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View Full Version : I Am Sick Of This Crap!!!

01-27-2003, 06:15 PM
OK I am so sick and tired of people geting hurt and DIEING when they shouldn't all just because of the EMS people not knowing what the heck they are supposed to do!! I watched I guy saturday at Weatherford MX park Die because of a crash. Now I dont know if he could have been saved in his case but I know that people have come to close to loosing there life because of the EMS not knowing what to do and I dont want to be one of them.When this man died i was the first one to get to him after he went through a fence. I got the dirt bike off of him and tried to talk to him but was geting no response.I am pretty sure he was gone when I got to him. But I watched the EMS person not being sure about giving him mouth to mouth when performing CPR. He almost in a way made a rider hat was out there do it! Then after they couldn't get air down his lungs because he had swallowed his tounge they should have cut into his throught to get a tub in thre to get oxygen to him or something! But they kind of gave up on the poor man. We need to get better trained EMS Crews.His name was James and he was 32. GODSPEED JAMES

01-27-2003, 06:20 PM
its sad to hear of anyone suffering fatal injuries..............but please tell me HOW it is the EMS guys fault? If I crash my quad in the woods & they can't get to me in time, I guess that will be the helicopter pilots fault?

01-27-2003, 06:23 PM
I agree.... Its not their fault. He might have been to far gone and not savable.

Its very sad to hear this happen :( . The thing I hate it when people get injurged or killed by an accident.

01-27-2003, 07:07 PM
I am not saying it was there fault that he died but I am saying that I have seen many cases where they are not qualified to do there job. I have seen a friend of mine crash and they couldn't even get a IV in him or get air for him. I just think that they need to bemore qualified to do there job before someone looses there life

01-27-2003, 07:12 PM
haha, at my first xc race there was just this old guy that sat by a fire with a little box with a cross on it, im sure it prolly only had bandaids and maybe some tylenol, i know i wouldnt have trusted him with my life.:rolleyes:

01-27-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
I am not saying it was there fault that he died but I am saying that I have seen many cases where they are not qualified to do there job. I have seen a friend of mine crash and they couldn't even get a IV in him or get air for him. I just think that they need to bemore qualified to do there job before someone looses there life

there is a shortage of qualified medical personel these days. mostly due to the fear of law suits for malpractice..............maybe YOU should become an EMT & volunteer to sit at races all weekend cleaning up the crash victims?

I think the race sponsors should be more responsible and quit building jumps that are way too huge for the track conditions, and heats that are WAY too crowded. then the EMT's could sit around like the maytag man & have nothing to do.

01-27-2003, 07:43 PM
i dont think its the EMS fualt for not getting there in time but it would be there fualt if they were unproperaly trained

01-27-2003, 07:46 PM
a not saying it was there fault I just wish they were more qualified for the job

01-27-2003, 07:47 PM
yes they would they could see what kinda coffee stains the worse for the maytag guy................

01-27-2003, 07:51 PM
well he may of been dead, did they check for any signs of life? id say if they werent doin stuff like that they dont deserve to have the job, i rember one pro mx rider, in late 70s marty smith i think , was injured and ems left him in the middle of the track and in hospital forever which somehow ended hsi career, u always gotta thinkk there is no ems everytime u get on the quad, if u cant handle thinkin i could die then dont ride quads, thats why people sue, they dont realize they could die everytime they ride then its the people who makes em fault if i made a quad id have big stickers that said riding this will kill u or seriously injure u, then only the people expoirenced will ride

01-27-2003, 08:08 PM
99% of all trackside EMS is volunteer. they are trained and certified EMT's and FIRST RESPONDERS. and from first hand expierence....getting to someone who is FUBAR isnt always a see monkey do operation. TRACEADEMIES (sp?) arent recommended or practical. im sorry to hear of this person losing thier life, but instead of riding...maybe you could take some training and help out a little instead of bashing those of us that take our personal time and help others.

venting over now:)

01-27-2003, 08:13 PM
i agree with pappy. my dad has been on the fire dept and was a first respondor for a couple years and its all volunteer accept for he gets like 15bucks a year and taxes cut.

01-27-2003, 08:36 PM
jeez, so becuase he only gets 15 bucks he isnt gonna try as hard?:(

Tommy 17
01-27-2003, 08:46 PM
i don't wanna start a new tread... but listen to this freak accident that happened last night...

we had a bad snow storm here and a kid was backin down a drive way... he couldn't see out the back window so he opened the door and stuck his head out... he backed into a brick pilar or something and it shut the door on his head killing him... now whats the odds of that????

and i had a ems person that saved my leg at the track... if it wasn't for him being cool and doin his job i wouldn't have a leg right now...

