View Full Version : Hot Cams/DRZ/Valves-Part 2

05-24-2010, 08:30 PM
Ok today I went ant took the top cover off and rechecked clearances, all was good. I put the cover back on and started elsewhere, I put the edelbrock carb on along with the new twist throttle. I also replaced the stock air filter with a K&N (I will replace this one with another when I do the air tube upgrade). So I am almost ready to fire it back up and start tuning the carb. I did find some other minor things wrong that I will have to fix though. One I already have (Orings on the foot brake), and the other will be alittle bit more involved. I drained the oil last night when the motor was still warm, when I came to reinstall the drain plug on the oil tank I noticed it is stripped. So now I will have to remove the oil tank (again- tell you in a sec) and retap the drain plug.Saturday of Memorial day weekend 2007 I hit another quad head on and we were both traveling pretty fast. He had a bent bumper- my quad was totaled. I fixed my quad but did not replace the oil tank (it got bent where the frame pushed into it). Last year a day before a major ride I changed the oil, and loaded up the truck. 11:30 that night I went out to have a cigarette( I sinced quit) and noticed oil leaking from the drain plug. Thought I tightened I assumed. Grapped a socket and when I gave it a little turn the whole plug came out (oil all over the bed of my truck). Turns out the drain plug is pressed into the bottom of the oil tank (not welded). Luckily Walmart is open 24 hrs, I bought some JB weld and applied, then I cranked the heat up in my bathroom and let set on my sink. In the morning I reinstalled the oil tank and checked to make sure the drain plug was tight. I went on my ride checking periodacly, no problems. The next week I again took out the oil tank and took to a weld shop and had them weld the drain plug fitting onto the oil tank, cost me 40.00 bucks but now I know it will stay and still alot cheaper than a blown motor. So now I get to remove the tank again and now tap the drain plug, I think this time I'll add a nylon washer so I will not strip it out again (maybe, I will think about that one). Otherwise I'm still having fun. Minndave13.

John Noftsinger
05-25-2010, 10:10 PM

05-25-2010, 11:30 PM
Yeah thought of it, I can get a used one as cheap as 25.00 plus shipping. Trouble is that I have enough in the one I have and I can fix the stripped out threads really cheap ( new bolt-.94, nylon washer-.26). I am giving thoughts to fixing mine but in the very near future of purchasing a used oil tank just in case I do have problems (I did not like the idea of only having JB weld holding the drain plug on). Thanks for your advice, it is well received and appreciated. Minndave