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05-20-2010, 04:34 PM
just a couple for me to get things started

trash bags dont make good parachutes

and clothes baskets and stairs dont make a good combo

05-20-2010, 04:45 PM
Best friends don't make the best room mates.

A great job is hard to come by.

Community college is cheap and effective, plus don't always listen to your college advisor they don't always know what they're doing.

Do it right the first time.

Friends will come and go.

05-20-2010, 04:56 PM
Smoking cigs is not cool :ermm:

Your GF will find out you cheated on her with her best friend.

Cheating on your GF with her best friend was worth it :devil:

Skateboarding holding a rope being pulled by a car is not a good idea.

Gasoline, styrofoam and a match are not a good idea.

the list could go on for days.

05-20-2010, 05:06 PM
lol i already like where this is going

05-20-2010, 05:10 PM
I won't post all of mine... but one that comes to mind right now is to make sure that when you attempt to ride a dirtbike for the first time, and it's on a paved road, you don't completely stomp on the brakes to slow down, and you should wear some sort of protective gear haha (at least I was wearing a helmet..!)

05-20-2010, 05:40 PM
another...dont fill the vodka bottle with water your parents will always find out

05-20-2010, 05:46 PM
Don't guess how much shipping might cost.

Don't take everything you read or hear as fact.

Girls are all the same

05-20-2010, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
Don't guess how much shipping might cost.

Don't take everything you read or hear as fact.

Girls are all the same

Girls that ride quads are different than normal girls;) Cooler anyways:D

05-20-2010, 06:03 PM
anytime of your buddies says "dude...heres the plan" or something ends with "dude...we got this".....run away. its never going to end well.

05-20-2010, 06:46 PM
Im no wheres close to being a adult, but as a junior in high school i've found out alot the hard way...the very hard way!

never moon the school bus you just got off of, somehow they know its you...:p :(

girls are like jobs...easy to find, but a good one is 1 in a billion... and if you have a good one, their hard to keep

pogo-ing on a dock that was built when my 21 year old brother was born ends up with pogoing on the bottom of the pond.

dont try to catch a raptor on a 93 300 4x4, then slam on the breaks when they take a sharp turn, you will flip 6 times and break your ankle.

never punch floors....

dont go flying through fields that have drain lines in them, you will get a concussion from introducing your head to the cab of the truck.

dont take your buddies advice and shoot bottle rockets at people sleeping in the cabin at the river. the adults will see the wholes burnt in the carpet and bed spread when they show up at 6 in the morning.

dont let your best friend try to jump a random ditch on his first dirtbike a day after he got it without looking at the takeoff. he'll break his back.

never ask somebody, "whats the worst that can happen?" right before they try something.

dont say yes when ur bestfriend asks you if you wanna go to walmart and let him sit in the back of your truck with a chicken from the chicken houses asking people to pet your co** . the cops wont find it nearly as funny.

05-20-2010, 06:50 PM
Using a barefoot to stop a quad doing 30mph will result in the loss of an entire summer.

05-20-2010, 06:55 PM
This is more of some life lessons mixed in, but hey I felt like sharing.

Using twine to try and be a trapeze artist on the swingset is not a god idea. When you try and swing you rip the twine, fall and smash your head back, get bad whiplash and your neck hurts till you die. My neck still hurts and its been 20 years almost.

Just cause your friends tell you you can jump your bike off a 5 foot drop doesnt mean its a good idea. I cut myself up pretty bad.

When your parents tell you to leave the paint can alone and leave them you proceed to open the can up and paint the cabinet and floor around it-its not gonna end well.

Spend the cash on something thats worth it, buy once and cry once cause it cost alot but is the best thing/part/item you could afford.

Fire is all well and fun till half the forest is aflame. Thank god no one ever caught me.

Covering firecrackers in peanut butter and then lighting a 10ft long slow burning fuse is cool, but not funny when a squirrel picks up the firecracker and then well..splodes.. I LIED, its funny as hell, but cruel and I got grounded for 3 months!

