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04-27-2010, 08:14 PM
Please answer me this...Why does it take so long to put somebody to death? It pisses me off that our tax dollars have kept this scum alive for the past 21 years.:mad:

From our local paper -


04-27-2010, 08:16 PM
Because we are a compassionate country:p

04-27-2010, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Scro
Please answer me this...Why does it take so long to put somebody to death? It pisses me off that our tax dollars have kept this scum alive for the past 21 years.:mad:

From our local paper -


strictly on due process and the amount of appeals that are filed by attorney's....there are many, many different levels of appeals courts in the united states....

04-27-2010, 08:24 PM
1) the death penalty is hipocritical, and actually teaches people that violence is a viable option.

2) because there are actually people that have been on death row released by dna evidence. which can allow us to assume that innocent people have been put to death.

3) death penalty is obviously not a deterent for murder.

4) because besides the u.s., japan, and singapore no other modernized country practices its use.

5) because it is flat out neolithical.

04-27-2010, 08:25 PM
I dont belive in the death penality. unless it is a crime against a child.

Then instead of death I belive in painful torture and mutilation.

04-27-2010, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by tinkers
1) the death penalty is hipocritical, and actually teaches people that violence is a viable option.

2) because there are actually people that have been on death row released by dna evidence. which can allow us to assume that innocent people have been put to death.

3) death penalty is obviously not a deterent for murder.

4) because besides the u.s., japan, and singapore no other modernized country practices its use.

5) because it is flat out neolithical.

In response to above...

1) It doesnt teach anything, the criminals know they have a shot at an appeal,early release,parole or will likely die before being put to death. many find a better life inside then they had out as well. Shorten the appeals process and bring a swift end to someone found guilty of such a crime and it will be more of a deterent.

2)The number released due to DNA is virtually non existant when compared to the actual number on death row. Todays technology is putting more criminals on death row thankfully. And the murder rates in Britian, Australia and Japan are far below the US of A and they follow a different criminal justice system then we do.

3)see #1

4) Many countries kill the criminal almost instanly. Iran still allows stoning to death

5) They dont hang or shoot people at a firing squad(albiet is legal in some states) so using neolithical would be a far stretch. The penalties from that era were much more in-humane and carried out alot faster then today.

04-27-2010, 08:32 PM
I can respect y'alls opinions on the death penalty, but I firmly believe in it. An eye for an eye is how I was raised, and that's what I believe. And the only reason that sorry excuse for a person is alive is prolly what ben300 said, appeals and court stuff.

04-27-2010, 09:08 PM
I dont believe in it. Killing someone for killing someone is still killing someone. But thats just me and no need to argue about it.

I read on CNN last week that some guy who is being put to death actually is asking for the firing squad. I found that rather interesting.

04-27-2010, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
In response to above...

1) It doesnt teach anything, the criminals know they have a shot at an appeal,early release,parole or will likely die before being put to death. many find a better life inside then they had out as well. Shorten the appeals process and bring a swift end to someone found guilty of such a crime and it will be more of a deterent.

2)The number released due to DNA is virtually non existant when compared to the actual number on death row. Todays technology is putting more criminals on death row thankfully. And the murder rates in Singapore and Japan are far below the US of A and they follow a different criminal justice system then we do.

3)see #1

4) Many countries kill the criminal almost instanly. Iran still allows stoning to death

5) They dont hang or shoot people at a firing squad(albiet is legal in some states) so using neolithical would be a far stretch. The penalties from that era were much more in-humane and carried out alot faster then today.

1) if you see your kid hit another kid, do you walk up to your kid and hit him...then say "we don't hit people"?? it really is that simple. how can a society say not to kill, or we will kill you? that is teaching that same society, then when it feels wronged it should kill.

2)i don't care if the number was 1, if that one was my uncle, or neighbor, best friend, that's all it needs to be for there to be a doubt.

3) if the death penalty is such a deterent, why are there still murders??

4) the fact that you compared the u.s. to iran in anyway is somewhat disturbing..

5) without looking to be sure, i would bet that red states pretty much are the by far the majority of states that practice capitol punishment...which leads me to believe it is purely a political tool.

04-27-2010, 09:33 PM
No, I wouldnt hit the kid unless it was to protect my child, but if someone killed my kid, there would be no need for a court. There is a stark difference between murder and the punishment doled out regarding the death penalty. The end result is the same, but the criminal did not die in a pool of blood after being beaten, stabbed, shot, raped, strangled...the list goes on. Nor did the criminal die innocent.