01-27-2003, 08:48 PM
no he tries hard and works his arse off when there is a fire. im just saying these ppl most likely havnt been going to school for medical for a long time so they dont know everything they probably should.

Dune Surfer
01-27-2003, 08:59 PM
It's very sad to see anyone hurt or worse. Let remember that nobody forces us to ride and we must each take the responsibility for our own actions. Face it quads are very dangerous. I ride at Glamis ans see people hurt or sadly killed all the time. It is almost always because of there own actions. You really can't blame a EMS, I'm sure the last thing in the world he wanted was to watch the guy die.
I understand how you feel though, I have seen people die and it seems so senseless.
I hope you are ok.It take time to come to grips with mortality.

01-27-2003, 09:28 PM
One thing you should know (if you don't already) is that not every EMS person is a full fledged paramedic. Their are also 3 other classes of emergency personel. EMT Paramedic is the tops, they can intubate (stick a tube all the way down your throat), insert intraveneous drugs, and all the good stuff you would see on an action drama. Next down are the EMT Intermediates which can do almost all a paramedic can do, more restrictions though. Then there are EMT Basics like myself, which most trackside EMT's are. We can not give tracheatomies (how the heck DO you spell that?!) or IV's or even open a bag of sterile saleen solution. Then at the bottom you have First responders. they cant do much of anything except give cpr and other basic techniques. The restrictions on emergency personel are placed on them to protect patients. You wouldn't want me pushing some drug into your veins because I don't even know how. with each level of certification you are required to have more and more ongoing education.

I am sorry. I get so long-winded. what I am trying to say is don't judge what you think they should have done because chances are you could be wrong or they may not be properly trained.

On a different note I would like to see all tracks be required to have a full fledged team (of 2) paramedics on hand at every event. I hate hearing of news like this and I wouldn't mind paying an extra buck or two in entry fee for an assurance like that.

my prayers are with the family


01-27-2003, 10:57 PM
This thread brings up a very good point, something I had not thought of. Walking over to the ambulance BEFORE the race and asking the medics if one of them is a EMT Paramedic may save your life. If they do not have the training to do the job, IV, tracheotemy,(sp) advanced life saving procedures, the track owner should be notified at once. He just pays to have a ambulance there, he or she probably does not know what training they have. Would you let your son/ friend/yourself race if you knew the medics could not do procedures to save their or your life?

01-28-2003, 04:03 AM
like pappy said it's a big responsibilty. these days a lot of stuff slides that shouldn't for example EMTs unfortunatly. but i meen it takes a lot of guts to be an EMT. who wants to walk up on a crash with 3 little kids who are mangled to death with their parents? sure as **** not me. i get freaked out a bit when i see a bear den for christ sakes. i used to be a life guard when i was younger and that was pretty cool. i never had to do anything crazy but i used to know CPR and stuff, but i kinda forgot now. just getting basic first aide like first response stuff is pretty cool. i meen serriously dude since the EMTs in your area aren't all that great. or at least the ones at the track you should maybe get your training or encourage someone you can trust to do it.

i meen like i said it's not for everyone so the people who were complaing that you should do it is kinda BS. you do have the right to *****, thats like saying you don't have the right to complain about microsoft windows crashing on you all the time or something. most the time it's not the software's fault but sometimes..beside the point =P just because it's buggy software doesn't meen you need to learn how to program so you can fix it. not that you could anyways since MS won't give out their source codes hehe.

but same thing, you shouldn't make a person feel guilty that they might not even be capable of. you still have the right to make observations and judgements. i just hate to see one guy jump down someone's throat and then everyone else. that can make a person feel stupid for voicing their opion wich is wrong no matter what. but it's still no exscuse to sit on your arse and complain on message boards all day, not saying you do but lots of folks do.

speaking of long winded...heh sorry once again

01-28-2003, 04:19 AM
ROGERS pretty much summed it up...............sorry if my version came across too harsh. I am also sorry that someone had to die for us to have this discussion.

The last race I was at there was a large set of tripples in front of the stands. The atv guys were doubling & then crusing over the 3rd jump before cornering. The dirtbike guys had the power to tripple.........but crowded heats & fatigue sent 4 people to the hospital on that one jump!
at one point.........both meat wagons were gone to the hospital with crashed racers when the last guy crashed on the tripple. He crashed hard & he layed there for a very long time waiting for one of the ambulances to return to the track. If you ask me, thats an irresponsible track owner, and track builder.
#1 the races should have been held up until an ambulance was on site.

#2 the track was way too small for a jump that size (no room to get a run & get slowed back down properly)

#3 the track was way too small for the number of riders in each heat.

rant off........

