+ pound chunk of metal.

06-08-2010, 11:43 AM
My dogs both pitbulls love to chase quads and i use it to exercise them down to the river behind my house and back. When i get ready to hit the lil track n the yard and dont want to do an endo over a giant bulldog i jus say go lay down and like a light switch its over. they will lay by the back porch and watch.

Took alot to get to that point but its priceless when you get there. :D

06-08-2010, 12:06 PM
When I'm at work the owner of the course lets his dog out on the range when I'm picking and that dog will run up and down but its annoying because if I dont keep hitting the brakes I would run the stupid *** thing over. And to let your dog out on a driving range when golf balls go 180+MPH on a drive... a few weeks ago a bird got pegged and that thing was done lol

06-08-2010, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
my dog (pitbull) will attack anything that makes a noise or moves. vacuum (hates them) remote controlled cars, brooms, shop vac, air compresser, ect.

as for the quads and mini bikes. ya have to see it to believe it. he takes bong hits from the exhaust. he puts his mouth up to the exhaust and lets it shoot in his mouth then shakes his head, sneezes and goes back for some more hits. its pretty funny if i say so myself :D

rofl my pit takes bong hits from the leaf blower its hilarious. he tries to eat the pressurewasher water too. its grand

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IIlNUcy0JEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IIlNUcy0JEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

06-08-2010, 04:11 PM
my shih tzu does all the time. I take her for walks up the road with my machine almost every day. she will ride anything. she has been jetskiing fishing snowboarding snowmobiling just about anything that moves. lol. steve

MX MaNiAc 06
06-08-2010, 05:41 PM
I've seen dogs chase my quad and try to bite the tires while its moving. It's pretty annoying cuz i dont wanna kill the dog haha

06-08-2010, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
rofl my pit takes bong hits from the leaf blower its hilarious. he tries to eat the pressurewasher water too. its grand

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IIlNUcy0JEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IIlNUcy0JEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

dude . my dog even looks like yours. mine has 2 black eyes though. (please dont mind the 70's porn couch he's sitting on. pic was taking at Breezewwod.) :eek2:

Tommy Warren
06-08-2010, 07:58 PM
My dog bites chunks out of my tires when I drive it:mad:

06-08-2010, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
dude . my dog even looks like yours. mine has 2 black eyes though. (please dont mind the 70's porn couch he's sitting on. pic was taking at Breezewwod.) :eek2:

i love my pitbull i have 4 of them. they are all big babys. only thing ive seen them mall is bugs. leo the one in the vid eats stink bugs too its hilarious

here is a pic of my retarded dog that tries to eat the pressurewasher, tries to kill the lawn mower, and loves the leaf blower

06-08-2010, 10:06 PM
My lab only chases me when i'm riding the 4x4. I guess she has learned that when i'm riding the utility i'm just doing work around the farm or work on the trails and will be riding slow. When i hop on the 450 she will just sit at the edge of the yard and wait for me to get back from the woods.

06-09-2010, 03:34 AM
I used to have 2 golden retrievers. 1 was 9 and the other about 2. If the older on was loose she would follow me deep into the woods everytime and just wear herself out to exhustion trying to keep up if I didnt realize she was following. One day I went for a ride hit a twp road went to 10 miles from home turned around and found coming as hard as she could tracking me and wore out about 7 miles from home. It was a hot july day, i took her to the creek to get a drink and to cool her off. She was done though, loaded her up on my 250R at the time and hauled her home. I would take them both to my practice track and they would both chase me around the track the way it was layed out, no short cuts. The younger one would pass me every lap in the whoops. It was a short tight track and for a few laps she could keep up and pass me in them whoops, made me so mad that the dog was faster than me through them. The older just got blew away on the track. But they got good exrcise and enjoyment out of it. The yunger one got hit by a car and I burried her in the track since she always liked it so well, she would get excited when the bikes was getting loaded up.

06-09-2010, 07:16 AM
ive got 2 poped tires from my pit. ive run his head over a few times from trying to bite my tire while im riding :ermm: doesnt even bother him, just keeps coming back for more haha.

06-09-2010, 12:18 PM
I have a pit too, its insane how athletic they are. Mine can keep up with me on the quad till about 3rd gear. He is literally the fastest dog i have ever seen. He can also catch a Frisbee like 5-6ft in the air. Not to mention they just have a bad wrap. My dog is the biggest cuddle monster and loves all people and kids. He gets along with other animals too, as long as they dont try to attack him, if they do he wont back down, other than that he is great.

Here is a pic of him with the soon to be wifey.