If your brother or uncle is convicted of murder(not manslaughter or accidental homocide, flat out murder) then he/they deserve to die...thats my opinion.

Interesting question, why are there still murders? I would say the answer evolves around society and human nature itself. No deterent will ever prevent it completely, but riding society of people that commit blatent murder upon innocent victims, to me, is a good start.

I did not compare us to Iran, I used them as an example to counter your point about other nations.

Dont care to discuss politics. I believe more in right and wrong then red and blue.

Have fun with this one folks.

04-27-2010, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by tinkers
1) if you see your kid hit another kid, do you walk up to your kid and hit him...then say "we don't hit people"?? it really is that simple. how can a society say not to kill, or we will kill you? that is teaching that same society, then when it feels wronged it should kill.

Tinkers, I don't think you get where we're coming from. It would make more sense for you to say my kid was getting punched. If it is for no reson then it's wrong, but if he got punched for punching some other kid then he got what he deserved.

Our court system found this guy guilty of killing someone and therefore is being killed. Sorry, but I think that's how it should be. Here in Oklahoma we spend $40k a year on a single prisoner, and if we just put all murderers to death right away we would have more money to spend on more worthwhile projects. This is just my opinion though...

And Ichoptop, that's crazy. I have no idea why someone would want to be shot to death. It sounds like a horrible way to die.

04-27-2010, 09:37 PM
I will add that Singapore has the highest rate of capital punishment:p They hang the condemned on fridays.

04-27-2010, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Ichoptop

I read on CNN last week that some guy who is being put to death actually is asking for the firing squad. I found that rather interesting.

I heard that as well.....I would think its a ploy to actualy save himself. I dont think the state is apt to carry it out even though it is at his request and lawful. It will probably give him another few years while its battled out in court.

04-27-2010, 10:44 PM
If i was on death row, id be prayin for it to come ASAP. no hope of bein released, gettin more anxious everyday.. sittin there waitin is more torture than gettin it done

04-27-2010, 10:48 PM
ppl against the death penalty probably voted for obama too, and look where that got us! :eek2:

ATV Chic
04-27-2010, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I heard that as well.....I would think its a ploy to actualy save himself. I dont think the state is apt to carry it out even though it is at his request and lawful. It will probably give him another few years while its battled out in court.

I actually read on CNN they just changed the Utah state law a few years ago to eliminate the firing squad as a death row option for inmates, but because this guy was on death row before the law changed they are allowing him to choose and will uphold his choice. We will see if they actually do it though. I'm kinda doubting it too

04-28-2010, 04:40 AM
i believe in the death penalty. i look at it rather simply. if someone is so sick in the head to commit a crime like that they shouldnt be given the luxury of a jail cell. nor should they be put back out on the street to endanger the lives of others. because of their actions, they must suffer the consequences. such actions should be held accountable, and the person committing the crime is rendering himself useless to society by creating in himself an outcast. to put it simply, its their own fault that they are suffering for their actions, and they should have thought twice before doing something so twisted as to deserve the death penalty. and if they did think twice, and knew the risk, and got caught, well then they had it coming to them.

04-28-2010, 06:54 AM
I have a feeling alot of your views of being against the death penalty would change if you lost someone very close to you by murder.....

04-28-2010, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
In response to above...

1) It doesnt teach anything, the criminals know they have a shot at an appeal,early release,parole or will likely die before being put to death. many find a better life inside then they had out as well. Shorten the appeals process and bring a swift end to someone found guilty of such a crime and it will be more of a deterent.

Not even close Pappy. I know first hand that murders don't give or care about the death penalty or life sentence until after the fact.

I have a lot of friends doing life, and have talked to a lot of lifers (some who could of/should of had the death penalty).
They are not thinking along the lines of... "well i have an appeals process that will take the rest of my life, so ya i'm in!"

People don't think they'll get caught or don't think at all. And there for procede with the crime that lands them on the Row or a life sentence.

04-28-2010, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by initall
I have a feeling alot of your views of being against the death penalty would change if you lost someone very close to you by murder.....

My cousin (Lisa Shirley) was Murdered by Jason Lorelli (my sisters ex-boyfriend at the time).

