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View Full Version : Honda?????

05-16-2010, 12:54 AM
Now i may be completely wrong by saying this, but can anyone tell me why the hell honda is the only manufacturer that does not have a factory GNCC ride. I watch all of the GNCC's and i see every other company out there except for honda. Last year Bryan Cook was a privateer on a honda and this year he KTM gave him a factory ride. You would think that Honda would have jumped at that opportunity to Sponsor him. I was just wondering if anyone knew what they are thinking????

05-16-2010, 09:26 AM
Honda pulled out of everything to do with quads this year, not just GNCC. I don't ever see them having a fully supported team, but they make some back with partially backed team once the economy picks back up.

05-17-2010, 07:22 PM
that makes some sense but if this were totally true then why does goodman still race for them. I guess that i am just a true XC fan and i dont understand how they dont have a rider with factory support. Cook was great on the honda last year and this year KTM (Keep Takin Money) gave him a factory ride. Since he has switched the best he has placed is 4th. It just seems like they would want to give someone a factory XC ride especially since honda in known and wants to be known for building a tough reliable Quad.

05-17-2010, 07:35 PM
Goodman isn't factory either. I'm sure he gets a deal, but they pulled the help from Goodman and Byrd. They just chose to stick with the bikes.

05-17-2010, 07:43 PM
Oh now i see. Thanks for the info. I just couldnt understand why they would support MX and TT racers but not XC racers. I understand the economy isnt that great right now and that may be a huge factor in how they do things I just know that myself being a racer and hearing people talk around the track that what the pros are on is a huge deciding factor on what some people buy. Also honda not having a 2011 bike out yet is a big thing. Yet i ride a honda I bleed red and i will ALWAYS ride red but i would like to see someone on a Honda factory ride I think it would help promote the sells of Honda ATV'S.

05-22-2010, 08:15 AM
I am dissapointed with Honda for several reasons...

Sport Quads just don't seem to be in the big picture anymore. Yamaha and KTM are killing it with ready made quads for MX and XC while Honda seems to be asleep.

The 450R has gone backwards with reliability since 2006.

The new 400EX looks cheap.

The Stealerships want to move old stock but they won't throw in extra's to sweeten the deal.

Honda shoulda built a 700 based on the Bombardier DS650 for true desert racing, with or without the IRS. EG wider front and back, soft plush adjustable suspension and a more upright riding position. Instead it is a nothing bike to most people.

2wheeler enduro riders are moving to KTM and Husqvarna in big numbers.