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03-17-2010, 09:10 PM
ok this is what i have in my bike i have a hc pistion a motowrks exhaust a kn air filter i want to know what you guys would be the best programmer for me i dont have a dyno near here to go to so i dont know any help will be greatly appreciated i know i need one my bike pops a little and its running hotter then usual and the throttle response is a little slow any idea what programmer i should get thanks

03-18-2010, 08:19 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by draygarcia
[B]ok this is what i have in my bike i have a hc pistion a motowrks exhaust a kn air filter i want to know what you guys would be the best programmer for me i dont have a dyno near here to go to so i dont know any help will be greatly appreciated i know i need one my bike pops a little and its running hotter then usual and the throttle response is a little slow any idea what programmer i should get thanks

whats the compresion on your piston. it you are more then 12 you should run mix race gas if you are at 13 or 14 pure race gas.
the stock piston is a real good piston and and last for ever.
some off the aftermarket pistons for the ds are not the best, and you may need the full motoworks exaust, give more info on the piston and motor and altitude and the kind of racing you do this will help the other riders to give you more info.

03-18-2010, 02:23 PM
Get the PC5 DOOOOOOOOOODE! You can add the auto-tuner/02 sensor later when you got more $ and do more mod’s. You’ll see more throttle response w/the auto-tuner. For now that PC 5 has the most dyno tuning capability, and yes you will need one to initially set it up, then if you have a autotuner and add a mod you may not need another dyno-tune…that’s what PC told me anyway. We talked about this on the phone, remember? :cool:

03-18-2010, 09:53 PM
i dont race i do alot of trail riding and stuff like that and i dont need the best programmer i just need one that help me solve the little things i listed if i put the stock filter back on it dont do any of the things i said it just dont have as much bottomn end as it does with the kni dont think at least the elavation is 6600 and the pistion is a 13.5.1

03-18-2010, 09:53 PM
i dont race i do alot of trail riding and stuff like that and i dont need the best programmer i just need one that help me solve the little things i listed if i put the stock filter back on it dont do any of the things i said it just dont have as much bottomn end as it does with the kni dont think at least the elavation is 6600 and the pistion is a 13.5.1

03-18-2010, 10:56 PM
You can go to the dealer and they can richen you up a little on buds I think, lets see did you try and put the KN back on put the pink wire back together at your elevation….try that first. What gas you runnin? Whats your piston ratio?

If you change altitudes often trail riding you will have this problem again, PC 5 takes care of that so do some of the other on-the-fly I'm not familiar with.

I thought when you first put this together it was running fine did something change lately?

Your seeing a bigger pressure drop at your filter than say I would at sea level here in Charleston, SC (low country :) so you are going to get a lot of air to your piston, that and less pressure and oxygen, density, theres no telling how your AAPTS in the air box and MAP are going to repond to your pipe, piston ratio, and gas so lets experiment put the pink back together and the K&N in, let me know....then maybe a different mix of gas....I would think one with more oxygen would respond maybe.

03-20-2010, 02:09 PM
it wa sfine i just put a kn on it thats what i didnt have before thats all i changed its not running bad or anything just pops once in awhile and how do you solve the gas building alot of pressure i was riding the other day and it started leaking gas and i loosin the cap and it started spraying all over

03-20-2010, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by draygarcia
it wa sfine i just put a kn on it thats what i didnt have before thats all i changed its not running bad or anything just pops once in awhile and how do you solve the gas building alot of pressure i was riding the other day and it started leaking gas and i loosin the cap and it started spraying all over
you are runnig hot. race gas runs cooler are you puting 91 or 100 105 octane. for the kind of riding you are doing the stock piston is the way to go. there are other ways to get better bottom end. i am happy with mine on the trails. your conpresion is too hi for trails and with some aftermaket pistons you may loose power if you dont conpesate.

03-21-2010, 03:40 PM
The sensor in the airbox is the one that compensates for changes in altitude make sure it's connect and clean and that your fuel pump shuts off shortly few seconds after you turn the key on. Fuel pump operating pressure is 51 psi don't loosen the cap lol. :eek2:...hope your pressure regulator is not out. Agree that HC piston is doing no good for trail riding I thought you raced.