Nothing is ever easy, although it seems like it is-it just isnt and you will only find this out once you have whatever apart, working on, etc. This goes hand in hand with when you start a project or whatever and wind up with extra parts or you need to run out 10x and buy crap you thought you had or didnt need.

05-20-2010, 07:24 PM
never trust a girl when she says that her parents wouldnt care if they found out.

05-20-2010, 08:03 PM
A couple

Don't run from the cops when there not chasing you.

If your ding dong ditching dont park your truck by a boat because the neighboors will call in on you and think your robbers then you end up hiding in the woods from 10 cops and they find you and put guns to our heads.:ermm:

Dont let your cousin think its a good idea to throw a firecracker brick at a car that ends up being a corvette. Then hypothetically it gets stuck in the between the window wiper and windsheild. Usually the owner will not be happy and probably chase you.

Use the clutch when shifting.

Don't take a corner at 50 mph every day you will break your swaybar.

Mid-night trampoline jumping will result in a broke collar bone.

Don't push a girl on a swing then when she jumps at the highest pnt and breaks her arm. Then just never talk to her again. Her dad will be upset.

Don't call your spanish teacher a "puta" expecting her to not know what it means. (filthy whore):devil:

MX MaNiAc 06
05-20-2010, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44

Girls are all the same

YES, they are all crazy!!! After thinking multiple times "this ones actually normal".. no they're ALL crazy!!!

Never egg cars or houses. Eggs can break windows.

You can get in a lot of trouble if a friend forgets their prescription drugs in your car.

As said before.. dont run from the cops if they arent chasing you! haha

Tommy Warren
05-20-2010, 09:13 PM

05-20-2010, 09:35 PM
dont get into motocross if you ever wanna have any money through your teen years :(

Tommy Warren
05-20-2010, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
dont get into motocross if you ever wanna have any money through your teen years :(

I never had the chance....all I have is a shelf full of empty booze bottles...I'd trade those for an MX ready quad any day...;)

05-20-2010, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
dont get into motocross if you ever wanna have any money through your teen years :(

or if your not ok with wheeling your *** around:o

05-20-2010, 10:31 PM
1. never pour gas straight from the can to an open flame (it will catch the can on fire)

2. dont head but a goat there heads are much harder.

3. when your buddy rolls his truck and asks if he can leave it at your house for the night, say NO because you will end up fixing it in 10 degree weather for the next 6 days :mad:

4. Dont make fun of the smart kids in school they will usually end up being your boss or attorney.

05-20-2010, 10:47 PM
As much as you walk into the house and pretend you're sober at 3am .... dad and mom know you're half in the bag.

Dad always knows when you steal his beer when you're 16 .... also schoolbags in which you're trying to steal the beer out of the house with are not very sound proof.

ATV Chic
05-20-2010, 10:51 PM
boys MAKE girls crazy... maybe one day when you boys are older you'll figure that out lol then again prolly not:p

don't ride your quad through the neighbours garden, even if it's dark they know it's you lol

don't steal your douche bag neighbour's bmx bike, throw it off a bridge into the creek and drop big rocks onto it.... They kno it was u

don't shoot love dove's with your beebee (sp?)
gun and blame it on your brother when your dad finds them. He knows it was u. And if it was your brother, u taught him that...

05-20-2010, 11:57 PM
gluing gloves to an umbrella and jumping off a roof (in hopes of floating) into a pool is not a good idea.

A bottle of Jack, and than going out ends up being a bad night.

Telling a bouncer to kiss your ***** never ends in your favor.

Trying to smoke bees out of your club house with dead grass all around ends in a bad way.

Any time someone says "hey watch this...." 9 times out of 10 it ends bad

bricks and a 2x4 do not make a good ramp to jump your bike off of.

