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View Full Version : is it worth saling my 250ex for a 300ex thats 2 years older

01-30-2003, 07:54 PM
IM 13 and i got a new 250ex for cristmas but i hate it not having a clutch and would like better suspension and a little more power.i went off a jump the other day that was only like 4 feet high and i hit the groung hard.i figure i could sell mine for 3,100 and buy a 300 ex for about that price thats 2-3 years older.Do you guys Think i should get a 300ex. plus my friend has a 250ex and i would like to smoke him.what price does a 99' 00' 300 cost.

01-31-2003, 05:00 AM
i think it would be a good idea to get the 300ex, i have one and i love it,

i got my 2001 for 2900, but you can get them for around 2500 easily

01-31-2003, 06:09 AM
i have a 2000 300ex its all suped up the mods are in my sig. tell me what ya think

01-31-2003, 09:38 AM
I myself think you'd be happier w/ the 300ex,they have more options and aftermarket stuff,you'd be able to change gearing and have more of a choice for your custom added touch,good luck to ya w/ your decision;)

01-31-2003, 04:15 PM
I would go to a 300 if i was you only if you really feel you need the power. I have ridden the 250ex and they are a great little wheeler. I guess it mostly depends on the type of riding you will be doing the most of. If it is all trail riding i would stick to the 250ex so you wont have to worry about the chain being that mud will ruin it and the shaft drive will be a lot more reliable over time. But if you ride a lot of open dirt roads or nice not to muddy trails i woulds definatley get the 300ex. JMO though.

Glow Plug
01-31-2003, 04:25 PM
i would go with the 300ex sounds like a good thing if the price is right but... since your 13 you going to be growing and then in a year or two you might need something bigger so i don't know what you should do JMO

01-31-2003, 06:50 PM
I went from a recon to a 300ex( a recon is pretty much the same as a 250ex). And I liked it, but this time of year dont get impatient trying to sell your 250ex, i found that out trying to sell my 300ex. Try to sell it in march or april, they are good times to sell and youll prolly get more out of it too. Good luck;)