View Full Version : Will we go to WAR?

01-29-2003, 10:24 AM
Who all thinks that we WILL go to war?

01-29-2003, 10:35 AM
i wouldnt mind shootin a few raghead myself:devil

01-29-2003, 12:56 PM
Too much talk about it. Yes we will

01-29-2003, 02:43 PM
Yep, we will, but I don't care I went, now it is somebody elses turn!

01-29-2003, 04:43 PM
Yep...we will for sure....id go if i was old enough!

01-29-2003, 05:39 PM
Yes we will.

Bush Jr. is out to do the job his dad couldn't.
No matter what it costs our economy.

01-29-2003, 05:48 PM
Well I wouldn't mind going to war with these idiots but one thing is............. For Iraq, we really don't have a good enough reason. They bombed Isreale (SP) which isn't our problem. I think we should finish off Afganistan and then go to Iraq if there is any future problems.

Well as for "Is there going to be a war?" I know Bush wants to but im not sure if the congress dudes will agree. I hear the final descision on Tuesday but not sure :confused:

01-29-2003, 06:00 PM
We most likely will from what Bush said last night. The final decision will be made when Powell talks to the UN next week. I doubt they will listen to the UN anyway and will go to war.

Just wait until we have actual threats of biological and nuclear attacks from Iraq, then see if you still want to go to war.

01-29-2003, 08:11 PM
ya were about to goto war with even more countries then iraq, dum bush is pickin fights with iran and korea

01-29-2003, 08:13 PM
yup, but the thought of it hitting home has crossed my mines a few times and its kinda scary, u realy think we ca take on iraq, korea, and iran, plus terrorists

01-29-2003, 09:57 PM
my cousin was deployed and left today for colorado for training for 2 weeks and thenis going to southern asia for up to a year

01-30-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by 400exrules
ya were about to goto war with even more countries then iraq, dum bush is pickin fights with iran and korea

Your right, he should act more like a true democrat and hide under the porch with the rest of the pups...

France needs a history lesson... They seem to forget they'd still be speaking German if not for our pesky meddling during WWII.. At least Blair hasn't forgotten..

Let's see, we've got a crazy leader (Saddam) who doesn't mind a bit to use chemical weapons on his OWN people.. You think it'd bother him for a second to let some nice terrorist borrow some nasty stuff, and float 'em a couple million to deliver it to us? nope.. If that's not a good enough reason to deal with him NOW, I don't know what is.

You can't be the big dog, and act like a pup..


01-30-2003, 05:54 AM
The build up is George Jr. economic stimulus package. Call up all the reservist, letting the unempolyeed personel fill their spot and boing... unemplyment is down, joe public is spending money again making everything look good.

For France lets see, we saved you ***** in ww1 and ww2 from the Germans. Then in Vietnam you start a bunch of crap you can't finish and call us to help and then bail out on us leaving us to fight your battles. Sounds familiar doesn't it. You pay us back by not allowing us to fly in your air space when we bombed Liyba and refused to let damaged aircraft land in you airfields. Now you refuse to stand up with us when the world needs to show solidarity in the free world countries that we are tired of Saddam BS.

George Jr. if you by chance happen to read EXRIDERS.COM I suggest you play your trump card. If you have hard evidence let it out so the world can know what is going on.

anyway just venting.

01-30-2003, 06:42 AM
I think we are going to go almost for sure. This time I think it might be a little more messy as I believe we have to much on going on in other places right now. All I know for sure is when we do go it is going to be fun to watch our Air Force pilots drop my bombs and turn Bagdad into a brand new swimming pool:macho .


01-31-2003, 09:35 AM
i do

01-31-2003, 10:25 AM
who needs europe anyways?;)


01-31-2003, 11:53 AM
i say we have rand mcnally draw up new maps & leave the middle east blank...............then we push the big red button and make the new maps accurate :)

01-31-2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Leo
Your right, he should act more like a true democrat and hide under the porch with the rest of the pups...

