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View Full Version : Rnd1 2010

04-30-2010, 04:57 AM
With a big delay first thing this year we are finally haveing or first rnd May 8 in Union Ct. Its a very nice track all conditions rocks, sand, loose, and roots. hope to see new faces around the pits. If there are any question just asked I will be happy to help

05-13-2010, 11:18 AM
hey i just heard about this series and i would love to give it a try and start racing. just got a few questions, whens the next race? are there any specific accessories or gear i have to have to participate? how do i get a race number? that sort of thing, just basic stuff but im new to the racing scene so i dont know much about it. any advice to point me in the right direction would help a lot. thanks

05-16-2010, 06:09 AM
Well the next race is suppose to be on june 19th there is no location yet the series is new so info is sparse but most of us just wait and keep an eye on the web page witch is verylimited to info neccracing.net. the only thing that is required would be a teather (kill switch). other than that its all up to you I would recomend 20inch rear tires at least, full skid plates, soft suppesion, camel packs and so on. As far as the number and sign up you can get it all at the first race. they use a bar code scanning stystem the number and barcode are 15 for the year and its 40 bucks each race. most of the races are in new england Ct RI and VT. well we just had the last race in the big rain storm we still had a good turn out 48 riders so it was pretty good. if you got any more questions please ask.

05-16-2010, 09:57 AM
i just heard about this series too, i wanna race!!! do u have any info on which tracks they are and how do u race, is it one lap start to finish or like a bunch of laps?

05-16-2010, 04:45 PM
The tracks are in union ct. one in bristol vt. chaplin ct. and others it is a xc race it is a 2 hr timed race you do as many laps as you can in that 2 hr time. If you need any help setting up your quad or tunning you suspection with what you got my sponsor Sammy at Leumas ent. can help you out for a very minimual charge any he has a tones of knowledge.