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View Full Version : time for a new clutch?

05-14-2010, 01:21 PM
O5 Z400. Clutch doesnt seem to be working anymore. Someone I used to ride with, I think he told me the clutch had been adjusted as far as it was going to go.

When I pull the clutch in, I cant get it to shift gears while the bike is off.

On the clutch lever, I have it adjusted to where all the threads are showing outside of the lever. I assume thats all the way out?

Is there any other adjustments?

And how hard is it to replace a clutch? I am fairly mechanical, just never done any work on ATV's

05-14-2010, 01:59 PM
You can also adjust the other end of the cable going towards the motor.

05-14-2010, 02:34 PM
Probably worth just buying a new one, its really not hard i dont think to do this clutch. But ive had some trouble before and broke the same part on the basket twice... buy a manual off ebay or something they come in handy, your going to need an impact gun also and probably order a new gasket for the cover you have to take off to get to the clutch.