France needs a history lesson... They seem to forget they'd still be speaking German if not for our pesky meddling during WWII.. At least Blair hasn't forgotten..

Let's see, we've got a crazy leader (Saddam) who doesn't mind a bit to use chemical weapons on his OWN people.. You think it'd bother him for a second to let some nice terrorist borrow some nasty stuff, and float 'em a couple million to deliver it to us? nope.. If that's not a good enough reason to deal with him NOW, I don't know what is.

You can't be the big dog, and act like a pup..

Leo well said ,I agree 100%

01-31-2003, 12:07 PM

DGR Designs
01-31-2003, 12:24 PM
no we won't lol. were to in debt to afford a war. canada is liek the little brother of the US. they go we go. we take our military crap and it gets used for parts lol

01-31-2003, 02:02 PM
We will go to war. We dont have the best forces on our side, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc...all neighboring countries to Irag. Those countries are scared of Raghead #2 - Saddam (bin Laden #1) and they want him out of power too. I dont think the war will last long (why am I neive and think this, US wars are never short, rarely finished).

Korea issue:
China will not allow Korea to be totall zippys...they have to much trade with the US - necessary trade for China. Russia has put the vodka bottle down and is trying to tell Korea to chill the F*** out. Korea having WMD is different than Irag having WMD.

01-31-2003, 02:28 PM
Yes, we will go to war.

They have Photo evidence of people moving stuff in and out of places just before the inspectors arrive.Would it be that hard to have a man with a Radio outside the place were the UN people stay? All he would have to have is a radio,and binoculars. The Scientists always act all tense..and there's always a Iraqie soldier with them, and the scientists.

I'd be willing to bet, if the scientists say too much. As soon as the inspectors, etc leave.....I don't think the scientists would be very healthy.

Also, we have found out that 3500 Chemical warheads are not accountable. Iraq says they lost them....now you tell me...how do you lose 3500 chemical warheads?...You don't.

Think about it.....if he would use these on his own people, would it be very hard to use them on us?

Would it really be that hard to sell them to other nut-cases? The war isn't in Afgahnistan anymore.It's internetional terrorists, they can move about....they're not a fixed group.

I believe rooting out this kind of non-sense, and BS is the first step in getting rid of Bin Laden.

Don't say I won't join the Military, cause I plan on going in:rolleyes:

I agree with Leo 100%

Think about what kind of Danger this guy, and others brings up.

It's one Danger we DON'T need.

01-31-2003, 08:44 PM
When, very soon

How, with the mighty United States Air Force pilots leading the way with thousands of my bombs :devil

Trust Me


01-31-2003, 10:08 PM
I don't know if any of u r into religion and know alot about the bible but the bible says when the END OF TIME comes there will be lots of fighting with middle east countries. The last thing the WORLD needs is WARS. U think America is the top dog?? That's americas problem, we think were better than the world. It would scare me to death to see us piss someone like CHINA off . That would be the worst thing ever. Best thing BUSH can do is quit acting like he is some big WAR GENERAL. It's going to be young guys like me that get DRAFTED and have to fight in this WAR so that's the last thing I want to see. If IRAQ has nuclear weapons that's the UN's problem. If they decide to use them on us then that's our's and the rest of the WORLD'S problem. Stay out of a war if we can. Don't look for one. I myself believe in GOD and know that there will be a day that he will come back. But I and many others have a full life ahead and I want to have an opportunity to enjoy it. If WARS start there's a chance I won't see that opportunity. SO my opinion we need to stay away from WAR if possible.

