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View Full Version : pro wedge/4 snow tires

03-31-2010, 07:54 PM
does anyone know if pro wedge tires (same as 4 snow tires) will pull in the sand? I am going to the dunes this saturday and plan on drag racing, but am having trouble finding sand paddles for a good price. I will get some tomorrow if these won't work well. Im sure someone has used these before since they are pretty popular (well for drag racing). thanks ,neil

03-31-2010, 08:53 PM
or does anyone know if dune sliders would be a good choice? found some, need them for drag racing and hill climbing, they are 8 paddle, I have advanced timing, cpi's, mild port and polish, +4 swinger, reeds. thanks, neil

04-01-2010, 07:26 AM
I have run prowedges in the sand several times. Not the best for climbing monster straight up dunes like at St Anthonies because they dont have deep enough depth to the paddles . But for drag racing and regular dunes they get the job done well. If you have a set and dont dune on a regular basis then I wouldnt buy sand only tires. I would also run them backwards .

As far as dune only tires . I recomend 6 or 7 paddles for under 50 horsepower and 8 to 9 for 50hp and up.

04-02-2010, 02:27 PM
would i have a problem with the bike not making it up the dunes with my girlfriend on the back?