01-28-2003, 09:51 AM

01-28-2003, 02:15 PM
unfortunatly we don't have much MX stuff over on the west coast, especialy in oregon. so i don't really get to watch but i can totaly understand what your saying 4punks. i meen afterall big jumps and crashes are what the fans are paying for right?

01-28-2003, 03:42 PM
so how exactly did that guy crash???? just asking so maybe i can preavent that somhow

01-28-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
OK I am so sick and tired of people geting hurt and DIEING when they shouldn't all just because of the EMS people not knowing what the heck they are supposed to do!! ...

Then after they couldn't get air down his lungs because he had swallowed his tounge they should have cut into his throught to get a tub in thre to get oxygen to him or something! ....

Can you be that ignorant?

Having spent 10 years in emergency service, and 3 years as an assistant chief people like you really torque me off...

Go down to your local fire house, sign up as a volunteer, spend about 300-400 hours in the basic EMT class, then go on about 50 runs.. If you make it that far you can *****... (you won't)



01-28-2003, 05:15 PM
sorry didnt mean to be ignorant it is just hard to see someone loose there life right infront of you like that and not feel like everything was done to save him. ........ he was riding a dirt bike and lost it in the last whoop in the whoop section and he jumped a berm landed and did a wheelie and went through a fence.......I think he broke his neck. I think they should raise the fences a little they are too low. They are at about neck hieght which I think is at a bad hiegth............and also they had a ambulence there and they didnt load him into that one to take him to the hospital they waited for the one from the hospital one to get there but he was gone by then. Is there a reason the didnt use the one at the track to take him??

01-28-2003, 05:31 PM
Like someone else said before, it depends on their level of training. I am a EMT Intermediate in Ga. and we can do IVs and other stuff but can not do trachs, push drugs and so forth.

I have been a Veterinary Tech for 8 years and a EMT/FF for 2 and there are still times when I can not get a IV placed. That guy might have been in shock, had internal bleeding, broken bone or many othe things that make it very hard to place a line.

At least in Ga we are required to have 240hrs of training a year. So even if they have not been in school for years they are still trained. Besides most EMTs I know say in school you learn how to pass regersity (sp) then you learn how to become a EMT.

Sorry so long


01-28-2003, 05:36 PM
All i gotta say is that this is WAY FREAKY. MY name is JAMES. I live in Texas. And my race NUMBER is 32.

...great. now my wife sais i can't race anymore. I guess i'm going to have to take her shopping now to get her mind off if it.....

...sorry about the loss though. But can i make a REALLY GREAT SUGGESTION. Contact your local Red Cross and get yourself CPR certified!!!!! It doesn't cost that much 20 bucks or so. And sometimes they will offer a free class. 1 day of training could save someones life!

01-28-2003, 06:57 PM
we had a bad snow storm here and a kid was backin down a drive way... he couldn't see out the back window so he opened the door and stuck his head out... he backed into a brick pilar or something and it shut the door on his head killing him... now whats the odds of that????

that reminds me of metztopia when metz opens the door up and sticks his legs out and the door hits something and closes on his legs....

i dont think anyone is to blame, a track is suppose to be hard, if u think its dangerous dont race at it, u think ems isnt trained dont race

01-28-2003, 08:11 PM
...great. now my wife sais i can't race anymore. I guess i'm going to have to take her shopping now to get her mind off if it.....

y did you tell her? and thats got to suck dieing of fence or somthing like that...if im going to die raceing it better be off a big jump

01-28-2003, 08:13 PM

01-28-2003, 08:21 PM
im just saying that i dont wont to die on something stupid like door or stuff like that.....i herd of this one kid who died of a piceal....it was on his bed and he jumped on it and it went right threw his hart....all im saying is that if im going to die i liked for it to be somthing that i love

01-28-2003, 08:23 PM
That sounds a little bettr I think:huh :macho

Martin Blair
01-28-2003, 08:31 PM
Well maybe you should take a class on cpr or firstaid, if you knew how to help you might ahve saved him, not putting anythign on you but i dont think its anyones fault really, you know **** happens. Its siad that people have to die, but sometimes things happen and you can stop them.

01-28-2003, 08:34 PM
I am not saying they could have saved him because he broke his neck but I have seen them in other cases where they have performed poorly

01-28-2003, 09:18 PM
that's it, wind me up...

Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
I have seen them in other cases where they have performed poorly

boy.. I was going to let this drop (and probably should).. but I just can't let it slide...

Was it your high level of medical training that allowed you to decide they performed poorly? Or was it because they failed to emulate the good doc's on ER?

