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06-02-2010, 08:21 AM

06-02-2010, 10:55 AM
Thats funny but sad, its rediculous that they can't contain that spill seems like everything they try fails.

06-02-2010, 11:03 AM
Hahaha, that's pretty funny. That oil spill is really hurting the company's reputation, although I am sure they're doing the best they can. It's easy to judge at home watching the news, but being out there trying to find a real world solution that is durable and that you can realistically apply must not be an easy task. It sure is making one hell of mess out there.

06-02-2010, 11:04 AM
heres another one, i'm only going to post the link because i'm sure the language is "offensive"


06-02-2010, 11:22 AM
crusty crab going out of business

they can probably all survive if they go with sandy in her rocket and get the **** out of there

btw sponge bob is one of the greatest shows ever i still watch it and I know you guys do too. Rocket Power was also great but for some reason they took it off the air years ago when it was still good. They don't even play old reruns of it on tv anymore

06-02-2010, 04:11 PM
i miss rockey power:( and angry beavers and doug and cat dog and yes i will PROUDLY say rugrats! but yah that's pretty funny lol.

06-03-2010, 10:03 AM
hey arnold?

06-03-2010, 11:41 AM
What I can't understand is how they havn't fixed it quickly, I think I could have thought up a plan. You calculate the pressure and put a heavy concrete cap on it, calculating for added weight needed because of water buoyancy. If the ground isn't level it's a problem though. They could have shoved a drill in it, or Al Gores tampon.

06-03-2010, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
What I can't understand is how they havn't fixed it quickly, I think I could have thought up a plan. You calculate the pressure and put a heavy concrete cap on it, calculating for added weight needed because of water buoyancy. If the ground isn't level it's a problem though. They could have shoved a drill in it, or Al Gores tampon.

welcome to the day and age when the federal government has grown so large adn beauracratic that they, all logn with the epa will not let BP do what is necessary to stop it.

and whats worse, is that they (the federal gov't) are just gonna sit back and let this happen, while the states of louisiana, texas, florida, mississippi, and alabama are left on their own, unable to do anything becuase they need permission from the federal gov't and the epa. its such a shame, and the white house can sit back and say they've been incharge since day 1.

they are predicting that if these next couple of measures dont work, which they're not, that this could keep pumping oil into the gulf all the way till christmas.

they are probably, even tho they say they wont becuase they do not know what the environmental rammifications are, and that it violates treaties, but are probably gonna have to drill a couple thousand feet into the ocean bed and drop a nuke in to blow up and fuse the well shut....

06-03-2010, 03:34 PM
I was told if the government funds the cleanup than it makes them responsible, which hardly matters. They could install a cloth-like tube over the hole that goes up to the surface into oil tankers, the cloth being the right viscosity for separation. It'd be watery oil but it's better than watching the south be destroyed.

Wikipedia - "At its deepest it is 14,383 ft", or 2.72405303 miles.

How wide is the hole? It doesn't look more than a meter wide.

06-03-2010, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
I was told if the government funds the cleanup than it makes them responsible, which hardly matters. They could install a cloth-like tube over the hole that goes up to the surface into oil tankers, the cloth being the right viscosity for separation. It'd be watery oil but it's better than watching the south be destroyed.

Wikipedia - "At its deepest it is 14,383 ft", or 2.72405303 miles.

How wide is the hole? It doesn't look more than a meter wide.

i wouldnt quote myself on this, but id say that it is larger than a meter across, considering the ungodly ammount of oil that is leaking out of it, id have to say that the pipe is much larger than a meter, with huge ammounts of pressure..

regardless, i think the all high and mighty needs to step off the basket ball court adn get involved and do what is necessary before unreapareable dammage is done

Aarons 01 400EX
06-03-2010, 04:45 PM
It doesn't matter who is responsible for the cleanup because the American people are going to pay for the cleanup. The Gov't will either raise taxes for it or BP will pass it along to there gas stations(who are affiliated with BP because of gas, not owned by BP). If you boycott the BP gas stations you are just hurting your neighbor who actually owns the station.

06-03-2010, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Aarons 01 400EX
It doesn't matter who is responsible for the cleanup because the American people are going to pay for the cleanup. The Gov't will either raise taxes for it or BP will pass it along to there gas stations(who are affiliated with BP because of gas, not owned by BP). If you boycott the BP gas stations you are just hurting your neighbor who actually owns the station.

it just wont be bp...all the fuel providers will raise prices...bp wont just raise their prices while others sit back, they will do what everyone else will do..and asl long as PRESBO is in teh office, we will all suffer because of this becuase of the environmental regulations they will innact because of this..

im am firmly against the federal govt being involved in most of everythign, thas part of my conservative beliefs..but in thsi case..i dont mind..i wish they would step in and help out with the clean up and stop just putting on a PR show...to cover up for the sestak scandle.......

06-04-2010, 09:17 AM
The pipe is 21" I believe. But I could be wrong...but Im never wrong, I once thought I was wrong but I was mistaken.

06-04-2010, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by ben300

regardless, i think the all high and mighty needs to step off the basket ball court adn get involved and do what is necessary before unreapareable dammage is done

do you guys even actually know what the hell you are talking about?? or do you just repeat what your teachers in school, your mommy and daddy or fox news has told you????