The list is very long, and I dont think it will ever end but boy is it fun

05-21-2010, 04:55 AM
Gravity hates u

Riding with bad balljoints is not the best idea it sorta hurts if they snap in half

If ur budys say "hey watch this" make sure there is a camrea rolling

05-21-2010, 07:31 AM
The cops ARE going to look in the closet for you... didn't they look last time too!

Don't tell the sentencing Judge you can do 4 months on your head... because 16 months sucks:(

Make sure you Ice Tea bottle isn't the exact same bottle as your spitter:eek:

When you get home from work, let your dog relieve himself outside before yelling at him for getting in the garbage.

05-21-2010, 08:26 AM
Lighting a mortar in a car and "attempting" to through it out the window, will not end well.

Calling in sick the day after your 21st birthday is not a good idea. Your boss will know.

Throwing full 2 liter soda bottles at log trucks right in front of your parents house is not a good idea.

05-21-2010, 09:29 AM
When your fridge/freezer goes out in the garage, Take care of it as soon as you know. The smell of raw fish and chickens after it thaws WILL make you sick at your stomach.

05-21-2010, 09:33 AM
ALWAYS wear your safety gear the one time you dont wear it is the time you'll crash and break your back!

Girls are psycho!

Never smoke unless you hate money!

Somehow parents can smell alchohol on your breath from a mile away!

Never jump your Sister-in-laws snowmobile over a pile of snow youve never seen before chances are theres something just waiting to rip the nice C&A ski off!

dumping gas on a pile of wood to get a campfire goin the tryin to lite it with a BIC aint smart!

05-21-2010, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by aDviSol2y
Smoking cigs is not cool :ermm:

Your GF will find out you cheated on her with her best friend.

Cheating on your GF with her best friend was worth it :devil:

Skateboarding holding a rope being pulled by a car is not a good idea.

Gasoline, styrofoam and a match are not a good idea.

the list could go on for days.

lol I just about passed out laughing. I am picturing all of these right now, especially the gas, sytrofoam and a match.

hmm what have I learned?

Don't get involved with girls too quickly

taking off on your friends bicycle as he shoves a wooden broom stick in the spokes doesn't always end well

Don't buy a honda

Don't ever be the first person to hit a new jump (lmao especially snow boarding and they don't tell you they got all the snow to make the jump from the frozen spot where you need to land)

05-21-2010, 10:17 AM
Some of these brought back memories...especially the ramp out of wood and bricks. (thank heaven for bar pads or I would not have kids today)

Since I am 38, it is funny to think how simple lessons that make adult life easier, could have been learned long ago as a kid.

1) You are not smarter than your parents.

No matter how hard I tried to hide anything, they always knew. All those years I could not figure out how I got caught, until I had a kid of my own. It is not that your parents are smart...kids are just THAT DUMB!

2) Admitt your mistakes. Do the crime...do the time.

Hiding that stupid statue you broke with a hockey puck in the bottom of the trash will only make it worse. It maybe stupid to you but important to your mother!
Blowing the tranny in the family car and saying..."it just started acting weird"...will not fly. Dad's know that you were flying in reverse and dropped it into neutral.
Thinking you got all the dirt off the family station wagon from taking it 4 wheeling in the fields...wrong. There is always more dirt you missed.

3) If something needs to get done, just do it.

I cannot figure out how much time I wasted "complaining" about have to do something, instead of just getting it done. Complain for 4 hours about having to take the trash out, when it only takes 5 minutes!

4) Work smarter....not harder or there is a right tool for the job

Take a second to think about what you are supposed to do, before just jumping into it. Like your back rim is bent from jumping on your bike. So kicking the rim seems like a good idea, until you miss the wheel and the axle bolt goes into your foot.

5) There are forces in nature that will not change.

Gravity is the biggest. So throwing that rock in the air and running, may seem innocent enough, but gravity will make that rock come back to earth. Probably on the back of your head causing a nice gash.

6) If there is a reason you need to think about getting caught doing something, you will get caught.