06-09-2010, 01:11 PM
My dog used to chase me til I ran him over the one time. Just like when he was a pup and always tried to bite my cigarette. I let him bite it one time and thats all it took. Never tried to bite one again...lol

Heres my dog



06-09-2010, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by K-Dub
I used to have 2 golden retrievers. 1 was 9 and the other about 2. If the older on was loose she would follow me deep into the woods everytime and just wear herself out to exhustion trying to keep up if I didnt realize she was following. One day I went for a ride hit a twp road went to 10 miles from home turned around and found coming as hard as she could tracking me and wore out about 7 miles from home. It was a hot july day, i took her to the creek to get a drink and to cool her off. She was done though, loaded her up on my 250R at the time and hauled her home. I would take them both to my practice track and they would both chase me around the track the way it was layed out, no short cuts. The younger one would pass me every lap in the whoops. It was a short tight track and for a few laps she could keep up and pass me in them whoops, made me so mad that the dog was faster than me through them. The older just got blew away on the track. But they got good exrcise and enjoyment out of it. The yunger one got hit by a car and I burried her in the track since she always liked it so well, she would get excited when the bikes was getting loaded up.

Thats cool you put her to rest at the track. bet shes glad too

06-09-2010, 04:07 PM
There's a lot of pit owners on here. dunno if i could trust one around kids n stuff. well on second thought, people prolly think the same about my doberman. he's an awesome dog who is great with my niece and nephew, he loves kids. he'd rather play with kids than another dog.

06-09-2010, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by bwilliams450er
There's a lot of pit owners on here. dunno if i could trust one around kids n stuff. well on second thought, people prolly think the same about my doberman. he's an awesome dog who is great with my niece and nephew, he loves kids. he'd rather play with kids than another dog.

Well you answered it. My dog is amazing with kids.

Great pics wrekd

06-09-2010, 04:53 PM
I used to hear about old timers wrapping burlap sacks around their car tires so that when a dog bit, it would catch their teeth and take them for a ride for a revolution or two. That was used just to break the habit though.

My neighbors had a pit that puntured a tire on my dads fourwheeler one time. That dog was just plain mean, and it was obvious that it had been abused. My buddy had a pit that it would make you want to crap your pants when it tackled you, but all it wanted was to lick you. It's all in how they're raised.

My oldest dog is a Schnauzer that's 13 years old. He will still go for rides with me one the fourtrax, but he won't come around the 450.

wreckd, killer pics, I wish we had some clear water like that around here.

06-09-2010, 06:17 PM
my sisters 5 pound yorkie maks a b line for the door when ever i fire up the quad or mower. she also goes into hiding when i use powertools

06-09-2010, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by bwilliams450er
There's a lot of pit owners on here. dunno if i could trust one around kids n stuff. well on second thought, people prolly think the same about my doberman. he's an awesome dog who is great with my niece and nephew, he loves kids. he'd rather play with kids than another dog.

My dogs great with my niece and nephew too. But I still won't leave them unsupervised with him. You just never know. He's still a dog afterall and a pretty big one at that.

06-09-2010, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by wrekd
My dogs great with my niece and nephew too. But I still won't leave them unsupervised with him. You just never know. He's still a dog afterall and a pretty big one at that.

exactly. i'm just afraid that a kid would slap them in the face or pull on his face and the dog react. i couldn't blame either if it happened. it's just a kid bein a kid and a dog bein a dog. i wouldn't want to have to put a dog down for biting a child, or risk injuring the child

06-09-2010, 09:34 PM
my pit

hes scared of everything lol hes a big baby my nephews love him ride him like a horse lol

best dog ever

06-09-2010, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by JJs450r
my pit

hes scared of everything lol hes a big baby my nephews love him ride him like a horse lol

best dog ever

Awesome pic.

I made sure to poke, prod, pull and play with my dogs food while he is eating ever since he was a puppy. He doesn't mind any of it at all. Kids cant bother him. But still i do supervise, like said above he is a dog, and ANY bread of dog should be supervised with kids. That is just part of being a responsible dog owner.

06-10-2010, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Awesome pic.

I made sure to poke, prod, pull and play with my dogs food while he is eating ever since he was a puppy. He doesn't mind any of it at all. Kids cant bother him. But still i do supervise, like said above he is a dog, and ANY bread of dog should be supervised with kids. That is just part of being a responsible dog owner.

^^^^ couldnt said it any better myself!!!

i have a 5 month old baby girl. and both of my pits (well, just put one down last week. she had lymphnode cancer) and they are both awesome with my baby girl. but like hypersnyper said, you deff cant leave ANY dog unattended with a child in the room. they are dogs and all breeds and sizes are capable of hurting a child. even if not in a voilent way. some dogs just wanna snuggle with a baby and dont realize they are smothering the child til its to late.

06-10-2010, 10:30 AM
agreed with dehner.

06-10-2010, 06:32 PM
My friend had a sheppard that would run around a vehicle until it was above 15mph. One time he dodged infront of a 3-wheeler that me and my bud were on and I ran him over. He got up, wagged his tail and never did it again. It was atleast 500lbs.