01-31-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by raptor_02
I don't know if any of u r into religion and know alot about the bible but the bible says when the END OF TIME comes there will be lots of fighting with middle east countries. The last thing the WORLD needs is WARS. U think America is the top dog?? That's americas problem, we think were better than the world. It would scare me to death to see us piss someone like CHINA off . That would be the worst thing ever. Best thing BUSH can do is quit acting like he is some big WAR GENERAL. It's going to be young guys like me that get DRAFTED and have to fight in this WAR so that's the last thing I want to see. If IRAQ has nuclear weapons that's the UN's problem. If they decide to use them on us then that's our's and the rest of the WORLD'S problem. Stay out of a war if we can. Don't look for one. I myself believe in GOD and know that there will be a day that he will come back. But I and many others have a full life ahead and I want to have an opportunity to enjoy it. If WARS start there's a chance I won't see that opportunity. SO my opinion we need to stay away from WAR if possible.

you make it seem like it is Bush's fault the wars are starting, news flash, he is doing what US wanted months ago, justice for the Towers, Embassy's, etc that have been blown up, he is just doing what everyone over here wanted

If Iraq has nukes, thats just not Iran or Japans problem, that guy is crazy, he will blow up his own friends just to do it, its everyones problem if he gets his hands on long range nukes

01-31-2003, 10:31 PM
I don't know to much about that god stuff but I do agree Bush maybe could leave it be for maybe a while. On the other hand I am already in the Military and been to this war twice and getting ready to go again. Yeah it sucks but I signed up and I do love protecting my country and I will until I retire and hope the youunger guys and gals out there will let me live a nice life after that but I have seen so many people on here cry about being drafted and not wanting to go fight because I may die, well don't come I am almost positive there will never be a draft again and believe me if you don't want to be here we don't want you. Anyway I am sorry for the venting and rambling it is just hard to hear how people would turn there back on the US and it's Military if they were need, yet I ahve been gone and away from my wife and three daughters 6 of the last 14 months protecting them:(


P.S If you believe in God you should know that if it is your time you are going to pass wether it be at war or sitting on the can it just don't matter.

01-31-2003, 10:43 PM
i'm not turning my back on my country. If I was drafted I would pack my chit and go. Would I like it. NO!!!!!!!!!!! God bless u for protecting our country. One of my best buds that I played football with for 4 years is in the military and he told me all about. I strongly respect u guys. But if we can get out of WAR i say we do. WAR is the last option. But I just read something on YAHOO about IRAQ was hiding stuff from UN so if they have illegal weapons then I guess War is our only option. But why does USA always have to be the ones to disarm the NUCS , BIOS, and CHEM. weapons. Why don't other countries like RUSSIA and China jump in and help out. But it has nothing to do with turning my back on my country. Who likes WAR. No one in there right mind. But if you have to fight in combat i wish u the best of luck and you'll be in my prayers!

01-31-2003, 11:09 PM
Without getting into a huge debate or flaming match over religion and politics, I just want to say that I disagree with Raptor_02.

First off, your religious claims seem to indicate that if you were to die you wouldn't get to meet God. That's not the was it was taught at the church I grew up in. But that's neither here nor there.

Next, you say that if Iraq has nukes that's the UN's problem. WRONG ANSWER. If ANY third world country or loose cannon gets nukes that's EVERYONES problem. Nukes don't kill on a local scale, modern megaton yeilds kill indiscriminantly across borders and anywhere the trade winds carry the fallout. Next thing is that we haven't said that Iraq had nukes, we said they were trying to develop nukes and that they had chemical and biological weapons. If anyone would like to think otherwise, ask the people of Iraq that were used as guinney pigs for Saddam's chemical weapons. Oh, you can't. They're all dead. Or just keep watching the news and see when the official announcement comes linking Gulf War Syndrome to Serin or VX gas. How would the UN Coalition forces have been exposed to chemical weapons? We didn't use them.

North Korea is the ones that are developing ballistic missiles and trying to develop nuclear weapons. Do you think we should let things go right now since they can only reach Hawaii and Alaska, or should we wait until they have the capcbility of hitting the US mainland before we decide it's not a good idea for them to have nukes? They get their guiance systems from China, who got them from us compliments of Mr. Clinton via Boeing. China now has primitive forms of our own guidance systems. Do you think they work? I'd bet they do. Do you think we should just wait and see? Maybe let someplace like LA be removed from the map and then react? No thanks.