Having a party in a closed park, with good position to see the cops coming may not be the smartest move, but just make sure that the park has another exit, not the only being the long road the cops are driving on. And yes, they took their sweet time driving up.

Ahh...the fun lessons of like.

05-21-2010, 10:52 AM
Dont make a fake facebook/myspace calling a girl a slut (even if its true). Her parents will not find it as funny as your buddies did. If your lucky like me, you will have a cop knocking at your door with printouts of everything asking WTF's up.


05-21-2010, 10:57 AM
DO not repetively hit a 110ft table top and only go 100ft. you will break your frame not realise until the next race then snap your chain and crack your case
never buy a new quad. youll just replace everything. its much cheaper to buy a ****ty race quad and fix it.

05-21-2010, 11:18 AM
almost forgot, if your going to pull your buddys around on a mattress you found in an old house, make sure its an innerspring mattress. The pure foam ones tend to come apart went you least expect them to, sometimes landing your buddy on his head at about 20-30 miles an hour. funny for you, not for him:p

05-21-2010, 02:21 PM
Don't try to beat your budies back to the shop for lunch at work. Totaling a civic and causing $8,000 in damage to a company truck will cost you a good job with good people.

If your buddy says, "Hold my beer and watch this", then you'll prolly be heading to the hospital with a crying drunk in your back seat lol

Just because you won 5 games in a row in beer pong doesn't mean you should stay on the table. Take a break so your night doesn't end with your head over the toilet lol

It's better to go a little too fast hitting a double then a little too slow. Your ankles and back will thank you later.

Don't be cheap with protective gear. Just because a helmet looks "cool" doesn't mean that it will protect your brain.

Chit happens. Move on.

Life is too short to worry about yesterday.

Don't talk crap if you aren't willing to back it up.

If you're from a small town, then go to a small college first because the big university might will be a big culture shock and it is much cheaper in the long run.

Just because you have some money to spend doesn't mean you have to spend it right away.

Just because you've been a fan of a certain university your entire life, it doesn't mean that it's the right school for you.

Don't punch stuff when you're mad because it sucks to have a cast for 6-8 weeks during basketball season.

05-21-2010, 07:23 PM
lessons learned in the past 5 hours -

dont get stuck pulling your friends jeep out of the mud with nothing else to pull you out.

if you go 4wheelin, you will break stuff (starter and wireing two weeks ago, running boards, passenger mirror, and a tire today)

just clipping a boulder with the quad will hurt a lot

05-21-2010, 07:28 PM
also, what goes up must come down. in my case a piece of a broken aluminum hockey stick coming down on my dome.

05-22-2010, 05:15 AM
Don't mess with rocket engines or you might get 2nd degree burns on your whole face and have no hairline or eyebrows!

05-22-2010, 09:51 AM
just 1 off the top of my head

... although it sounds fun when your a kid

playing hid and seak in the new housing development (while they are building it) never ends good..

its dark... and who knows if the floor is finished, and how far down that basement goes lol

05-22-2010, 03:45 PM
Don't pass out on a leather couch in 100 degree weather

Never bong a 5th of Vodka

drinking Everclear might cause you to lose a few days of your life

When drainig gas out of your quad to light a fire never light a lighter to see what your doing

Dont hit a turkey on purpose. They'll smash you headlight out

when driving through tall grass, make sure there isn't a big ditch in there somewhere

if your truck starts vibrating real bad stop and make sure your lugnuts are tight

Dont try and jump a 10ft tall snow bank after a few snow storms. The snow underneath the fresh powder is probably frozen and will rip the front axle off your truck

05-22-2010, 04:48 PM
for quads..
when climbing hills and your quad decides to roll back on you, be sure to get out of the way.. i guarantee the quad will come out of it better than you will.

oh and "just go limp"..

for bikes..
"pea" gravel on asphalt(as often municipalities often do..) will get you almost every time..

just because your street bike will go 130+ mph, it doesnt mean you should verify it..

and for any motorized vehicle..
never ever drive/ride when youre P/O'd .. your awareness is horribly narrowed.

