View Full Version : rear shock

05-12-2010, 05:48 PM
i was looking into updating my rear shock and i have been told by a few people to send it some where and get it rebuild and set up for my riding style and weight. this would cost about 400 buck. the other day i found a works quadstar with a resivor for 560. im a trail rider and am wondering what you guys think? plus keep in mind i would have my quad down for a while if i took my shock out to send it some where.

05-16-2010, 08:22 PM
Rebuilds are very popular and GREAT bang for the buck. GT Thunder is one of, if not the most popular rebuild for Z400 shocks.

Here's a link to their page for the Z400. The link is fairly old but I doubt prices for the service have changed:


Everyone seems to love the work they got done by them. Works shocks aren't that great and you can get your stock shock rebuilt for less. GT Thunders complete service/rebuild is $385 and you get everything custom built for your weight and such.