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View Full Version : The tree huggers are getting dangerous

05-13-2010, 08:49 AM
I saw this on another forum:

makes me think twice about public trails, and this is apparently not the only incident.

05-13-2010, 09:13 AM
well it does say illegal off road vehicels. so stay on private land that it is ok to ride on or go to a park that is atv friendly and won't have any problems.

05-13-2010, 09:18 AM
Been going on for years... Especially with the snowmobile scene.

Why would those morons put out spikes when HIKERS travel those paths as well? It wont be long before someone gets a 3'' nail through the bottom of their foot.

I agree with 300racer with the whole illegal off road vehicles deal but its probably the normal trails that have been ridden on for YEARS that everyone is aware of.

I don't understand what they mean by the wire being low enough to snag a rider but high enough to walk under. Whenever you stand next to someone on a quad or dirtbike you're pretty much the same height. If its going to catch someone on a quad its probably going to clothesline a hiker as well.

Either way that isn't the way to solve the problem. Heck, if its so bad why don't they just put a park ranger there or something :confused:

05-13-2010, 09:21 AM
A few years back I almost had my throat cut by fishing wire on a public trail. Some people are just out to hurt someone.

05-13-2010, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by 300racer
well it does say illegal off road vehicels. so stay on private land that it is ok to ride on or go to a park that is atv friendly and won't have any problems.

that may be true, but that doesnt give anybody the right to do something that extreme. if theyve got a problem let law enforcement or something of the sort take care of it. illegal or not, your rights stop when you violate mine, or as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, 'The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins.' im not advocating riding illegally, but putting someone elses life at danger just because you dont agree with the things they do is not nor will it ever be your right. this stuff happens around here all the time and it really gets me fired up. ive had my own trails in my own backyard vandalized and rigged, you just only ever hear about it when the riders are on property they arent supposed to be on.

05-13-2010, 09:27 AM
They been know to go to even more extremes. they use to make a device out of pipes at would shot you. it had a 2 peice pipe set up with a 12 guage bullet facing up and a nail on the very bottom. they would bury the pipe in the ground with just a little bit of the top sticking out and when someone rides over it it forces the pipe to pust the bullet down on the nail to make it go off. if you do a search you could proballly find more info on it.

05-13-2010, 10:56 AM
In my area hikers don't like ATVs. On lumber company land, where ATVs are allowed and legal hikers and bicyclists will move large rocks in the middle of trails hidden behind sharp corners hoping to f'up someone's machine. Had to buy a skid plate because its so commonplace.

I actually broke a toe when i tried to move one. My fault but I was still mad.

I've also had tree huggers cut down trees on my own land to block an atv trail I made. Nothing you can do unless you're there 24/7

05-13-2010, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by destey

I've also had tree huggers cut down trees on my own land to block an atv trail I made. Nothing you can do unless you're there 24/7

i know i'd be there 24/7 if some tree huggers were vandalizing MY trails. They'd find out real quick

John Noftsinger
05-13-2010, 12:28 PM
we had same problems with are trails we been riding for 20yrs then all of a sudden a guy in community we go by in woods use to try and stop us from riding on proprety that wasn,t his was the states and was along a river then the nudist colony got new younger members that didn,t like us either and started cutting trees,chasing us with machetes nude it was freaky but funny finally we lost the trails after 20yrs very sad that they cant see the fun they took away from the surrounding community of riders now theres no place to ride!we tryed to talk with them but they just saw us as trouble makers it sucks when you put so much time and labor building the trails over 20yr then its takin away. there compant was we were killing trees when we were riding in a flood zone.

05-13-2010, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by John Noftsinger
then the nudist colony got new younger members

and you left!?!


05-13-2010, 12:57 PM
i know it don't give them the right to do that! that could really hurt some people. incuding hikers i was just saying stay on land you know and don't ride on land that is illegal to ride on. where i live we don't have to many tree huggers but if they ever did stuff like that on private land where i could ride or at a public park i would be pizzd!:mad: what's sad about that is if you go to complain to a park ranger about it is they won't do a thing about it cause most of them hate us also.

