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View Full Version : Car Help???

06-01-2010, 09:54 PM
Wondering if some of you car guys could point me in the right direction for some mustang or drag forums? My dad passed away last week and he has a bunch of cars and even more parts that he has that i want to start working on once all the buisness with what happened is over which i cannot believe how much there is!!!!! I want to put them together as sort of a memorial or tribute if you will. There all stangs and he has like i said enough parts to put several motors and cars together. I know how to fix cars a little but I dont have enough knowledge to be putting drag cars together. Just looking for a site that has as much help for mustangs as this one does for quads. Thanks in advance

06-01-2010, 11:55 PM
I joined this site when i got into mustangs. Tons of info on there.

http://www. mustangforums.com/