Sorry, touchy subject for me. No offense Raptor, I wasn't trying to target you. Just venting against the liberal viewpoint in general.

02-01-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by raptor_02
I don't know if any of u r into religion and know alot about the bible but the bible says when the END OF TIME comes there will be lots of fighting with middle east countries. The last thing the WORLD needs is WARS. U think America is the top dog?? That's americas problem, we think were better than the world. It would scare me to death to see us piss someone like CHINA off . That would be the worst thing ever. Best thing BUSH can do is quit acting like he is some big WAR GENERAL. It's going to be young guys like me that get DRAFTED and have to fight in this WAR so that's the last thing I want to see. If IRAQ has nuclear weapons that's the UN's problem. If they decide to use them on us then that's our's and the rest of the WORLD'S problem. Stay out of a war if we can. Don't look for one. I myself believe in GOD and know that there will be a day that he will come back. But I and many others have a full life ahead and I want to have an opportunity to enjoy it. If WARS start there's a chance I won't see that opportunity. SO my opinion we need to stay away from WAR if possible.

I'm not well versed in the political/ religon arena but here are my opinions...
There has been fighting in the middle east for thousands of years...
Most ALL wars have been based on religous beliefs...
The only ones who want WAR are religous zealots...
At the moment America IS "Top Dog" we fight for humanity and human rights. Maybe not everywhere, but we try.
If Iraq has nuclear it is our problem and every other country on Iraq's enemy list.
I agreee, WAR should be a last resort... but Bush jr. will finish what Bush sr. and Clinton should have.
I seriously doubt the Draft will ever be reinstated...If it is, then i'd be concerned about the "END".
IF you truly belive in God...You should have nothing to worry about.

Like Scott said, This isn't directed to you personally, you just brought up alot of points that alot of people have strong opinions on.


02-01-2003, 08:22 AM
it would be great if we could just get rid of all those countries and take em over ourselves, were smarter, were nicer and are women look better:p

02-01-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Scott
Without getting into a huge debate or flaming match over religion and politics, I just want to say that I disagree with Raptor_02.

First off, your religious claims seem to indicate that if you were to die you wouldn't get to meet God. That's not the was it was taught at the church I grew up in. But that's neither here nor there.

Next, you say that if Iraq has nukes that's the UN's problem. WRONG ANSWER. If ANY third world country or loose cannon gets nukes that's EVERYONES problem. Nukes don't kill on a local scale, modern megaton yeilds kill indiscriminantly across borders and anywhere the trade winds carry the fallout. Next thing is that we haven't said that Iraq had nukes, we said they were trying to develop nukes and that they had chemical and biological weapons. If anyone would like to think otherwise, ask the people of Iraq that were used as guinney pigs for Saddam's chemical weapons. Oh, you can't. They're all dead. Or just keep watching the news and see when the official announcement comes linking Gulf War Syndrome to Serin or VX gas. How would the UN Coalition forces have been exposed to chemical weapons? We didn't use them.

North Korea is the ones that are developing ballistic missiles and trying to develop nuclear weapons. Do you think we should let things go right now since they can only reach Hawaii and Alaska, or should we wait until they have the capcbility of hitting the US mainland before we decide it's not a good idea for them to have nukes? They get their guiance systems from China, who got them from us compliments of Mr. Clinton via Boeing. China now has primitive forms of our own guidance systems. Do you think they work? I'd bet they do. Do you think we should just wait and see? Maybe let someplace like LA be removed from the map and then react? No thanks.

Sorry, touchy subject for me. No offense Raptor, I wasn't trying to target you. Just venting against the liberal viewpoint in general. i understand your viewpoint. But at the time I made the first post I wasn't aware that IRAQ had been hiding stuff. There was a thing at www.yahoo.com that explained alot. When the UN weapon inspectors were there they have vids. of people hiding stuff and lieing to UN inspectors. The point I was making about if IRAQ does have nukes its the UN's problem. I think the whole world should turn on a country with NUCS. A 5lb nuc could probaly whype out the state of New York. Its scary to think what would happen if someone were to get use one in war. It seems USA is the only ones really strongly interested in getting rid of NUCS. I just figgured power house countries like RUSSIA and CHINA would want to help out instead of making us and our allies the only ones doing the work.