05-22-2010, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
for quads..
when climbing hills and your quad decides to roll back on you, be sure to get out of the way.. i guarantee the quad will come out of it better than you will.

and for any motorized vehicle..
never ever drive/ride when youre P/O'd .. your awareness is horribly narrowed.

I'll add to this. 9 times out of 10, the fourwheeler will come after you and hit you, and it NEVER feels good. Had my fair share of them.

And good advice on the P/Oed thing. I too have learned this.:rolleyes:

05-23-2010, 08:31 AM
If a woman says she loves you and will marry you and love you the rest of your life....

just treat em like the sl*ts they are.

05-23-2010, 05:45 PM
haha a lot of these remind me of stupid stuff i did and im pretty sure we ALL did...

especially the ones involving gas and fire, fireworks not making it out of the car window, and hitting jumps too slow or in the wrong gear.

05-23-2010, 06:10 PM
i shoulda listened to my parents alot more

dont buy a brand new quad right out of high school

dont trust teenage girls

shoulda tried harder in school

dont trust someone right off the bat

quit trying to mend crappy relationships

family before anyone, theyll always be there for you

once you win a quad race, your dissapionted if you dont win every one from there on out

pay more than your minumun payments

dont race without health insurance

05-24-2010, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by destey
If a woman says she loves you and will marry you and love you the rest of your life....

just treat em like the sl*ts they are.

i beg to differ

05-24-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
i beg to differ

You haven't learned the lesson yet.:o :D

05-24-2010, 07:11 PM
never get talked into hoggin you will have nightmares ....

05-24-2010, 08:32 PM
Hoggin' as in slaughter plant? I did that for a year - lamb, cow, and pigs. I can get an animal from alive and into the cooler myself. I'm a g-damn ninja now.

Make sure the gun is unloaded:

Friend: Don't point that near me, it could be loaded.
Me: I cleared the chamber.

5 seconds later a .22 round went off about a foot away from his head. That was scary. I saw the same person get shot in the eye with a paintball from a meter away. So like... don't point paintball guns in peoples faces.

Keep your mouth shut:

I'm still learning this. Of all the things I've ever said that have pissed people off I regret because I could have not said anything and forgotten about it in a day. Be a teacher, not an enforcer.

Stick up for the underdog:

It builds character. If you go out of your way to protect someone you don't know it shows your nice, tough, and teaches the world to be better.

It's you that gets in your way:

In the end all conflict is internal.

When carrying long items make sure there isn't someone behind you to knock out when you turn:

2x4s, etc. Had it done to me and I've done it to others more than once lol.

Don't steal:

You'll learn this when you get a chit job and buy something expensive. I had a $2000 system stolen from me in 07, $1000 for the deck alone and it wasn't mine.

Realise that you do and/or say stupid things to impress others, not yourself:

My friends are d icks but they're not d ick-d icks, I guess they're the closest thing: *******s. If they were alone or with 1 person they probably wouldn't speak.

Say intelligent things:

It doesn't hurt to nerd up a bunch of morons. Somehow the conversation always gets reduced to tits and beer.

If you want to lose weight:

Don't bother dieting. Don't bother fixing your schedule to get to the gym. You need a labour job. I lost 100lbs in 5 months at my first job (slaugher plant) from hard work alone. I didn't change my diet and I was at 270lbs when I started. It's too bad I'm back up to 225lbs after a year of not working lol.

Don't smoke cigarettes. Even with $800 worth of nicotine pills I can't quit. Don't be curious, that's how it starts. That great feeling that rushes down your leg veins goes away after 2 weeks.

Don't take life too seriously:

You die, yeah, but there is an afterlife. If you die and find out it's all true it's going to be like a big joke (to me anyways).