05-13-2010, 01:16 PM
I just heard a commercial on the radio from Smoky the Bear. He says my atv can throw sparks and cause forest fires. I'm thinking of selling my quad, because only I can prevent forest fires.:o

05-13-2010, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Scro
I just heard a commercial on the radio from Smoky the Bear. He says my atv can throw sparks and cause forest fires. I'm thinking of selling my quad, because only I can prevent forest fires.:o

Tell smokey thats why we put metal wire mesh screans in our exhaust pipes called SPARK ARRESTORS!! omg thats rediculous! these poeple dont know how much danger theyre putting us in 2 months ago i crashed crossing a little ditch that ive crossed 100 times flew 100 feet and broke my back the smallest things can be huge! theyll be lucky if they dont kill someone!!

John Noftsinger
05-13-2010, 07:53 PM
Believe me jesse weaver if you saw two dudes (NO Chicks) with machetes running at you in the middle of the woods you wouldn,t be sticking around to hear what they had to say ,But they did jump out on me one time and i talked with them and there was no reasoning with them they were telling me they could kill me if they wanted too ,I knew they were buffing but then one was 6ft + ex marine and standing with his machete on my front fender yelling at me then they let me by and i never went alone though there again but my friend s we all planned a final ride before we where going to stop riding it and had some friends that didn,t know about the nudist,s it was funny seeing there faces when the nudist came running with machetes at us and the new guys with us screaming GO! cause they were in the rear.

05-14-2010, 05:42 AM
Tell smokey its not up to him whether or not forest fires are ok. Forest fires have happened for as long as there have been trees. Long before man, engines, and ATVs. Its natures way of recycling the forest. Attempting to quell forest fires only results in an even larger fire when it does eventually get going. I'm not saying people should go out there and set fires, but they are natural.

05-14-2010, 08:54 AM
no excuses, a young neatv rider passed away a few years ago due to something being strung across the rail he rode regularly anyone found doing these things should be brought up on charges for any incidents they may have caused. /thread

05-14-2010, 09:43 AM
This has been going on prolly as long as atv's have been out. Its alot more common with sleds around here. Farmers put up barb wire so sleds wont tear up there fields in the winter. Atleast once a year you hear of a snowmobiler getting killed around here usually decapitated. A buddy of mine had some trails that somebody kept cutting trees down and throwing trash on his trails so he put up deer cams and caught the people doing it. Funny what people will say when there in trouble. The people said it was worth it for them to get in trouble for the times they stopped us riding. Said the noise and dust we created we should have been ashamed of ourselves. We live in the sticks and the trails were on 32 acres. Not a sole in sight! But trespassing and throwing trash bags in the woods and cutting down live trees is great for nature! More of those groups need to be caught and thats the only way they will be stopped or slowed down. Its hard to catch them but can be done especially on your guys private trails!

05-14-2010, 10:00 AM
My father is a farmer and when I was a kid he'd have me go out and put marking tape on the high tension electric fence. Most of what we ran was temporary electric fence, but around the perimeter was fence posts and 3 thick gauge wired electric fence that stayed up year round. Not sure why but he let the tension out of some of the wires during the winter and you could not see them when the snow fell. I worried a lot about snowmobilers (I was one) blasting along and not seeing the fence and getting their head cut off. My dad had no problem with sledders using the fields, but he worried about someone hitting the fences.

Most farmers are pretty cool about that kind of stuff. As long as you snowmobile when theres plenty of snow and ATV on the outside of fields most farmers are just happy you're not blowing donuts in the middle.

05-14-2010, 10:25 AM
[i] what's sad about that is if you go to complain to a park ranger about it is they won't do a thing about it cause most of them hate us also. [/B]
ok woah. my father is a park ranger and one of the most supportive people when it comes to riding so dont lump them all togther. most park rangers ar not nature freaks. trust me ive grown up living and working in a parksystem.

05-14-2010, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by blaster12s
ok woah. my father is a park ranger and one of the most supportive people when it comes to riding so dont lump them all togther. most park rangers ar not nature freaks. trust me ive grown up living and working in a parksystem.

He did say most and I'd say that's a pretty good assumption.