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Honda 250r 001
04-11-2010, 02:07 PM
My 250r seems to be shifting a little funny lately. Sometimes when im drag racing friends, it mis shifts and pops out of gear. Im pulling the lever all the way up, and im pulling hte clutch all the way in, and im letting completely off the throttle. Now, i do this faster than you can blink your dam eye, but this never happens to me when im riding my friends raptor, and when i do mine, i have to shift slower... The tranny all looked fine when i last took it apart, but next time i have it apart, shes getting undercutting.

BUT, is there some springs or something that i need to replace or something to make it go into gear and not come out so easily? OR should i just pull it now, have it undercutted right now?

86 Quad R
04-12-2010, 07:21 AM
how'd the dog ears look on the tranny? what did the shift forks look like when you had it down? how tight were the shift drum bearings and did you make sure that you used lock tite on the lil ears that retain the drum bearing?

Honda 250r 001
04-12-2010, 07:45 AM
Gears all looked like new, (thats why i want to get something done FAST because the tranny was like new, and i dont want to trash a like new tranny.) Shift forks were NOT like new, but they werent poor by any means, shift drum was in good shape, drum bearing is tight with locktite on the bolts. Im going to check the spring on the shift drum next time its apart. Isint that what puts in ingear after you let off the shifter?

86 Quad R
04-12-2010, 07:52 AM
ummmm no.... the only spring is the one that holds tension on the "roller" against the "shift star". and ofcourse those that are in the lil flapper looking things in the actual shift mechanism. how did the dog ears look? the rounding of those will start giving issues.

Honda 250r 001
04-12-2010, 08:44 AM
Well last time i had my shift mechanism apart, I flipped around the shift pieces that run against the shift star. So that they had a nice squre edge to work with. I think ill start this time by getting a new star, and the pawls, and most of the componets in there.

Does this sound like a start? or what do you suggest 86quadR?