05-24-2010, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
i shoulda listened to my parents alot more

dont buy a brand new quad right out of high school

dont trust teenage girls

shoulda tried harder in school

dont trust someone right off the bat

quit trying to mend crappy relationships

family before anyone, theyll always be there for you

once you win a quad race, your dissapionted if you dont win every one from there on out

pay more than your minumun payments

dont race without health insurance

^^ X2 ^^

05-25-2010, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
You haven't learned the lesson yet.:o :D

i believe in respecting a woman's body and treating her like they were meant to be treated. not like objects. and i believe if you treat her right, she'll stick with you. if your a d**k head, then she has every right to walk away

05-25-2010, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
i believe in respecting a woman's body and treating her like they were meant to be treated. not like objects. and i believe if you treat her right, she'll stick with you. if your a d**k head, then she has every right to walk away

Then there are times when you fall head over heels for a girl only to find out that she already had her next boyfriend lined up by the time she dumped you out of the clear blue. Then you find out, they're all the same. I say that now, maybe I will find a good one again someday, but until then, I'm keeping my gaurd up. Can't trust 'em.

ATV Chic
05-26-2010, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by krt400ex
i believe in respecting a woman's body and treating her like they were meant to be treated. not like objects. and i believe if you treat her right, she'll stick with you. if your a d**k head, then she has every right to walk away

^^^You hit the nail on the head

Then there are times when you fall head over heels for a girl only to find out that she already had her next boyfriend lined up by the time she dumped you out of the clear blue. Then you find out, they're all the same. I say that now, maybe I will find a good one again someday, but until then, I'm keeping my gaurd up. Can't trust 'em.

FYI fastredrider, southern women aren't like this. We stand by our men. Also, get your yourself a WOMAN and not a lil girl. That makes a difference too ;)

05-26-2010, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by ATV Chic

FYI fastredrider, southern women aren't like this. We stand by our men. Also, get your yourself a WOMAN and not a lil girl. That makes a difference too ;)

I'm more southern than you, so I don't know about that. :p I justn't haven't had good luck, and until I do, I don't think my views will change much.:ermm:

More lessons learned the hard way, If you're going to go muddin where you're not supposed to, DON'T get stuck. No wait, better yet, don't go!

If you're friends are doing something that you know better than to do, don't do it, and tell your parents thank-you.

Don't always try to prove your parents wrong. They're not.


05-26-2010, 01:27 PM
Thinking there will always be another weekend for your son to go visit his grandma. You never know how many weekends you will actually have. Rest in peace mom..... :(

05-26-2010, 01:35 PM

ATV Chic
05-26-2010, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
I'm more southern than you, so I don't know about that. :p I justn't haven't had good luck, and until I do, I don't think my views will change much.:ermm:

More lessons learned the hard way, If you're going to go muddin where you're not supposed to, DON'T get stuck. No wait, better yet, don't go!

If you're friends are doing something that you know better than to do, don't do it, and tell your parents thank-you.

Don't always try to prove your parents wrong. They're not.


Actually I was born in Kentucky and grew up in Virginia and East Tennessee, where my dad still lives. But I hope you find yourself a good woman. We aren't all the same trust me:p

DP #000
05-26-2010, 09:27 PM
Don't trust Fox shocks when hitting a 70 foot triple in 1st place.

05-27-2010, 08:49 AM
Ok, a couple from my book of "37 years and I still didn't learn"

1. Dont let your GF talk you into riding nekid and drunk through town at 2 AM. police frown on that.

2. The reason Pop says don't do that is because he did it already and it doesn't work.

3. at your going away to war party don't start drinking to early, you will most likely light your Dad on fire by 9PM.

4 Tracers do actually work both ways.

5. Stupid people should be sterilized.

6. Women are actually insane.

7. Combat doors will open for no reason and the 1114 will spit your teammate out. (Funny as H#$l the first time.)

8. NEVER, EVER, EVER if your going to tag a fat girl should you say to yourself " i can get a short nap and be out before she wakes up" Do your work and get out fast before you sober up.