Those from near the Pittsburgh area might remember... She was stabbed like 13 times in the face and upper chest, while she lay on the ground unconscious (but alive) he procedes to beat her with a shovel (an attempt to finish her life). He then drags her body into the woods and shoves her body into i tiny makeshift cake. He leaves her (alive still) to die!

He takes her money goes down to Eletric Line Tattoo and get the NaturalBornKillers Tattoo. He got caught a couple days later in Oregan or Upper Cali.

At the time i thought he should have gotten the death penalty. But i'm glad he didn't. The dealth penalty is wrong.

04-28-2010, 07:39 AM
Ofcourse they dont think, but the process allows many to do crimes with ill regard to the death penalty. The process works for them after the fact, which was my point. I garuntee that if a person knew the crime meant a bullet or rope was waiting for them when caught, quite a bit would stop.

I have a few friends doing life as well Reptikes....you arent the only one with insights:p Its a fact im not proud of, nor does it make me an expert on the matter.

I wonder if your cousin feels the same way about it....her life taken while he gets to breathe the air. Fry him.

04-28-2010, 07:56 AM
I'm always fighting with myself over the death penalty issue. Sometimes i feel it's right sometimes i don't.

and Pappy you said "I garuntee that if a person knew the crime meant a bullet or rope was waiting for them when caught, quite a bit would stop."

I think your right only if they thought that before the action took place. Thats were the problem usally lies, they don't think.

I do know that things need to change to deter crime.

04-28-2010, 07:59 AM
This actually an amazing issue when you think about it. I will never understand how a family can state they hold no grudge against someone for killing their loved one.

I know each case is different, but im talking a true act of cruelty...similiar to what you posted. You cant tell me that if you had walked up on that act and had the means, you wouldnt have ended his life. And if that is the case, there is no difference in teh state carrying out the death penalty after he recieved due process under the law.

04-28-2010, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
This actually an amazing issue when you think about it. I will never understand how a family can state they hold no grudge against someone for killing their loved one.

I know each case is different, but im talking a true act of cruelty...similiar to what you posted. You cant tell me that if you had walked up on that act and had the means, you wouldnt have ended his life. And if that is the case, there is no difference in teh state carrying out the death penalty after he recieved due process under the law.

See thats were i fight with myself! Even now i think about it alot.
I've played it over and over in my head what would happen if i ever saw him out or if i was locked up with him. And when i think about it i kill him plain and simple. But then night time rolls around and im thinking if thats what Lisa would want and then im praying to God for forgiveness for even thinking like that.

Maybe im scared of it being on my conscience.
Im gonna see what the rest of my family thinks now that is been 10 years.
Gimme a min....

04-28-2010, 08:14 AM
Time has now passed, and being a cousin, maybe the person isnt as close as say a sibling or parent...

And I would also say the thought of you doing life or getting death for killing him may play a role in your thought process. Most people dont want that....those that dont care, well they dont care. If they dont care about society or anothers life then why should we give a damn about them?

04-28-2010, 08:18 AM
reptikes... that crazy SOB never would have made it to court much less have been found by the police, but the family would be at peace because they know he was "taken care of" thats how they roll down south. Their are thousands and thousands of acres to hide bodies down here. Besides no one really cares about a missing person who was a criminal.....

if they do make it trial or w/e and are found guility then i say give them week, then kill them. I say a week so that if their family wasnt to visit and disown them they can. But i say set a date and make it soon and make it public.

04-28-2010, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Time has now passed, and being a cousin, maybe the person isnt as close as say a sibling or parent...

And I would also say the thought of you doing life or getting death for killing him may play a role in your thought process. Most people dont want that....those that dont care, well they dont care. If they dont care about society or anothers life then why should we give a damn about them?

Im from a very, very, very close family Me and Lisa were more best friends than cousins. We were inseperable growing up. Her last night was spent at my house (well my mothers).

I have kids now so YES "the thought of you doing life or getting death for killing him may play a role in your thought process"

But i'm also scared of that being held against me by the big man up stairs.

I was about 22-23 and a buddie of mine (my Nephews Dad) was up SCI Graterford (which is were Lorelli in housed). I told him if he had the chance to please **** him. He (my nephews dad was looking at life or possibly the death penalty) didn't have much to lose and i knew would have done it given the oppertunity.
And i KNOW that that will be held against me come judgement.

04-28-2010, 08:35 AM
Well now, here comes another twist.

