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View Full Version : Help installing MSR AOF lever/perch! won't angage

03-29-2010, 06:08 PM
So I installed my new MSR AOF clutch lever/perch today and I cant seem to get the adjustment right. Could somebody please tell me the step by step on how I should have installed it? I am using my stock clutch cable as of now, I was not able to make it to the Honda dealer to get a new cable, my cable is the one that came on the bike in 01'.

So down to my problem, what should the setting be on the perch? all the way in, mid ways, or mostly out??

Also, down on the motor side, I move it to the left just about as far as I can go, but when you pull in clutch, and try to roll, you can feel a slight grab, also if you stand beside the quad and pull in the clutch and try to start it in gear with lever pulled all the way in, it barely trys to "walk" forward, i.e. clutch not pulled in all the way. I have tried to then tighten on the perch, but has little to no effect. And when I adjust on the motor side to the right, its worse.

Help! Do I just need a new cable, or am I adjusting something wrong?

Oh and note that I didnt have this problem with my stock perch, only when I put my new one in

03-29-2010, 06:34 PM

03-29-2010, 06:52 PM
I would assume you are adjusting the cable wrong if it gets worse when adjusting on the motor. Your problems sound like an adjustment issue to me, a cable shouldn't stretch enough to throw your adjustments off that much. I would just keep screwing around with the adjusters until it feels right.

03-29-2010, 07:28 PM
went out and tried everything, again, and still nothing. I have tried every possible thing.

any suggestions?

And I will go and buy a new cable tomorrow, should I buy a stock one or get an aftermarket one, like motion pro or something? thanks