02-01-2003, 01:02 PM
Inisde sources say we (the Air Force active duty) are going to deploy soon.....so I'd say war is likely. I have a little theory too.....Saddam has had these weapons for years now and why has it taken so long for us to elevate the issue to this level? I'm not even sure this IS soley about weapons of mass destruction...at least the the entire issue. I think it's the weapons in addition to the threat of Iraq getting a monopoly on the worlds oil reserves plus Bush wanting to finish what his father should have the first time. I'm not for a war taking place but I can understand how valuable this is to our economy and our persuit of freedom. So let's go drop some bombs, finish what we should have years ago, come home and be with our families!!!!!!!


02-01-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by killerworm
Inisde sources say we (the Air Force active duty) are going to deploy soon.....so I'd say war is likely. I have a little theory too.....Saddam has had these weapons for years now and why has it taken so long for us to elevate the issue to this level? I'm not even sure this IS soley about weapons of mass destruction...at least the the entire issue. I think it's the weapons in addition to the threat of Iraq getting a monopoly on the worlds oil reserves plus Bush wanting to finish what his father should have the first time. I'm not for a war taking place but I can understand how valuable this is to our economy and our persuit of freedom. So let's go drop some bombs, finish what we should have years ago, come home and be with our families!!!!!!!

Mason well said!!!

02-01-2003, 05:22 PM
Yeah Jim you ready:macho bombs are going to fly


02-01-2003, 09:04 PM
Bombs will say: To Iraq...from USA with Love :D :devil

Having those kinda of weapons is everyones problem. He could sell them to some other little country across the planet, and they could blow up stuff.

In short....I'm not worried about the countries that have 100's of Nukes.....I'm worried about the ones that are trying to make one, or just have one, and are silly enough to use it.

02-01-2003, 09:20 PM
And who developed the first nuclear weapon, the lovely u s of a.

02-01-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by FreeStylexrider
And who developed the first nuclear weapon, the lovely u s of a.

.....and it SAVED more lives than it took. ENDED a bloody war. The ultimate weapon. Some of these people make me sick. I am a vet as well. This should have been done years ago, yes, but it wasn't Bush Sr.'s fault. The UN mandate DID NOT GIVE PERMISSION to take out Saddam. It DID give permission to push Iraq from Kuwait, that is what we did. Blame the UN. They are anti-american as ANY of the Muslim countries. As for religion, nice story, but just that, a story. How can you say YOUR religion is the TRUE religion and the MUSLIMS say THEIR'S is, and the BUDDISTS say the same thing? Somebody is wrong, eh? There WILL BE NO DRAFT!!! With honorable patriots like Jay, Mason, blaster37's cousin and all those who came and went before us, we don't NEED or WANT you sorry-***** anti-war people. You all still seem to forget all the men and women who died so you can have the luxury of sitting here and passing judgement on others, with little or no consequence. You may get your feelings hurt, but that is the extent of it. Bush Jr is doing EXACTLY what is needed....PROTECTING THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. The USA doesn't need the permission of an appeasing bunch of LIBERALS in the UN to do what is necessary to keep us safe. Iraq doesn't have nukes, if he did, he would have had one set off here in the US. HE wants them. He will do what he has to, to get them. He has been selling oil ( to France and Germany ) for years. The money was supposed to be used to feed and protect his people, but he has spent it on himself instead. Billions of $$$$ have been spent on his "palaces" ( Weapon factories) while his people have staved to death.

BTW Freestylexrider, get your facts straight, GERMANY developed the 1st. We just perfected it before them. We had to drop them, or they would have. Go look it up.