First, I believe in God, but I also believe religion may be a tool used to keep society in check. The thought for you now of being judged by the Lord deters you from even wanting to think in the manner we are discussing, yet you have les proof that God exists then the state has proof of the man commiting the crime for which we have judged him. Complex uh? LOL

Using your current status, religion could be argued to be the answer, and for some it surely is. Regretfully for many, they find it too late.

04-28-2010, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Rootar
reptikes... that crazy SOB never would have made it to court much less have been found by the police, but the family would be at peace because they know he was "taken care of" thats how they roll down south. Their are thousands and thousands of acres to hide bodies down here. Besides no one really cares about a missing person who was a criminal.....

if they do make it trial or w/e and are found guility then i say give them week, then kill them. I say a week so that if their family wasnt to visit and disown them they can. But i say set a date and make it soon and make it public.

We didn't even know she was murdered until he confessed. @ atv riders found her car at a (burn run spot) but we didn't know what to think of it. So they were reported missing, the FBI then tapped my mothers phone incase either of them called. Well a couple days later after being reported missing he called my mothers house from Oregen to talk to my little brother.

He gave a confession after he was picked up for questioning. At that time period theres no doubt what would of happened if we knew and found him first.

04-28-2010, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Well now, here comes another twist.

First, I believe in God, but I also believe religion may be a tool used to keep society in check. The thought for you now of being judged by the Lord deters you from even wanting to think in the manner we are discussing, yet you have les proof that God exists then the state has proof of the man commiting the crime for which we have judged him. Complex uh? LOL

Using your current status, religion could be argued to be the answer, and for some it surely is. Regretfully for many, they find it too late.

YA... its more God and judgement then anything.

04-28-2010, 08:47 AM
let's understand something here...i can assure you that if someone did something to one of my children, or my wife etc...there would be no need for a court...trust me i have explained to my wife on numerous occasions that if someone ever did anything to one of our children, that she would have to then raise them alone...at the very least for awhile. the need for retribution for such heinous acts is very understandable, and make no bones about it, my "knee-jerk" reaction would the same as most, if not all that have responded to this thread. that is NOT the point here though. the point here is that AS A SOCIETY we can not condone the taking of a life regardless of our empathy for those that have been wronged, especially when that same society tells us that we shouldn't kill. regardless of proof etc...violence only causes more violence. and when looking from the outside in, how can we as a society grow, when we as a society condone the same end result of those we have condemned?? logically those actions seem counter-productive for that same society. at the very least on a subconscious aren't we as a society saying that violence is the answer to a problem that may confront us??

04-28-2010, 08:53 AM
The death penalty is a good thing. But I don't think it is used as a deturant. People might say it is, but I believe it is used for closure. People who commit murders, obviously are not thinking about the consequences, or else they would not commit murders.
A person who commits a murder in such a fasion, to where they would even be considered for the death penalty, does not deserve to live.
As far as only those who live in "Red" states or those who are "Republicans" only believing in the death penalty. That is a load of crap! Just becasue I voted for Obama, doesn't mean I'm a weak minded, forgiving p*ssy. Not trying to create a politacal debate. I just don't want to be stereo-typed.

04-28-2010, 09:43 AM
Tinkers, where does society state we shouldnt kill?

The original ten commandments states" thou shall not commit murder"

Murder is against man's law as well

Killing is legal, in self defense, therefore your theology that society doesnt permit killing is incorrect.

04-28-2010, 10:03 AM
separation of church and state is my first response about the 10 commandments...my second would be if you basing your conclusions on what is said in the bible...i guess you also believe we should kill those who work on the sabbath? did you know it also says that we can own slaves from neighboring nations in there...also says you may sell your daughter into slavery, though i think i'll keep mine as sentimental value is probably more than i could get on the open market....so let's not use a 2000 yr old text that is based purely on individual faith as a reference to what is right or wrong for a society that doesn't all believe in the bible...let's just use plane old common sense...and that to me is simple...any society that says you shouldn't kill, and then kills is a living hipocrasy(sp?)...

04-28-2010, 10:07 AM
I think I stated clearly the difference between what the bible states and what the law of man is.

Society allows killing, as stated. Next point?

04-28-2010, 10:12 AM
"My cousin (Lisa Shirley) was Murdered by Jason Lorelli (my sisters ex-boyfriend at the time).