EMS is out there doing it 24/7.. Elbow deep in stuff that would give you nightmares for weeks..

I tell you what, I'll give you the typical EMS pack (stethescope, CPR mask, couple airways, couple neck collars, and some bandaids).. Let's see how you do when the cow patties hit the fan..


there, that's my last rant about this..


01-28-2003, 09:24 PM
My bad man didnt mean to get you mad I am just worried about who is going to be saving my life if I get hurt. I am very appreciative of the work that they do. Its just I was kinda worried asout it thats all I didnt mean to offend you

01-28-2003, 09:24 PM
u shouldnt ride if u worry about dieing everytime

01-28-2003, 09:28 PM
I dont worry about it all the time, I know its a risky sport and I love it to the greatest extint and I know its is always a possibilty.

01-28-2003, 09:28 PM
nightmares:( i went thru 10 years of annual AIDS testing because of a combative drunk driver with an sucking chest wound. he came too and went nuts , i was covered in his blood. it was a big sigh of relief to hit the 10 year mark.....lots to think about when you help others these days:(

01-28-2003, 09:31 PM
wow pappy:( glad it all turned out ok

01-28-2003, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
wow pappy:( glad it all turned out ok

we had another guy...he was 20....got stuck with a needle after injecting an OD patient.....i thought he was gonna kill himself...it ate him up for years worrying about it. but he has been testing negative since 1995 so i reckon he dodged a bullet.

i was at a MX race 2 years ago....watched a quad rider nose dive a big jump....the EMS personel couldnt get an airway....it was because the riders teeth were clogging his throat. the rider died 2 days later.....but no matter what type of care he was given ....he was done for the second he hit the ground.

01-28-2003, 09:52 PM
I worked as an Orderly in the local ER a few years ago. One of my duties was to keep the bays clean. I was wiping down the Biohazard bin and a doc or nurse left a used syringe laying on top of it:rolleyes:. I bumped the plunger end of the thing and it fell off the top. I jumped back, and it stuck needle first right in the end of my shoe. I was so glad it didn't get me!

I quit after I saw a 6 year old die from drowning. I had to operate the ambu bag, and that was too close for comfort. See? I still think about it....

01-28-2003, 09:59 PM
they deserve credit for helping even a lil its good knowiin they are there

01-28-2003, 10:00 PM
All of you made some very good points. I dont know, I guess if you go fast doing something you enjoy, thats the best way. Its a shame, but accidents do happen, and people do die. Its hard if they are close to you.

Leo is right, Its one thing to watch EMT's at work on TV, but its another whole ball game to see it it person. Those things kind of stay with you. I would not want to be a EMT. Hats off to them, they have my respect. Policemen too, they have a hard job.

And yes.... it makes me feel better riding by the fire station, seeing that ambulance and fire truck there, or that cop riding by in his cruiser, ready to help.

01-28-2003, 10:04 PM
ask my cousin he almost died , hes a member here j37 he got landed on by 4 quads im glad the emt people were there cuz no one else knew what to do , we should all be glad that someone is there to help us if we need it

01-29-2003, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
My bad man didnt mean to get you mad I am just worried about who is going to be saving my life if I get hurt. I am very appreciative of the work that they do. Its just I was kinda worried asout it thats all I didnt mean to offend you

with only 83 posts I am guessing you might have no idea who leo is? :o

thats ONE guy around here you don't want to piss off.

01-29-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by mxracer89
im just saying that i dont wont to die on something stupid like door or stuff like that.....i herd of this one kid who died of a piceal....it was on his bed and he jumped on it and it went right threw his hart....all im saying is that if im going to die i liked for it to be somthing that i love

I am no fan of flaming each other...............but damn dude, you need to brush up on the english language.

01-29-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
with only 83 posts I am guessing you might have no idea who leo is? :o

thats ONE guy around here you don't want to piss off.
LOL I will keep that in mind thanks;)

01-29-2003, 08:03 PM
in this sport, it seems like almost EVERYONE is willing to help you out if it's just to see if your ok or whatever. when i went down all the guys came over and made sure i was ok. they were real nice about it. when i go to the track, there are ambulences and meds everywhere.

01-29-2003, 08:22 PM
I dunno much about being a doctor or anything but as much as it costs and as clueless as some have been around me when i've been in the emergency room it kinda makes you mad and my grandmother died from a mistake from a surgery when she was younger. I dunno what to think, seems like they are making a lot of mistakes but there is so much they gotta know and sometimes don't know whats all wrong with the people when they get taken in or if they are allergic, on medication, ect. I know i'd hate having all that responsibility in a job.

As ol' forrest gump says....