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View Full Version : Ugh, the frustration.

04-02-2010, 06:03 PM
So of course tonight I was literally doing the easiest thing that you can do to a wheeler. I was just tightening the chain and one of the bolts that you have to loosen was being a pain in the *** so I put a little muscle on it and the head of the bolt snaps off. Of course. I assume this is still safe to ride on because there are still 3 other bolts but I can’t tighten the chain with it like that. It should be fine for the short term but I’m going to have to tighten the chain eventually. Can somebody enlighten me on how I can get that thing out without taking the whole sway arm/rear axle assembly out and drilling the bolt off with a mill and re-tapping the hole?

God that frustrates me that I screwed up the simplest thing. :mad:

04-02-2010, 06:42 PM

04-02-2010, 06:43 PM
ez out is what they are called I think. I have never used one. You can also get a reverse drill bit.

04-02-2010, 06:47 PM
alright thanks. such a pain in the *** lol

04-02-2010, 07:11 PM
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT USE AN EZ OUT, it will most likely break after you drill it and leave a nice piece in there which you cannot drill easily.

Get some good drill bits and go to work, start with a smaller size and move up one by one. When you reach one thats just larger than the threads you will be fine.

Then you got 2 choices, drill all the way thru and use a bolt and nut or tap for a slightly larger size.

The EZ out will break, I wouldnt even try it imho.

04-02-2010, 07:56 PM
i was actually thinking about that because ive heard of things like that not working before. ill probably just drill it but i dont think i have a tap big enough for that hole.

04-02-2010, 08:16 PM
ez outs break on small bolts, I would drill it like other have already recommended. Not fun, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Make sure you get some nice cobalt drills or another hard material, will make the drilling somewhat bearable.

04-02-2010, 08:22 PM
yeah drilling is going to be a pain. im going to go out and get some real nice bits and a tap that will work for it. start with the small size and work up to the final diameter in steps. thats what i learned in shop. but now thinking about it that bolt is probably about a half inch and idk if i have a drill that would even work for that.

04-02-2010, 08:30 PM
They make necked down drill bits (the part that goes into the drill is thinner than the actual bit).

Remember, lots of oil, take your time, centerpunch it and you will make your life easy.

In reality once you drill it out you got a few choices:

1. Tap to next size, metric would be best.
2. Helicoil, but this usually only works on short bolts.
3. Time-sert, this is similar to a helicoil but its an entire insert that allows you to use the original bolt size.

Me, I would drill and tap for next size up. You can find the taps at sears possibly or harbor freight will be cheap or order online if you know the size and cant find it. This isnt the kinda job you want to skimp on since its such an important part.