Those from near the Pittsburgh area might remember... She was stabbed like 13 times in the face and upper chest, while she lay on the ground unconscious (but alive) he procedes to beat her with a shovel (an attempt to finish her life). He then drags her body into the woods and shoves her body into i tiny makeshift cake. He leaves her (alive still) to die!

He takes her money goes down to Eletric Line Tattoo and get the NaturalBornKillers Tattoo. He got caught a couple days later in Oregan or Upper Cali."

I am sorry for that loss.

I to had someone very close to me murdered during a car theft. The thought that after 8 yrs, this s@$t bag can move on with his life. but his family and friends people around him have to live our lives without him.

To me that is not right.

04-28-2010, 10:24 AM
Talk about hipocrasy, tinkers you say if someone did something to a family member, you would do something yourself about it. But let me get this straight. You say as a society, we should not condone this type of violence? Basically you are saying only you should be able to take retribution?

04-28-2010, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by aDviSol2y
Talk about hipocrasy, tinkers you say if someone did something to a family member, you would do something yourself about it. But let me get this straight. You say as a society, we should not condone this type of violence? Basically you are saying only you should be able to take retribution?

please don't twist my words around...what i said was that having a feeling of a need for revenge when you are close to a victim is typical human nature....but for a whole society to feel that way is not constructive to the growth of said society...

04-28-2010, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I think I stated clearly the difference between what the bible states and what the law of man is.

Society allows killing, as stated. Next point?

no society does not allow killing...or it would be like the wild west...i would argue that when it comes to the death penalty, people do not think of it as killing, but more likely a punishment...IMO the punishment in that case is counter-productive...especially when we do not know what awaits the person being put to death...where as we know what life imprisonment entails, it's not only less costly, but some would argue that by taking away a humans freedom, is more inhumane...i think i'd rather be put to death than spend forever in prison.....

04-28-2010, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by tinkers
please don't twist my words around...what i said was that having a feeling of a need for revenge when you are close to a victim is typical human nature....but for a whole society to feel that way is not constructive to the growth of said society...

If I'm understanding you correctly, you are basically saying that in order for our society to grow, we need people (not all) to have empathy for death row crimanals?

04-28-2010, 10:50 AM
Tinkers, as a nation we have choosen to have the courts instead of martial law, and it is the court's responsibility to decide whether an individaul is guilty or otherwise. As a society we are saying that violence does not solve anything, but that is in terms of an individual should not take it apon themselves to invoke the law because then you are a criminal aswell. However, we are saying that it is acceptable for murderer to be put to death if they are found guilty be a jury of their peers, or a judge.

04-28-2010, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by tinkers
no society does not allow killing...or it would be like the wild west...

Again, I can prove that society does allow killing. I have shown a few broad examples of it. Infact there is a growing segment of the population that feels we should losen even more restrictions so that we as individuals can put an end to criminal acts as they are presented to us. I can back this up with fact as well, just look at the states that are taking on the Castle Doctrine:p Concealed carry and Open carry are on teh rise, and teh end result of society allowing this is the end to a criminal if needed and when required....acceptable killing.

Killing in self defense is allowable. Police can use deadly force when needed (again, society allows this, thats why officers carry firearms)

You are trying to draw a comparative line between killing and murder. If you dont understand teh fundemental differences then im afraid debating this issue with you is mute.

04-28-2010, 01:25 PM
im 100% for the death penalty, it should be leave the court room straight to your death chair. If the person you killed had to suffer then you need to suffer. I think the consequences for crimes need to be much higher, go back to mideval time of an eye for an eye. If you steal somethin you get your hand cut off, tht would cut down on crime. This country is becoming way to soft!!!

04-28-2010, 07:24 PM
What if the wrong people are punished? That would be the scariest thing, being put on death row and not even doing anything. After the decision is made no one will change their mind, they wont even care because to them they think you deserve it and are lying to get out of it. They would have stopped looking for evidence too. I dont even think half of the officials care if they get the right people as long as someone is punished for the crime and they get rewarded. I would rather have all the criminals roam free than one innocent person be wrongly punished... but then again the criminals would kill more innocents. Thats what makes the death penalty such a touchy subject plus killing someone is always wrong haha.
I hope there is a God so that everyone gets judged correctly at some point.

