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View Full Version : Rough weekend and time for surgery

03-28-2010, 07:55 PM
I spent a few hours in the ER today. Ive been ill for a full month and went in to be treated for Bronchitis and Asthma as my airways were closing up . I was in really bad pain from what I THOUGHT was most likley a pulled muscle from horrible cough.

But since it was so painful to where the Morphine wasnt killing it ,they sent me in for MRI or cat scan(cant remember what they called ) to check for broken ribs ect...let me also say I had some of the best pain killers today that I have EVER had !! :D lol

Found I have Gall Stones, which didnt surprise me as I knew I had stones years ago Ive just dealt with the attacks all this time.
Im going to see about having it removed, but Ive heard Pros and Cons to having that done. The laast couple have been nightmare stories so for what is most liekly a simple in/out procedure, Im kinda nervous to have done !:p
I HATE anything to do with Dr.'s. I guess you could say I havea "phobia" of them . lol
Seems like everytime I go to one ,they find something wrong.

They found something else that was questionable, so Ill have to keep an eye on that as well with some tests too.

What I wanted ot know is has anyone here had theres out and what was it like ? How long are you out for ? What cant you eat anymore, becuase I heard once you have it out you cant eat salads, Mexican foods ect.. and those are both my FAVORITE foods !

I was also told if you let a sick Gall Bladder go too long it can be fatal, so that made me think a little more serious about having it done .
Hope this all makes sense, Im still pretty doped up . LOL
Thanks for the info Guys and Gals ! :)

03-28-2010, 07:59 PM
My aunt had hers removed, she couldnt eat ANYTHING with seeds, nuts, tomatos/acidic stuff.

Not sure about everything else. But I would say your at the last resort if the stones keep coming back.

03-29-2010, 07:11 AM
My grandpa had some of his out.....I'm fairly confident he still eats everything (mashed potatoes and roast!)....had them lasered out, and I think it was basically a painless procedure for him.

03-29-2010, 11:04 AM
I had mine removed a couple of weeks ago. I can eat anything I want and was testing foods 2 days later. Mine was inflamed but they still got it out without doing the big cut. I just have the 4 small scars. I went in at 730am on Friday the 12th and was home by noon but I slept most of the day. Take it easy for awile. I have a deskjocky job so I went back wed- fri 1/2 days then full days the next week. I have no weight restictions anymore. I am lucky with the diet. If you have smaller stones get it out of there asap. You can have some major issues. I had 41 and was told by the dr that these smaller ones were the most dangerous kind.

03-29-2010, 12:01 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad luck Tina.

My mom had hers taken out a few years back . She was in the hospital for 4 days I think ( but my mom has a blood disorder so surgeries are complicated for her ). I remember her attacks ... I thought she was dieing sometimes ... the pain she was in was incredible .

As far as foods, she can eat whatever she wants and it doesn't bother her.

Yes if you let it go on for too long it can be very dangerous. You have the risk of Jaundice (I think I spelt it right) and that can turn fatal. I saw a guy while I was in the hospital that had it and he was banana yellow ( at first I thought he had a really bad spray on tan lol) . Get it taken out.

I have gall stones , but so far they haven't given me any problems ( touch wood) . Greasy , fatty foods don't help the cause , if you're into that type of food.

03-29-2010, 12:45 PM
Thanks for the scoop !
I have never seen stones before -GGGGROSS ! lol :p
painful-YES. Especially since Ive been fighting Bronchitis for 5 weeks now on top of it . I thought the pain was all from coughing and pulled something . Apparently its a gall bladder attack . They gave me some massive shot for pain and its mellowed out but at some point I need it taken out .
Maybe Ill try and time it the week before Nats so I can chill abit longer ...:D