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View Full Version : Had my first wreck

01-26-2003, 04:45 PM
I had my first rollover on my quad yesterday! My friend and I were riding in a dry creek bead with some pretty step cliffs and a bunch off dead trees. Well we were done riding and when we were leaving we had to go up the side of this big hill sideways to get out, well I ran over a dead tree and one of its branches wedged between my nerf bars and the rear left tire, my front end went up in the air, needless to say I rolled off the left side, the quad followed my down the hill, I got wedged between a tree and my quad, scrapped my back all up and my shoulder down to my elbow. Didn't hurt the 400 at all! It was fun...but don't necessarily want to do it again anytime soon!

01-26-2003, 04:46 PM
what don't kill you will only make you stronger :blah .

01-26-2003, 04:53 PM
:devil Pain is just weekness leaving the body:devil

01-26-2003, 04:55 PM
Pain is just weekness leaving the body
True, True...

01-26-2003, 04:59 PM
the worst wreck ive ever had: I was riding my old quad and a couple of my friends were over. If you've never been in the Houston, Texas area in the summer..... Im tellin you its HOT here...... especially since I have somewhat of a heat intolerance after it gets a certain temp here.... well we'd been riding for about 5 hrs takin turns, and I was ridin around my pasture on the little track we had and I fainted after i hit a little jump, I will tell you I was really stupid for not havin a helmet on, but I didnt have one and I was about 13 yrs old so I never had any money to buy one and my parents wouldnt buy me one either... they told me just dont kill yourself...... so if i had access to one i woulda had one on!!!!! but I hit my head and neck.. I was knocked out for about 30 min and then i got up and started walkin around in crooked circles.... I got back on the quad and started riding really slow and i rode up to my friends and asked who i was and where I was... I dont remember anything except... my friends sayin they thought i had gone crazy... of course i had a concussion, well my parents said i had togo to the movies with them and i said i didnt feel good and they thought i was fakin it so they made me go.... well i fell asleep in the theater and woke up (i dont rememeber any of this) then all i rememeber was wakin up again in my bed.... that next day I was out riding again but yet i still didnt know who i was........ I was a weird kid...... im lucky i didnt get myself killed without wearing a helmet..... now i wear one AT ALL TIMES

01-26-2003, 06:26 PM
:devil the good thing about pain, is that it lets you know that your not dead:devil

01-26-2003, 06:56 PM
thats only yur first crash how long have you had it mine was destroyed the first day

LOL JK:blah

01-26-2003, 08:25 PM
hahaha. i wreck/rolled my quad like 5 times the first day i brought it home.

01-26-2003, 08:52 PM
you are not riding unless you are wrecking

01-26-2003, 08:52 PM
That sucks!!

My first crash was when I was really young on a 93 Fourtrax 90. Me and my dad went somewhere in NJ (when it was legal!) and we stopped at the bottom of the hill (not to steep but I was little!) my dad said, "Wait at the bottom" and he went up. I got immpatiant and went up anyway. I was almost at the top and i started to spin and dug myself into a hole. And then started going back down backwards without using any brakes and my front tire hit a bump and made me steer sideways and i went sideways and started rolling. I clung on to about the first 2 rolls and it rolled about 2 times after i fell off.

01-27-2003, 08:19 AM
watch some Penguins games;). anyone see those comercials?

01-27-2003, 03:00 PM
I bought my 400 in June! I dont know why I havent wrecked yet, its not because I am not riding hard!

Ride hard or go home! <- thats so true!!

01-27-2003, 03:08 PM
i was showing off in the snow, 2fastandfurious was driving by, flicking me off, i ended up giving my bike too much juice, it slid out sideways and i went flying, but managed to throw my hands up in the air in victory when i stopped:huh :D now the right side of my handlebars rests about 0.5-1" lower than the left side, and there are 2 tears in my seat :rolleyes:

01-27-2003, 03:47 PM
I rolled mine on a hillclimb the first day I got it. Boy was that exciting:D

Krazy Kid
01-27-2003, 04:01 PM
goin bout 50 along a barb wire fence and hit a pot hole thing and flip into the fence...got scars all the wat across my back to prove it... wish it had never happened tho...:eek:

DGR Designs
01-27-2003, 04:04 PM
me too just yesterday actually lol i was roostin around on a huge 9 foot high snodrift rite (i'll have pice soon when there devloped) and there was a ditch under the drift i was on the way down for an awesome roost and came an extra 90* too far and my tire caught the ende of the ditch and i put it on top of me. my friend ashley was there tho (she was takin pics lol) and she got it off me i broke my nose and hurt my back tho. but after all that, i was still gentleman enough to lend her my jacket and give her a ride home lol. even if i did have handlebars bent at a 35* angle on one side and a broken nose lol :D
its all fun lol

01-27-2003, 04:13 PM
Man, that sucks! Did she "tend" to your needs...with a broken nose and all...you said your bars were at a 35 degree angel...your handlebar? or your handlebars...im a little confused! haha! get to feelin better! later

tell your friend Ashely I said HI! lol