John Noftsinger
05-05-2010, 09:51 AM
If there,s 100% proof that someone killed someone(on purpose) they should get death penalty the next day period if there,s not 100% proof then life or until he/she confesses,they find 100% proof then when they do next day they get there,s.People 100yrs ago weren,t abunch of pu$$ys like most of americans are today and feel that its inhumane to kill .lets just jail all killers then the jails would have no room for the child molesters/rapists,etc. And lets spend billion,s a yrs to house them thats a great way too handle it!

05-05-2010, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by John Noftsinger
If there,s 100% proof that someone killed someone(on purpose) they should get death penalty the next day period if there,s not 100% proof then life or until he/she confesses,they find 100% proof then when they do next day they get there,s.People 100yrs ago weren,t abunch of pu$$ys like most of americans are today and feel that its inhumane to kill .lets just jail all killers then the jails would have no room for the child molesters/rapists,etc. And lets spend billion,s a yrs to house them thats a great way too handle it!
Giving someone life is pretty much the same thing. If you are innocent and sent for life it sucks just as much as death if not worse, so eventually they might give up hope and confess to a murder they didnt do just to end jail. I think there was a movie about the interagation of a kid untill the point he just confessed to a murder he didnt do. Its kinda the same.

05-05-2010, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
Giving someone life is pretty much the same thing. If you are innocent and sent for life it sucks just as much as death if not worse, so eventually they might give up hope and confess to a murder they didnt do just to end jail. I think there was a movie about the interagation of a kid untill the point he just confessed to a murder he didnt do. Its kinda the same.

Ahhhh.... Good Point.

I for one took a Quilty Plea for something i didn't do. I sat in jail for this crime (WHICH I DIDN'T COMMIT!!!)

If i went to trial and lost i would have gotten more time, and there's a good chance that could/would of happened and it wasn't a chance i was willing to take.

I also had to do the sentence consecutively! Which means after i did my 11 1/2 - 23 , i then had to do that sentence.

Fines, court costs, ect!!!

Sometimes pleading quilty to something you didn't do is better than going to trial and losing.

2 friends of mine are doing life, both could have taken pleas for 15 years. They rolled the dice and lost! :ermm:

John Noftsinger
05-05-2010, 08:57 PM
No one takes plea deal if there totally innocent,and what I was saying is if someone is found with lets say the smoking gun in there hand that just killed someone that person goes to court found guilty then killed thats how it should be not spending years paying for these losers then 10 yrs later give them life instead ,Thats BS and if they got 100% proof then screw life kill the ******* IMO.These people are a waste of money to us and dont deserve to live IMO.

05-06-2010, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by John Noftsinger
No one takes plea deal if there totally innocent,and what I was saying is if someone is found with lets say the smoking gun in there hand that just killed someone that person goes to court found guilty then killed thats how it should be not spending years paying for these losers then 10 yrs later give them life instead ,Thats BS and if they got 100% proof then screw life kill the ******* IMO.These people are a waste of money to us and dont deserve to live IMO.


It was 10 years ago, i have NO reason to lie about it now.

There are people found guilty and 20+ years later DNA PROVES they didn't/couldn't have done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clarence Harrison = 17 years.

Albert Burrell = 14 years on DEATH ROW

Jerry Frank Townsend = 20+ years. Mentally Retarded confessed to 3 Murders DNA proved he didn't do.

Dennis Countryman = 11 years on DEATH ROW

Ted L. Bradford = 9 years and $600,000 in civil. the Civil can not be over turned!

Thats just a couple quickies... i can give you 100 more if you'd like.

05-06-2010, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by John Noftsinger
No one takes plea deal if there totally innocent,and what I was saying is if someone is found with lets say the smoking gun in there hand that just killed someone that person goes to court found guilty then killed thats how it should be not spending years paying for these losers then 10 yrs later give them life instead ,Thats BS and if they got 100% proof then screw life kill the ******* IMO.These people are a waste of money to us and dont deserve to live IMO.
That would be nice if we catch them with a smoking gun every time but we dont. And the ones we do are guys who killed other people that kill, or kill for revenge of someone who was killed by the person. I am mainly talking about the serial killers and murders who are smart enough to get away.

05-06-2010, 03:52 PM
There have been 254 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.

The first DNA exoneration took place in 1989. Exonerations have been won in 34 states; since 2000, there have been 188 exonerations.

17 of the 254 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row.

The average length of time served by exonerees is 13 years. The total number of years served is approximately 3,231.

Figure in the crimes were DNA wasn't left behind...there are people who WILL die in jail for crimes they didn't commit!