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View Full Version : deciphering dreams. . had a freaky one

03-24-2010, 08:15 AM
Ok, so I know I may get laughed at out of this but I gotta get some opinions on it

Now this is pretty long. Up front let me mention a few things. 1, I have mono and have been running a fever for about a month and have had crazy night sweats and unable to eat/sleep

2. My gf is pregnant in real life

3. I ran outta my trazadone and have been off of it for a week or so and just took it again for the first time last night

just throwin it out cause maybe it had an effect on my dream...

So here we go.

I get a call from a guy saying he will trade me exectly what I want for the bike that I have now. Im pumped obviously, and say yes. So we trade. He brings over everything, just like he said. I have a brand new quad of every make, new luxury cars, a new hot rod camaro... anything a guy could ever want

So I hop in the new luxury car, and pick up my buddy. We are cruising around and he is talking about things that I dont understand at all. I let it go and go with the flow. I get pulled over, and the cop walks up and says hey, i know you and let me go.

So I pick up my gf. We head to some upper class jewely store. We walk in and they know us by name. They take us to the back of the store and start showing us the most expensive items on the market. Things my gf requested to have made. I buy them, we leave and head to a fancy clothes store. The sales woman is showing her again the crazy high prices on the tag and im shocked. Im thinking wtf ya know. She pays for them. Im getting freaked out so I run out to the car and take off.

At about that time, I hear a phone ringing. Its in the glovebox of the new car. Its not my old phone, but a new one. Its ringing off the hook from famous people that I admired and aspired to be like. They are asking about hanging out. So now im in a full blown panic. Im just out driving like a maniac by myself.

The next call I get on my phone is the department store we were at earlier that night saying that I left kim up there and shee needs a ride. I freak out thinking shes going to kill me. I hurry back there and am running around the store trying to find her. I finally do and shes totally chill and happy. Its pretty eeire. So I break down to her. Tell her idk whats going on and I dont recognize anything. She laughs and says lets just go home. I say, what? You mean you want me to drop me off at your house? She says no, lets go back to our house. So she tells me where to go, asking me if im ok all the way home. We pull up at a huge mansion.

She goes inside. I stay out in the car. Im rummaging thru it, and find a thick black leather book. I flip thru it, its filled with pictures of people and times and dates. Im baffled. I get to reading it, and start recognizing the people from that night in the book. I start reading it. What I come to find, is that its a log of my new life. It has what happens on the specifiic times and dates on every page, for every day of my life until the last. It has a description of all these new people in my life. I keep going reading, until the last page. And it has the guys contact number of who I made the deal with. I call him and explain whats going on. He laughs and says, be happy man. Its what you wanted. I cant help you anymore, youve got everything you every asked for

03-24-2010, 08:21 AM
Thats some pretty heavy stuff man..

Maybe its telling you that even if you had everything in the world you've ever wanted, you still wouldn't be happy.

Maybe it means you should just be thankful for what you have and appreciate every day that you get to live.:cool:

03-24-2010, 09:16 AM
thats what im thinkin man. the more i think about it, the more i realize i was happiest in life when I had nothin.

03-24-2010, 12:56 PM
Or its saying don't freak out when you get what you want.. pretty much you deserve it so quit crying lol. I would never be able to have a dream like this because I always realize Im dreaming and try to either do something stupid or just try to remember as much stuff as possible which always wakes me up. Its weird I can tell Im about to wake up and I try to prevent it but it happens anyways then Im pissed cuz I never get to do what I wanted to do in my dream lol.

03-24-2010, 01:13 PM
Sounds like your personal version of Click. Sounds like you just need to chill and appreciate what you do have. And congrats on the baby on the way. Make the most of it!:)

03-24-2010, 05:28 PM