05-27-2010, 09:46 AM
when your mom says money doesn't grow on tree never be a smart@$$ and say money is made of paper and paper come from trees so technically money does grow on tree. Will usually lead to a swift back hand to the chops

05-27-2010, 10:21 AM
1.When a girl says *he's just a friend" or "don't worry about him", just walk away.

2.Don't try starting anything with the d-bag that guy is.

3.Don't spray your brother with water, he will get you back when you least want him to...

4.Never say "they won't find out"...they usually do.

5.It's always a bad idea running full speed down wet grass trying to get to the mail box first.

6.If you fall on ice snowboarding, don't put your hands out... especially the hand with your throttle thumb.

7.Supersoaker + gas+ stick + sock + tape=bad idea

8.Trying to catch fish with hydrocrackers won't work...and you'll look really stupid trying to do it.

9.Don't slow down before a double, you will nose dive into the face of it.

10.Make sure the rebound on your back shock isn't set all the way up after getting them serviced...You will nose dive over a table top and flip.

11.Stop when the person in front of you stalls in a corner. Or atleast go around them.

12.Buying a 10 foot bullwhip and running around hitting people with it will get the cops called on you.

13.Walking by the cops trying to hide the 10 foot whip will get you caught :rolleyes:

14.Don't let your friend light a smoke grenade and throw it in front of an "empty police car"

15.Making a sledding jump and landing and pouring water on it will result in a broken ankle...

16.Summer school sucks.

17.Using an air mattress as a raft may work at first, but once you get out to the middle of the lake it will lose air.

18.If your friend just got back from swimming, don't try lighting his hair on fire...Chlorine is flammable

05-27-2010, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by JJs450r
when your mom says money doesn't grow on tree never be a smart@$$ and say money is made of paper and paper come from trees so technically money does grow on tree. Will usually lead to a swift back hand to the chops

But money is not made of paper ;)

05-27-2010, 03:08 PM
i know now lol but then it cause a lot of pain of the mouth area

05-28-2010, 07:32 AM
just because the couch made it down the road behind the quad, doesnt mean it will make it over the double....

after 2 hrs of riding and your buddy says just one more lap, quit then those "one more lap" ends up with broken bones or broken parts....

women, good luck figuring them out...

preventative maintenance really works...

05-28-2010, 09:03 AM
never go all in, 50% margin stock buy.
backup your hard drive.
leave $20 in the glove compartment of your car
before a first date check your pants for that sticker from when its new
never buy or sell to a friend (bought a Mojave off a friend growing up that had a bunch of problems he never told me about)
don't assume you know what day your college exams are on
don't buy Nokia Hak 1's, the belts break after 1 year

05-29-2010, 03:28 PM
Never take a shower at 2:30 in the morning after coming home from Prom.

I left the shower on for an hour without realizing it, which as a result flooded my bathroom, bedroom, part of the upstairs hallway, the main floor hallway, and parts of the garage.

The damage isn't too bad... I offered to pay for the drywall and paint to fix up the walls in the rooms below mine that have water damage. The hardwood floor wood pieces are popping up at the ends... but I think that it's just because it's releasing all the moister out of the wood (I'm hoping anyways).

My parents are really pissed off.... rightfully so.

05-29-2010, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by 400exchick
Treat a girl well and she'll stick by you.

im sorry but this is hardly ever true. at least to me anyway.

i strongly believe in treating any girl that i like (as a good friend or more) like a queen. They never care in the end. Its all one big game to most of them.

05-30-2010, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by hondariderdylan
im sorry but this is hardly ever true. at least to me anyway.

i strongly believe in treating any girl that i like (as a good friend or more) like a queen. They never care in the end. Its all one big game to most of them.

i was recently in a situation where i was with my girl for 7 months and she broke up with me on the basis that "god said we werent meant to be together" (she is extremely religious.). she cried every night for two months and asked me back. it was the epitomy of you dont know what you got till its gone. find a good girl and she wont leave.