Obama has been there 3 seperate times already and has been involved in this mess since the start. to bad he is out running the rest of our country and cant hang out in the gulf and fix it himself.

and as for all you MIT, Havard, Yale graduates and rocket scientist out there in atvrider land. maybe with all your "sure proof" ideas to fix the pipe yall should hope on the next plane down to the gulf and fix it for them...

i understand that this is a horrible mess and we as a country will be dealing with the aftermath for a longtime to come. but, you guys really think your smarter then the engineers and scientist working on this problem and trying to get it fixed. yes the CEO of BP is an idiot for some of his comments. but put yourself in his shoes for a day. this guy has the whole world watching every move he makes and blaming him for everything that has gone wrong. i think its time we stop pointing fingers and get this thing handled. cause all you keyboard engineers and your great ideas arent really doing d**k. so, get on a plane and show all "those idiots" how its really done :devil:

06-04-2010, 10:57 AM
dehner, I agree with you except for the part about the president of BP having a tough life for the past month.

I don't feel sorry for him AT ALL. He makes MILLIONS of dollars each year... Ultimately, it is his JOB to make sure his company is able to respond properly. He gets that much money for a reason. IMO its perfectly fine to point the finger at him all day long. Sure it may not be entirely his fault, but it's his company so tell him to stfu and fix the problem and then we'll back off. He's ruining the entire world as we speak and he wants US to back off so he doesn't cry.

And you know whats sad? At the end of the year he'll still get a $10 million bonus while all the fishermen and their families can barely afford to put food on the table. **** him.

06-04-2010, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by yellowzo3
dehner, I agree with you except for the part about the president of BP having a tough life for the past month.

I don't feel sorry for him AT ALL. He makes MILLIONS of dollars each year... Ultimately, it is his JOB to make sure his company is able to respond properly. He gets that much money for a reason. IMO its perfectly fine to point the finger at him all day long. Sure it may not be entirely his fault, but it's his company so tell him to stfu and fix the problem and then we'll back off. He's ruining the entire world as we speak and he wants US to back off so he doesn't cry.

And you know whats sad? At the end of the year he'll still get a $10 million bonus while all the fishermen and their families can barely afford to put food on the table. **** him.

totally agree. but please take into account, he (BP) is and are trying everything they can do to get this thing fixed. my reason for my rant was to explain that the dude aint sitting there playing golf and going to "rub and tug" parlors all day long. they have the country and the worlds best engineers on this. just tired of hearing about Bp isnt doing anything, they dont care, why dont they try this and that. yadda yadda yadda. trust me. BP wants this fixed and over with just as much as we do. cause in the end, this is a buisness. and us as an econamy are losing alot of $$$ over this issue. i just read yesterday that the shares of BP are down something like 3% or some crap like that. which equels about 13 billion dollars in market shares. crazy huh???

either way, im just tired of listening to all these "kids" talk about how theyd fix it and they do this and theyd do that. if you so much smarter then the BP engineers and the scientist working on this issue, then why the hell are you sitting on atvriders.com and not down in the gulf capping the pipe and cashing your million dollar checks... end of rant...

06-04-2010, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
totally agree. but please take into account, he (BP) is and are trying everything they can do to get this thing fixed. my reason for my rant was to explain that the dude aint sitting there playing golf and going to "rub and tug" parlors all day long. they have the country and the worlds best engineers on this. just tired of hearing about Bp isnt doing anything, they dont care, why dont they try this and that. yadda yadda yadda. trust me. BP wants this fixed and over with just as much as we do. cause in the end, this is a buisness. and us as an econamy are losing alot of $$$ over this issue. i just read yesterday that the shares of BP are down something like 3% or some crap like that. which equels about 13 billion dollars in market shares. crazy huh???

either way, im just tired of listening to all these "kids" talk about how theyd fix it and they do this and theyd do that. if you so much smarter then the BP engineers and the scientist working on this issue, then why the hell are you sitting on atvriders.com and not down in the gulf capping the pipe and cashing your million dollar checks... end of rant...

i aitn talking about bp not doing enough to fix it..i am well aware of all of the measures that they are taking and each adn every one has failed to this point....what i am talking about is our federal governemtn sitting back and doing nothing but put fingers, place blame, and say they are going to do an investigation....how bout instead of waiting 7 days from the initial accident happening, how about going downt there and seeing whats up.. it took our glorious president 7 days to even makea statement...adn trust me..PRESBO is to busy running around playing golf at marthas vinyard, shooting pick up games of hoops, adn visiting the uconn and duke basketball teams...really ****ing responsible if you ask me..

the feds havent done ****....bobby jindhal was requesting for help from day one and about getting boats to build baracades in the ocean to protect the coast line, adn you know what they werent alloud becuase they said it was bad for the environment, or how about not letting them use chemical dispersing agents to get rid of the oil..they say "oh, it may hurt the environment." **** at this point in time, does it really matter anymore....

did you kown, adn you probably didnt becuase your too busy being all high adn mighty dehner47 watchign CNN adn listenign to bill maher or al frankein to know that barack put together a board to investigate solutions to this adn they told him that they would not have recomendations for at least 5-6 months.

or the fact that the federal gov't gave the endless horizons oil rig, you know, the one that blew up, a saftey award becuase they did not take the time to do a full saftey inspection of the place.

not once have i seen the all high and mighty down there, rolling up his sleeves, adn getting dirty to help out those people that live in those states.. there are hundreds of thousands of american of americans that will loose their jobs in teh fishing industries, torrest industries, adn many other subsidiery industries down there that will be hurt becuase of this...

and, as a fact, i by happen to be and engineer, and am by far no expert in anything that has to do with the oil drilling industry, but for a fact, i know that there are many people to blame for this. BP and all parties invovled did not want this to happen, adn would love to take a time machine back to prevent it.. but they cant, so they, along with the feds, need to step up adn take the actions needed to solve this, instead of pointing fingers, adn playing pickup games of hoops.

jsut remember BP+the government=Katrina x 10

06-05-2010, 02:43 PM
I'm with dehner on this one.