Last thing...All you people who want to avoid war.....OPEN your eyes. We cannot sit back and let this go on any longer. It needs done...NOW. How would we deal with Iraq if they acquired Nukes? If left to the UN, he will. Then we have another KOREA on our hands.

Grow up, think for yourself, look at history, it is there, you just need to find the truth and it ISN'T on CNN, ABC,NBC or any other mainstream news channel.

02-03-2003, 01:21 PM
looks like its getting closer. on friday, fellow member , treehugger, will be deployed to kuwait. may god be with all of americas men and women in our armed forces.

02-03-2003, 01:28 PM
Yeah it is getting closer. I am sitting here with my fingers crossed that I get to stay home this time. I have only been back for 2 months and cold be gone in as little as a week or so:(


02-03-2003, 01:53 PM
Oh Jay....I was born for this sh%t. You ready?

You guys on the forum...if we do go let us know what you want written on YOUR bombs and DESDAK4 and I will shooot ya a pick of your message on a bomb!!!!


02-03-2003, 01:57 PM
I'm game if you have a message we should be able to send it.


02-03-2003, 02:18 PM
write smething like,

Greetings from american, or get a rope with a brick on the end with like a piece of corn on it and then when u shoot off the bomb all of the "animals" will run after the piece of corn and boom they would all be dead,,, or just write something like sudam jusane cant handle a honda, thats why he rides a banshee...

02-03-2003, 02:23 PM
"Catch"from ExRiders!!:D

02-03-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
"Catch"from ExRiders!!:D

me likey:devious:

02-03-2003, 03:22 PM
Maybe something like, "Thanks for the sand...raghead!"

02-03-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Lrd Mx400ex
me likey:devious:

so we dont get those camel jockeys hacking into Exriders.com, why not write on it: catch, with best regards blasterhq.com

02-03-2003, 03:53 PM
I think we should take Pappy with us and have him PC one!! Maybe Honda red with a pair of wings on each side.....

"With love....the anti-ragheads"


02-03-2003, 04:51 PM
So should we see if he wants to go or just take him? I don't don't think he would fight much remember the Air Force is the ones that send their Officers to fight while we go to the bar for a night out:D


02-03-2003, 05:10 PM
To use one from right after Semptember 11, 2001:

Saddam has won the toss and elected to recieve.

Or Courtesey of the Red White and Blue.

Maybe the Red White and Just Blew your ***** Up?

Or for the AC/DC fans out there, You've Been Thunderstuck.

But hey, I'd be happy with a big F You.

My appologies to anyone offended by the implied profanity.

02-03-2003, 05:16 PM
I found this today. It's not totally my views, but I thought it was an excellent point.



02-03-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by NJ300ex
I found this today. It's not totally my views, but I thought it was an excellent point.




"That's why I want to blow up Mr Johnson's garage and kill his wife and children. Strike first!"

02-03-2003, 05:55 PM
I say we just take him along with us....he could PC the whole desert for all I care!!! May actually look nice hten...hehe!! Whadya think Jay?

02-03-2003, 06:23 PM
i am all for war, at this point it is neccessary to preserve our way of life. i think that we need to start kicking out all the illegal immagrants in this country waiting to suicide bomb us. jay i agree with you a hundred percent. and from reading the previous posts in this thread i feel like if you don't like the way this country is then get the fu*k out. i think we need to support the president in these times, i have faith in him and he will do what is necessary to keep us safe. have we forgotten 911, so many quick to forget. realize that when you buy gas and oil your helping fuek terrorism, now i don';'t think we should stop driving SUV's or any of hat but what we need to do is go over there and take OUR oil back, who do you think set up all the equipment over there...we did and i can't wait till i go to the gas station and i's 10 cents a gallon. when we do go to war i wish all the brave soldiers a safe return, you guys are all hero's already.....and i will take you up on a message on a bomb i got some personal stuff id love to send over there...thanks for reading

02-03-2003, 06:29 PM
I am very sure my new dunes will need a little color:devil