05-30-2010, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by 400exchick
Being treated well and smothered in kindness are two different things. A girl (well.. speaking for myself and my friends) wants a guy that'll treat her with respect and surprise her in different ways, (ie, romantic activity or some sort, a compliment that comes out of nowhere, things like that), but that can still hold his own, be somewhat independant and take charge in being the man/protector of the house.

If you never disagree with her, fold to her every request/demand, shower her with gifts none of that is real and she probably will lose interest in the end...

I'm not sure which applies to you, if it's the first then I'm sorry about that and they probably weren't right for you to begin with. If it's the second, try making decisions, have an opinion and don't be a jerk but have it your way every once in a while. ;)

And that therein is the problem.

Look dont get me wrong and all, but men do not think this way and is thus why tons of couples have fights and break up and such.

Men arent romantic by nature, if you find a romantic guy he is either rare or probably gay.

You cant have both the sensitive guy and the independent..it just doesnt work like that I hate to say.

Im sure it can work fine in some cases, but so far I have found every GF I ever had is crazy in one way or another.

05-30-2010, 09:23 PM
Im happy for you that you found someone who you are happy with.

I so far have struck out and the last 3 girls I dated literally had mental issues imho. Its not worth going into it, but suffice to say I aint had good luck. The area I live in is full of self centered users and spoiled jerks it seems.

If I were to described myself I would say I am not a macho jerk, more the independent nice guy.

05-30-2010, 09:27 PM
Every episode is a good one. lol

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JMoGj9QtZts&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JMoGj9QtZts&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

05-30-2010, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
Lighten up. Seems to me like you're being the aggressor here. Maybe you're one of those "crazy" type.
case in point...

05-30-2010, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by 400exchick
Being treated well and smothered in kindness are two different things. A girl (well.. speaking for myself and my friends) wants a guy that'll treat her with respect and surprise her in different ways, (ie, romantic activity or some sort, a compliment that comes out of nowhere, things like that), but that can still hold his own, be somewhat independant and take charge in being the man/protector of the house.

If you never disagree with her, fold to her every request/demand, shower her with gifts none of that is real and she probably will lose interest in the end...

I'm not sure which applies to you, if it's the first then I'm sorry about that and they probably weren't right for you to begin with. If it's the second, try making decisions, have an opinion and don't be a jerk but have it your way every once in a while. ;)

oh trust me, im in no way number 2. i might be a push over when it comes to being nice,kind,romantic etc. but the woman will never become the center of the way i do things. so i guess im in the middle:p

05-31-2010, 09:34 AM
human body vs quad quad will win

ladies dig gimps

never go snowmobiling in a snow storm (went into a brook)

s-10s are rust buckets and driveshaft eaters

ford=fix or repair daily

before you tap it make sure shes jungle free

never voice your opinnion to a sponsor

antibiodics can sometimes ruin your day or training regimine

sour puss always ends in a bad night

this happened last week across the drive way
never pull over to run after a pheasant and leave your truck in nuetral

don't tell me i can't do something b/c i will try to do it to prove your *** wrong (racing quads again is proof)

there is such a thing as too hard of a ride:devil:

beer and liqour equals massive hang over

don't get a buffaloa chicken sub with the spicy fixens and chipoltesauce

when a hot sauce bottle says it will take off pavement grease don't mix it with your food because you will need 4l of fluids to calm it down

death rain chips=holy chit

don't let a drunk convince you the girl at the bar wants you

crackheads steal

trucks are more expensive than quads for repairs

always clean your air filter

mud may be fun to ride in but pita to clean

blackberrys are JUNK

rogers has alot of customer care agents that are dumb!

when micheal jackson was living like ron white said never let your kids go there

petro canada produces great gas but chitacular wheelchair accesibility to use debit cards

drs world and real world costs 2 different things

you can't please, impress or get applause from everyone you try to get it from

05-31-2010, 06:20 PM
before you pull out of the driveway, make sure there is nothing in front (or behind) your truck. i ran over my truck box twice in a week. now its all bent