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View Full Version : Thumb Pump

05-31-2010, 03:32 PM
Any good ways to reduce it?
My throttle is light enough so I dont want to mess with springs and what not. I am just looking for like workouts or something that can strengthen my thumb. I know riding is the best way but with money being so tight I dont get to ride as much as Id like. I know some people have stiffer throttles on their practice bikes so that it strengthens their thumbs and makes their race bike seem easier, but I only have one quad and dont feel like stiffening and unstiffening the throttle after every ride. Idk any help would be appreciated.

Tommy Warren
05-31-2010, 03:39 PM
the five knuckle shuffle works for me:D

05-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
the five knuckle shuffle works for me:D

haha i knew someone would say that:p

besides just riding more i usually get a clothespin and sit there for a little opening it with my thumb. then when you get used to it, wrap a rubber band or two around the end.

05-31-2010, 04:57 PM
I have my throttle set up so that I can rotate it, when my thumb gets tired I just rotate it down just a little bit and that works for me. Then when the thumb pump goes away I rotate it back up.
I have it set so I have to use both hands too rotate it, that way it stays put till I want to change it and I don’t need a wrench to do it.

05-31-2010, 06:13 PM
Exercise with an ice cream scoop.

06-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Well, it's not the Thumb Exercizes that you are asking for,
But you might find this "How To" interesting and helpful.

I did it to both my Wife's and Daughter's quads, and they are very happy with it.


06-01-2010, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Scro
Exercise with an ice cream scoop.

I'll second that!!

06-01-2010, 10:55 PM
I have never experienced "thumb pump", but I have dealt with arm pump. The first couple seasons of racing XC I would get arm pump almost every race, I would have to take my right hand off the bars any chance I got trying to shake it off. After a while I just learned not to keep such a tight grip on the bars. I have steering stabilizer but its just an adjustable stick style.

Just try not to hold on so tight, its better anyway. I figure if I don't have a death grip on the bars my arms will last longer and I will be less likely to break fingers or a wrist if I clip a tree. Yeah sometimes a rock will jolt the bars out of my hands, but for the most part the stabilizer will keep the wheel pointing straight in the second it takes to get my hands back to the grips. Sometimes I don't even wrap my fingers around the bars ( unless accelerating) just hold my palms against the grips and keep my fingers on the levers and my thumb on the throttle, doing all pushing on the bars and no pulling.